Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 26, 2015

Dear Families,

As you’ve probably heard from your children, Maine schools are giving the Maine Educational Assessment (MEA) for students in grades 3-8. This assessment satisfies the federal requirement under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) for Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA)/Literacy and Science.

This year’s MEA is different from its previous version, the New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP). First, the MEA includes computer adaptive tests. The adaptive tests are customized based on a student’s answers, meaning when your child answers a question the next item in the assessment will closely follow his/her skill level thereby providing a more accurate measurement of your child’s achievement. Second, the MEA includes performance tasks. In these tasks students will be given real-world problems to solve that demonstrate their thinking skills. Third, the MEA is aligned to the revised Maine Learning Results. As stated by the Maine Department of Education, these educational standards “emphasize more complex content and concepts and the development of needed real-world skills like problem-solving, collaboration, critical thinking and communication.”

The testing window for students at NCS is April 1st - May 8th. Your child’s teacher will inform you of the specific dates your child will be taking the MEA. You can help prepare your child to do his/her very best by doing the following:

  • Explain the purpose of the test.  It is an opportunity for your child to show what they have learned in school.
  • Let your child know that you consider the test important.
  • Be sure that your child gets plenty of sleep and eats a nourishing breakfast.
  • Be sure your child is at school on time.
  • Remember to ask your child about the testing at the end of each day.

At NCS we know that standardized assessment offers important and objective data to help us measure our students’ achievement. But we also know that a standardized test cannot capture what makes each of our students special - from their many academic talents to all the awesome and amazing qualities that make each one a unique human being. This test is part of a much bigger picture, and we want to assure you that we look at the whole child in our full range of programs and assessments. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or me.

Best regards,
Ann Hassett

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


NCS 7th and 8th grade students will perform "The Tempest" by William Shakespeare in the school lobby this evening at 6pm.  The troupe has been exploring Shakespeare under the direction of Daryl Hahn who returned to NCS to share her enthusiasm for arts and literature with junior high students.

Both 7th and 8th grade literacy classes have been reading "The Wednesday Wars" by Gary Schmidt.  The book is a modern day Shakespearean story written for youth, and it is this title that provided students with an introduction to Shakespeare.  

Sunday, March 15, 2015

March 16-21: Can you believe March is half over?

Things you'll want to know about this week:

Band students will attend the AOS 93 Music Festival on Monday, March 16.   The bus leaves NCS in the morning and out students spend the day immersed in music with other AOS 93 band members. That evening, the entire group will give a performance at Lincoln Academy 7 pm. This is a wonderful experience for band members. The 7pm evening concert is ALWAYS special.

It's our last week with Dave and Zoe in residence.  (Zoe is pictured above, looking back.) Students in grade 7 (pictured here performing a team building activity) will have another chance to connect with Dave and Zoe when they attend the Leadership School at Kieve in May.

This is the last week for Kieve After School Activities. Each group--Gr. 1-3, Gr. 4-6, Gr. 7-8--will have one more after school event. (Please note, Monday's after school activity for grades 4-6 is cancelled, but they will meet on Wednesday, March 18.)  GRADES 1-3 (sign-up) are Tuesday, GRADES 4-6 (sign up) are Wednesday, and GRADES 7-8 (sign-up) are Thursday.  We sincerely appreciate Dave and Zoe's presence in our school and are thankful for their commitment to NCS during the winter months.   

On Thursday morning a jump rope club for interested Grade 4-8th grade students will begin. The jump rope program will be 7:30-8:00 AM on Thursdays. More information is on the signup sheet or contact  Sign-up here:  Grade 4-8 JUMP ROPE

If you haven't had a chance to respond to the annual parent survey, please take a moment to give us your feedback:  2015 PARENT SURVEY   It is very helpful for us to have your reflections about your family's experience at NCS.  Thank you!

This week will wrap up with Nobleboro's Town Meeting on Saturday. The annual public meeting is at 10 am in the NCS gym. All town residents are welcome to attend. Special thanks to the 8th grade (and families!) for planning and offering refreshments to our community. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Kindergarten Registration & Screening for September 2015

Maine law provides that a child is eligible to be enrolled in public elementary school in the town where the individual resides, provided he/she has turned 5 years old by October 15th of that school year. At Nobleboro Central School, we are making plans for registration/screening for next year’s class.  If you, (or a family you know) has a child approaching that age, please contact the school now. We are making plans for registration day which will take place in May.

See the “FORMS and SIGNUPS” tab on the NCS website or SIGN UP FOR REGISTRATION

MESSAGE FOR THIS YEAR's KINDERGARTEN FAMILIES:  There will be no school for kindergarten on Friday, May 8th because of registration & screening. 

Signs of Spring #2

 I spy spring!

Mrs. Hassett broke out her bicycle,

and the sign reappeared.

March 13th was formerly a teacher workshop day.  It is now a student day (make-up day).

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Signs of Spring #1--NPTO plans Nobleboro Nonsense

NPTO workers are scurrying about gathering an assortment of wonderful gifts, prizes and donations for our BIG event. If you'd like to contribute a prize-donation, please let us know. Your item(s) should be dropped off at the school office within the next 3 weeks.

Your child’s classroom may also be preparing a theme-gift basket for NOBLEBORO NONSENSE.  Students will bring information home about that, and/or they’ve probably discussed it in their classrooms and can give you the theme details.

NOBLEBORO NONSENSE is a major fundraiser and community event sponsored by the NPTO. Thank you to everyone who takes a part in preparing for NOBLEBORO NONSENSE—whether you are a donor, a worker, or guests.

Mark your calendars!  You're invited to NOBLEBORO NONSENSE on Friday, April 10, 2015.   Doors open at 5pm. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Recent events and accomplishments at NCS:

After winning the NCS Geo Bee, Mara, gr. 8, took a qualifying test for the State National Geographic Bee to be held later this spring.  Mara did well on the test and has qualified for the next level. Congratulations Mara! (Pictured: Isobel and Mara, top contenders at the NCS Bee held on January 29th.) 

For awhile there, it didn't seem like we'd ever get to the 100th day of school.  We made it!   The 100th day was a fun way for students in grades K-4 to work in groups on a variety of math related activities..  

Zoe and Dave (Kieve Educators in Residence) will be with us through March 20. That means there are a few more opportunities to sign up for after school activities.   Check out the signup sheets for dates and details for your specific age group.  The activities are free.

Three music events take place between February and March. February 12 was Performance Night.   Interested students, as well as band students, performed before family and friends.   It was definitely a success!  

On March 6, sixth graders Tegan G, Quinn H., Emily M., Hayley P., Scott P. and Emma W. attended the District 3 Music Festival.  Next Monday, March 16, all NCS band students will join with area bands for the AOS 93 Music Festival.  This will be held at Lincoln Academy.

Nobleboro Central School celebrated and learned about Dental Health Month thanks to a variety of activities arranged by Nurse Lazzari.

Tooth decay is preventable. Oral diseases affect health and well-being throughout life and can be a common problem in childhood. A balanced diet, healthy snacks, daily brushing and flossing and regular dental checkups are the keys to a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.

Dr. Seuss' birthday is an opportunity for younger grades to appreciate the gift of reading.  Others had the opportunity to invite a volunteer guest reader to their classrooms through Community Read Aloud.

The NCS LIONS wrapped up a fantastic basketball season by attending a Red Claws game on February 28. Members of the Lions championship team received sweatshirts to commemorate a successful season. 
 Have a great week and remember to check our website calendar for details about the month of March. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Simple Gifts

A good night's sleep!   

A full night’s sleep affects mental and physical development in a positive way.   Children have busy daytime routines and adequate rest has a positive impact on academics. Studies show that the average amount of sleep required for 5-12 year olds is 10-11 hours(!) per night.

In addition to providing the rest our bodies crave, a good night’s sleep gives our brains time to sort and store data.  For children, this means an opportunity to retain teaching and learning that happened during the day.   

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Welcome to March at NCS!

Looking ahead, here are some of the highlights and reminders that may be of interest to your family:

Grade 3 missed a skating session last week. We'll try to make that up. In the meantime, they'll be skating again on Wednesday, March 4.

Dave & Zoe, Kieve's Educators in Residence, will continue After School Activities at NCS for a few more weeks. Dave and Zoe will be here through March 20th. It's a pleasure to have Dave and Zoe at our school for several months. Signups for After School Activities are on our website under the "Forms and Signups" tab.  Or, you can get there from here: 
It's rather hard to believe this, but local Little Leaguers are confident that spring is coming this year. If your children would like to participate in T-ball, Farm Team or Little League, signups are this month--next week, in fact. The signups for Nobleboro residents, ages 4-12, are Wednesday, March 11 or March 18th, 5-7pm.  

Grades 3, 5, 6 and 7 will visit FARMS Community Kitchen at Rising Tide in the coming weeks for hands-on cooking lessons. It's a treat for students to occasionally venture out into the community and learn in a different setting. NPTO's generosity means trips like this are possible.

This month parents and volunteers will be busy taking care of the details to ensure that Nobleboro Nonsense is a successful and fun evening (April 10th). If you'd like to help with Nobleboro Nonsense, plan to attend the next NPTO meeting on March 11. It's at 6pm in the library.

Two special music festivals will take place in March: The 6th grade Honors Music Festival is Friday, March 6th.   We have several 6th grade students attending.  Also, NCS band students will join other AOS 93 bands for a day long event on Monday, March 16. The AOS 93 Music Festival is at Lincoln Academy. Students return to LA that evening for an amazing district wide band performance.

Our Geography Bee winner, Mara (grade 8), has qualified for the Maine National Geographic State Bee to be held on March 27.  Congratulations, Mara!!!