Friday, September 28, 2018

Wwhhaatt??.....October, so soon?

It was a good week! It's hard to believe we've already been in school for a month. 

Remember, tonight (Friday, 9/28 5-7pm) STEAM student art with SUP's (single use plastics) will be on exhibit at Darrows Barn located at Round Top Center for the Arts in Damariscotta. 

Monday, October 1:  School Picture Day. You may order packages or a single class picture (a class picture comes with most packages) online at or send the paper order form to school on Monday. Please remember, the section entitled "Add-ons" may be used as a package. Ordering is optional, but everyone has a picture taken. 

Tuesday, October 2:  It's a great time of year to get out for a soccer game or field hockey game. Check the family calendar regularly.

Thursday, October 4, 5:30-6:30 pm:  OPEN HOUSE

NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, October 5 (teacher workshop day) and NO SCHOOL on Monday, October 8 (holiday).  

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Celebrating Summer Success!

Here's another reason to love September! Summer readers were recognized today for meeting their goals. Students passed in summer reading logs to Mrs. Harriman at the beginning of the school year, and they were recognized with a certificate and book bucks.

Equally important was the acknowledgement of students who participated in online summer school. Students who worked for at least two weeks received certificates from Mrs. Weeks and Mrs. Hingston. Those reaching 50% of their goal were recognized with book bucks. Anyone who met 100% of the summer school goal received a Reny's gift card too!
It was a pleasure to celebrate the hard work of young students!


The Coed Soccer team picked up a win at Vinalhaven Saturday 5-3.  The team had a great time on the trip, the weather was beautiful. 
We may have had more fans than the home team in attendance!  
Go Lions!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

September is. . .

. . . apple picking time!The kindergarten class will be on a adventure to the apple orchard on Monday, and it looks like they'll have perfect weather for a field trip.  September is also time to get back into the swing of school, learn new things, and hopefully enjoy being with each other Monday-Friday.

Did you have a chance to read a recent post about SUP's?  This Friday evening, 9/28 our very unique art will be on display at the Darrows Barn at Round Top, 5-7pm. 

School pictures are Monday, October 1st. Lifetouch flyers have been sent home with everyone. You can order online or send a check/paper order form to school that day. There are more options if you order online. It's our understanding that "Add-ons" (see forms) may also be considered as a package order. 

Thursday, October 4, 5:30-6:30 is the NCS OPEN HOUSE. We hope you'll stop by for a visit to see what your child(ren) have been doing, meet teachers and staff, and perhaps even win a prize!  No school for students on the following day, Friday, October 5th.
A reminder that FRL (free/reduced lunch) applications are due. If you were eligible last year and miss this important September re-apply date, your child's status might retroactively go back to full pay. FRL can help families with the expense of lunch and breakfast, and may also help everyone in the form of subsidies for our school. Information on FRL applications is confidential. Also, if a family's financial situation changes during the year, you are welcome to complete an application at any time during the year. Call the office if you have questions or would like a form. 

It's been such a beautiful September day. Enjoy the entire week!

Friday, September 21, 2018

A Message from STEAM

The STEAM Team in the art room had a visit from Mr. Barry Howell, the manager of the Transfer Station in Nobleboro.  He explained a lot about how things work there.  We learned that many people put wrong things in bins, so the STEAM team has made new signs to hopefully help people be less confused.  We learned that the transfer station takes organic waste (compost) and that if everyone put their organics from their trash into the right place, we could all save A LOT of money!  The students also built a plastic figure, which they hope will hold a sign!  

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. At NCS, 7th and 8th grade students are enrolled in STEAM classes. They will rotate classes throughout the year to study, experience, and/or problem solve in the areas of robotics, art, coding, drones, and culinary arts.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Look at this!

The school year has fully begun!  Some NCS students are learning about single use plastics (SUP's). As a way to share that knowledge, they are making sculptures from plastic materials that are not recycled. Take a look at this puffer fish!   Sculptures will be on display at an upcoming community art exhibit at Darrows Barn at Round Top on Friday, September 28 5-7pm. (Watch for more info about the exhibit and SUP's to be shared on our blog.)

TONIGHT!  Parents of 6th, 7th and 8th grade students should attend the MLTI parent meeting--Tuesday, Sept 11 @ 6pm in the library. This is a brief but necessary meeting. It's important that parents be part of students' technology expectations. Information and paperwork are required before junior high students can take their devices home. (A fall outing club meeting will take place in Mr. Wil's room immediately following the MLTI session for 8th grade families involved in the October outing club trip. That's at 6:30pm.)

WEDNESDAY NPTO  Would you like to help support our children's school? Nobleboro Parent/Teacher Organization is one perfect way to become involved (either occasionally or at monthly meetings). The NPTO raises funds and they help to plan/provide for special enrichment programs and events at NCS.  Right now, plans are in the works for NobleBOOro Spooktacular, an annual fundraiser. Consider putting the NPTO meeting on your calendar Wednesday, Sept 12 @ 6pm in the library. There will be food(!) While no structured childcare is planned at this time, it's okay to bring children to the meeting. If there's a need for supervision in the future, NPTO will work on providing care. Please come. NPTO is important to NCS!

While the calendar is out, here are some other dates you may want to add to yours:
  • Monday, 10/1 Lifetouch PICTURE DAY
  • DATE CHANGE (AGAIN):  Thursday, October 4, OPEN HOUSE, 5:30-6:30pm
  • Saturday, 10/13 APPLEFEST 10am-2pm, Nobleboro Historical Society's community event at NCS
We hope to see you soon at one or more of these events.