Thursday, December 8, 2022

Three ways to support NCS & NPTO

The concert is Thursday, December 15th at 6pm. We can't wait to see you there!  Our PTO has been busy making plans for that same evening:

QUILT RAFFLE:  The 7/8th grade Sewing Club made this colorful quilt!  It's going to be displayed in the lobby, and the NPTO will hold a raffle for the quilt before our concert (December 15th).  Tickets go on sale that same evening beginning at 5pm. 

Ticket Prices:

$1 each
6 for $5
An arm's length for $10
Wingspan for $20

NPTO WISH TREE: A wish tree has been set up in the lobby until our winter break. If you would like to purchase a small gift for a classroom, please take a look at the classroom wish ornaments. You may take an ornament and use it as the gift tag when returning your contribution. Gifts can be left under the tree (if they are labeled) or dropped off in the office.  

NPTO BAKE SALE:  The NPTO is holding a bake sale at the concert on December 15. If you'd like to help by contributing baked goods, please be sure to check your email or use this link:

Just a reminder:  Students performing in the concert meet in their classroom at 5:45 pm. 

Friday, December 2, 2022

Are you ready for a concert?

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! It's hard to believe we are now in Trimester 2. First trimester reports will be available on Friday, 12/9.   

Basketball season is here. Our first home game is Monday, 12/5 against South Bristol. Girls play first at 3:45; boys play at 5pm. 


THURSDAY, 12/15 at 6pm

Students should meet in their classrooms at 5:45 pm. Band students meet in the music room.

We are REALLY  looking forward to this special event. It's been too long!  (By the way, the snow date for the concert will be Wednesday, 12/21, but let's not go there. . . )

The NPTO holiday tree is up in the lobby and will be adorned with ornaments/classroom wishes. Requests are generally items such as tissues, post-its, markers, more tissues.

If you'd like to donate something to a classroom, take a look at the items listed on ornaments and remove the one you'd like to  supply. Later, leave the gift under the tree or send it in to the school office. A suggestion: Use the same ornament as a gift tag so we know who your package is intended for. The tree will be up on December 15th, concert night.