Friday, December 17, 2021

Friday, 12/17/21

 Dear Members of the NCS Community:

I am writing to inform you that we have been made aware of a TikTok challenge for today to call in bomb threats, school shooting threats, etc. at schools in the United States.  Our local law enforcement agencies, Lincoln County Sheriff's Department and Damariscotta PD, have been in communication with school administration.  They have informed us that no credible threats have been reported locally or nationally.  The Sheriff's Office is fully prepared to respond in whatever manner is appropriate if a situation were to arise.  Our staff is listening carefully to hear if any of our students are talking about this today in order to reassure them of our safety protocols, as well as remind them of the impact that social media can have.

Social media is a powerful tool often used to influence others, and not always for the good.  It is always important to remain vigilant when it involves these types of threats.  If your child is active on social media, please take time to talk to your child about the influence of social media and the potential consequences of engaging in this type of behavior.

Thank you for being a caring and responsive community, and thank you to the members of our local law enforcement groups for keeping our communities safe.

Ira Michaud
Principal of Nobleboro Central School
194 Center Street
Nobleboro, ME  04555

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Just a few notes and reminders


Lifetouch will be here on Friday, 12/17 for retakes. 

  • If you are interested in a retake and have purchased a package, you simply need to turn the package in at the time of your child's retake (and make sure your child knows about that). 
  • If you missed the first school picture day, please ask us for an order form.  
  • If you have a specific question, please contact the school office. 
In case you've been wondering about our last day before the holiday break, NCS will be having a full day of school.  Our last day of school next week is Wednesday, 12/22/21. 

Don't miss the post before this one for our lost and found video. Can you help us? Or, do you recognize these? . . . . 

Do you recognize anything here?


Thursday, December 9, 2021

Holiday Cheer!

NCS students bring joyful music to staff and residents of Lincoln Home. 

Reminder:  Lifetouch RETAKES are Friday, December 17. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


The public vote on the 2022-2023 AOS #93 budget and the Interlocal Agreement will be held at Great Salt Bay School on Dec 22, 2021, at 6pm.  In order to vote you must attend in person and check in with the appropriate town clerk.  Masks will be required. The meeting will be live streamed for viewing only (not voting) on the AOS 93 YouTube channel.  Please note- this is NOT voting for or against individual school budgets. The Interlocal Agreement explains our structure for combining our seven towns into AOS #93.  The proposed budget and Interlocal Agreement can be found HERE

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Opportunity to Give

During this pre-holiday season, the sixth grade is organizing a food and personal items drive. We are providing these goods for the Ecumentical Food Pantry as well as a homeless shelter nearby.


Soup, cereal, pasta, tuna, apple sauce, rice etc.

Soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, deodorant, combs, etc.


- Send your items to school with your child 

- Donate during drop-off or pick-up at the front circle

- Bring items to the box near the front door (during the school day).




Wednesday, November 17, 2021

November--Change is in the air!

The 8th graders participated in an International Peace Poster Contest. It is a great opportunity to use art to raise awareness of the importance of peace. The students learned about different nationalities and flags and had the added challenge of using no letters or words on their posters. The theme this year was WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. 

This contest was sponsored by the Damariscotta Lions Club, a service organization that contributes wonderful things to our community.  All entries were well done, but there were 3 winners from the 8th grade: 

  • 1st place:  Josh W 
  • 2nd place:  Skyler K
  • 3rd place:  Phin H  
Congratulations to all participating students!

Lifetouch Pictures:  Picture retake day has been scheduled for Friday, December 17. If you are interested in a retake, save your current picture envelope. Your student can turn the package in to the photographer on retake day. 

Parent/teacher conferences are underway and will wrap up next week. To see if there's an available time for you, please check PARENT TEACHER SIGN UP LINK. You may choose to meet in person or remotely with your child's teacher:

Trimester 1 ends next week on November 23. Watch for notification of T1 grades shortly thereafter.

Have you noticed a recent change in weather?  Chilly days ahead!!!!  Be sure your child is equipped with appropriate outerwear for the day. (I think it may be time to pull out gloves, mittens, hats too.) 

Thank you to all students who jumped in to help spread woodchips on the playground. We're loving the upgrade!

SAWYER, JAXON, RYDER, MARY (to name a few)    
A reminder:   Applications are due Nov 19 (THIS FRIDAY!) for the CLC YMCA Giving Tree and/or the Minnehata Fire Company Toy Drive. You may deliver your completed forms directly to the Y and Nobleboro Town Office or send them in to the school office by Friday morning.  See this Nobleboro Community Link for details. 

We have a very short week ahead (Mon 11/22 & Tues 11/23) before everyone takes a break for Thanksgiving (11/24-11/26). 

Monday, November 8, 2021

It's a short week for students


A reminder to parents:  November is parent/teacher conference time. We hope you will sign up for a meeting with your child's teacher(s). You may schedule a conference in person or remotely.  Please follow this link:  PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCE SIGNUPS

This is a short week for students (Monday-Wednesday):  

  • Thursday we'll take a break to observe Veterans Day

  • Friday is a professional development day for teachers. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Basketball Season begins soon!


NCS Basketball pre-season practices will begin on or around November 15. Games are scheduled to begin December 6.  

Basketball will include 6-8 grade students this year. All players must have a current physical (dated within 2 years) on file at school to participate.  

More information--coaches, game/practice schedule, Covid guidelines--will be shared soon.  Please contact Mrs. York with any questions. 


Go Lions!

Monday, November 1, 2021



November is traditionally Parent/Teacher conference time at NCS.  This year you'll have an option of meeting in person with your child's teacher or connecting remotely. Conferences fall on specific dates between November 16 and 23. See this link for the available times for "your" teacher(s) and please sign up.


You may have heard from your child's teacher with more specifics (and the same link).  Signing up here or through your teacher's notification works for us. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Tree of Giving

The CLC YMCA is promoting an annual community-wide Tree of Giving program this holiday season. If your family would like to participate--by donating or completing an application--please read the details on the links below:

Forms are available through the school office. PLEASE NOTE:  The deadline for applications is Friday, November 19th. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

This Week's News

FALL SPORTS: The NCS soccer team played their season finale Monday in playoffs against St. George (with plenty of team spirit from the crowd). The score was tied 0-0 through DOUBLE overtime, and we went into penalty kicks to break the tie. What an exciting game! St. George won, 4-2, but the NCS coach says she couldn't be more proud of the Lions' effort.

Scoring for NCS were Kadin and Josh. Lilly and Josh did an excellent job defending the goal against St. George. Special recognition goes out to Jacob for his impressive defensive play as sweeper; he really set the team up for success with his ability to read the field and support the defense.

Congratulations to the WHOLE TEAM on a great season, especially the 8th graders who really gave it their all! Thanks to EVERYONE for your support of the team this season. Go LIONS!


is Monday, October 25. Your child(ren) should have brought home order forms for the new date. Or, check your email for information about ordering online. All students have their picture taken regardless of whether or not you choose to purchase a package.

CHESS CLUB resumes in November! Students in grades 3-8 are welcome to be part of the NCS Chess Club. Participating in the club provides a great way to learn the game at all levels. Whether you are a future Grand Master or you've never played before, you're welcome here! The first meeting (an organizational meeting) will be in Mr. Parcher's room on Thursday, November 4 from 2:40 to 3pm. After that, regular chess club meetings are on Thursdays from 2:40 to 3:40. If we have a large number of interested players, we will split the meetings into two sessions. There is a signup sheet outside Mr. Parcher's room.

Watch for upcoming posts with information about other happenings at NCS: A cheerleading club for Gr 3-5 students will meet on Mondays in November. A Gr 6-8 sewing group meets on Thursdays for several weeks in October/November too.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

What a beautiful autumn day!

Do you remember yesterday's weather? What a great day for a trip over to Vinalhaven!

The Lions soccer team picked up a win at Vinalhaven with a score of 2-0. We had many shots on goal, but could only get 2 to go in--and that was enough! 

Jacob scored our 2 goals and Harris was our goalie for the game. He did a great job with few saves.  

Playoffs begin next week. 


Sunday, October 3, 2021

Chillier Weather in the Air!

Students and staff noticed a change in temperature at the end of last week. Because we all spend time outdoors almost every school day and also have plenty of fresh air coming through the building, please take care that your child comes to school in comfortable clothing. Layers work great at this time of year!

NCS is looking for both a boys and girls basketball coach.  Basketball season will begin mid-November and goes through January. The teams usually consist of gr 6-8 students, depending on the participation numbers. Coaches are paid a stipend for the season. All coaches must go through a background check and fingerprinting through Maine DOE. If you (or anyone you know) is interested, please reach out to Athletic Director Michelle York via email.    

The Lions Coed Soccer team continues to play hard. They recently put on the best defensive effort yet this year! Most recently we faced two challenging teams, Hope and Bristol. Goalies Josh, Lilly and Logan made many saves and Lilly stopped a shot on a penalty kick which was awesome! Jacob scored 2 goals, one from a cross--an assist from Phin on the right side of the field. Jozie and Neptune get extra recognition for going all out for the team. Our next game is home on Monday, October 4 vs. St. George.  Go Lions!

Are you interested in receiving weekend backpack food?  If so, please complete this link.  DETAILS/SIGN UP for WKEND BACKPACKS  (If your situation changes during the school year, let the school office know.)

Reminder: The flu shot clinic is Wednesday, October 6. If you signed up, be sure Nurse Kayla has your child's form ahead of time. 

Grade 4 returns to Hidden Valley for outdoor learning on Friday, October 15 (Raindate: Tuesday, 10/19)

The 8th grade fall Outing Club trip is October 15-17.

CAL travels to the WW&F Narrow Gauge Railway on Tuesday, October 19.

School photos are October 25. Updated order forms were passed out on Friday.  

We have two 4-day school weeks and a nice l-o-n-g weekend coming up! No school for students on Friday, October 8 and Monday, October 11 is a holiday for staff and students.   Enjoy some family time! 

Friday, September 17, 2021

Things we love about September . . .


What do we love about this time of year?   The weather (well, most days) and fall sports are just two things to enjoy during September.   

The NCS LIONS played their first soccer games this week:

  • We had a 5-3 WIN against an impressive South Bristol team on Tuesday. Lilly and Logan defended our goal. Goals were scored by Josh, Jacob and Gage. It was our first game, so we learned a lot about what we need to work on, but the kids had fun and it was exciting! 

  • Thursday afternoon our team was defeated by Bristol 4-1, but it was also a great game.  Harris and Logan took turns in the goal, and we had many impressive stops. Jacob scored our only goal with a long shot from the outside corner. 

Next week the soccer team will play at Jefferson on Tuesday, and we're back home vs. Hope on Wednesday.   GO LIONS!  

Grade 3 FARMS Cooking

Lions gear will be available through an online store this year. NCS will offer a window for each time the store is "open."  Right now, the store window is open until October 2.  After that date, the live link will close and all orders will be filled. We can open it up later in the school year and possibly one more time before the holidays. The school store link>>>>

SPEAKING OF OCTOBER. . . School picture day has been rescheduled to Monday, October 25. Lifetouch will send us updated reminders and/or forms and they'll go home with your children after they are received. 

Grade 4 HVNC

Also in October, a flu vaccine clinic will be offered to staff and students. Parents, check your email for details and reply by 9/24 if you are interested.   

The weekend backpack program is starting up soon.  Follow this link for more details or to sign up:   WEEKEND BACKPACK PROGRAM

Grade 4 HVNC

Grade 4 students had an opportunity to learn at Hidden Valley Nature Center on this beautiful September day!

Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Welcome back to NCS!

It's a pleasure to be back at school together! We are busy getting to know new students and new staff as well as reconnecting with the rest of our school community. 

A family calendar is on the NCS website homepage which includes sports and other events. NCS WEBSITE  Here are a few highlights coming up:

9/10/21:    Gr 3 meet Senior Buddies 

9/13/21:    Soccer games begin 

9/15/21:    Gr 8 Outing Club Parent Meeting (6pm)

9/17/21:    Gr 4 outdoor learning at Hidden Valley Nature Center (Rain date for this is the following Tuesday, 9/14)

9/22/21:    School Pictures  Lifetouch will be here Wednesday morning, 9/22. All students have their photo taken, and families may order packages. Your child should have brought home an order form for your review. If you would like to order school pictures, please return the form by 9/22. (If you did not receive a form, let us know.  563-3437 or

School meals are free to all students in 2021-2022. Students may pick up a breakfast on the way in to school in the morning, and the lunch routine has been established within classrooms. Your child may get a meal on any school day.  A menu appears on our website under "parent resources" LUNCH MENU

The morning drop off and afternoon dismissal is settling into a routine. A message regarding the morning drop-off: Once within the front circle, please pull ahead in the line before your child gets out of your vehicle. For safety, we ask that students get out of vehicles once you are in the area between Mr. Michaud and the flagpole.

Thank you to everyone--students, families and staff--for helping to make this year start off smoothly.


Sunday, August 15, 2021

Fall Sports Information

NCS Coed Soccer (gr 6-8) starts Monday, August 30th.  The first two weeks of 
PRACTICES are on the school website calendar Look for the GAME SCHEDULE under the school's sports tab.

For all participants:
  • be sure to have a current (within 2 years) physical on file at school 
  • Powerschool online registration must be completed. 
  • Wear cleats and shinguards and bring a mouthguard and filled water bottle to practices.
If you have questions, please contact Athletic Director Michelle York

FIELD HOCKEY: Great Salt Bay School is hosting the AOS93 Field Hockey team this year. The team is open to girls in grades 6-8 in all AOS93 schools. Contact Mrs. York if your daughter is interested in playing field hockey. 

CROSS COUNTRY and GOLF:  Please contact Michelle York if your 6-8th grade student is interested in cross country or golf so that Mrs.York can contact you with more information when it becomes available.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

June 9: A busy day at NCS!

Grade 8 prepares for 8th grade promotion celebration.  Hooray for the class of 2025!  We celebrate your accomplishments and are wishing you the BEST in high school.   

Kindergarten-Grade 2 activities including bike skills. Special thanks to the Bike Coalition of Maine!

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Welcome to the last week of this 20-21 school year!

8th grade outing club trip

  • Monday June 7, 2021 Grade 8 Rafting Trip, departs at 6am, returns at 6:30pm.

  • K-2 Special Activities Wednesday morning, June 9.

  • 8th Grade Promotion Celebration June 9th @ 5pm outside (rain date: 6/10). The event will be held outdoors. 8th grade families are asked to let Mrs. Stiles know how many guests will attend.

  • June 11: Step-up and Field Day

  • LAST DAY OF SCHOOL: Friday, June 11, dismissal at noon.

Summer School begins July 6, 2021. Letters have gone out to families who have chosen to sign up for in person summer school. Please sign and return the form. For those who have signed up for online support, information will go home this week.

As this school year draws to a close I want to say thank you to teachers, students and families. I have told many folks I would not have taken an interim position any place but NCS and I really mean it. NCS is a very special community. Thank you for welcoming me, thank you for supporting me, thank you for working with me to provide the best possible learning experience during “the year of covid” for NCS students. It has been a great six months. I am excited to turn the reins over to Mr. Michaud. I am sure he will do an amazing job.

I look forward to subbing next year.

Sharon A Sperry

Interim Principal

Friday, May 28, 2021

Memorial Day Weekend!

Memorial Day:

  • celebrate freedom
  • honor those who gave their lives in pursuit of our safety and freedom--and also families who lost loved ones. 
Next week:  Grade 2 Salt Farm trip, grade 6 to Hurricane Island, 2nd outing club trip, the last Chess Club meeting, baseball/softball and, or course, school continues. 

Grade 2 tie-dye masks drying in the sunshine

We look forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday, June 1 after the long weekend.  

Friday, May 21, 2021

May Daze

On Monday we headed into a busy yet successful week as students balanced work and MEA/NWEA testing, sports, fundraisers and plenty of sunshine! 

The May 14, 2021  "PK-12 and Adult Education Public Health Guidance" from the Maine Department of Education includes numerous changes and updates for Maine schools to consider. 

Next week all AOS 93 schools will no longer require students to wear masks or maintain prior social distancing requirements during outdoor classes and recess. 

This is a significant change for all of our students and staff. The change of operating procedures is supported by our school nurses and principals. Although some area schools may not implement this change to their face covering protocols because there is so little time remaining in this school year, we believe it an important step to take in approaching a more normalized school experience for our students and it also follows CDC recommendations. 

Eighth grade fundraising efforts have concluded. We're grateful to many NCS families and the community for helping to make these projects a success.  Raffle prizes will be drawn on Saturday, May 22.  We hope you'll get a call from the 8th grade! 

Grades 4, 7, 8 and CAL have trips coming up during week of 5/24-5/28.  Outing Club group #1 will also be heading off on a backpacking adventure on Friday, 5/28. Softball and baseball games continue this week--GO LIONS.  

It's a busy time of year. Be kind to yourselves by also scheduling in some good rest!

Take care,  

Have a nice weekend. Stay focused!


Friday, May 14, 2021

May 14, 2021

How wonderful it is to see softball and baseball games and chess club all happening after school this spring. A year ago we were struggling to teach a few remote lessons and put learning packets together. Now, every day of sunshine and watching students running + playing + laughing = joy.

We jump into NWEA testing next week, 5/17 through the end of May. Important ways you can encourage your children and prepare for NWEA:

  • Get plenty of rest
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Come to school ready to do their best

Keep an eye out for 8th grade RAFFLE SALES this Saturday morning, May 15 in front of the Nobleboro Historical Society building. (The 8th grade is hoping you'll stop to buy tickets on your way to the transfer station.) Another great opportunity to purchase tickets: Monday-Friday, May 17-21 during/after dismissal. Table(s) will be set up by the playground gate. You can pull through the bus circle, pick up your students, and then pull to the side of the lot to park and view prizes.

Grade 8 students have been busy preparing for end of the year activities including their promotion celebration on Wed, June 9 (rain date June 10). The raffle is just one of the ways they have been raising funds for this "season" before they transition to high school.

Teachers will be recommending students for summer school soon.  Summer school dates are Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursdays, July 6-August 5. The Learning Library will be available to families this summer. Math and reading will also be offered this year. Details will follow.

A few trips are planned between now and June 11--the 8th grade outing club, 6th grade to Hurricane Island, gr 2 to Rachel Carson Salt Pond Preserve, Hardy Boat trips are also scheduled and appear on the NCS FAMILY CALENDAR

Enjoy the weekend sunshine! 

Friday, May 7, 2021

May 7, 2021

It happened this week. Did you notice? Trees and fields are exploding with GREEN!   Here in Lincoln County, the month of May is a joyful turning point.  Having journeyed through several months of cold, then damp weather (mixed with some sunshine) suddenly. . . voila!  The earth is alive with color and fragrance. One day, you head outdoors and EVERYTHING has popped with green; nature shouts, “hooray for life!”  May is definitely a month of hope!

Within school, there are plenty of similar signs:

  • A child stops at the office to say he loved science class, and his smile makes us thankful for that teacher's lesson and the way it must have been delivered.

  • When junior high kids convince me to add their current literacy book to my own summer reading list. 

  • When any teacher calls a parent to share something about their student--whether good or sometimes not so great---it’s just nice to see that adults (parents and teachers) care. 

  • When the phone rings for what seems like the hundredth time (an exaggeration) and I stumble over the word “Noble-bubble-boro” but your voice at the other end makes me very thankful for our families. 

  • A first-grade student skips down the hall in the morning and he is still skipping in the afternoon. He explains that he is the class messenger this week, and he takes his job seriously.

Certainly, we are all tired of masks and eating apart and many other hurdles that have been thrust upon us recently, but here at school there is still much to appreciate. 

Several things are coming up:

  • Grade 8 will host a fundraising raffle of prizes. Photos of available prizes will be shared soon, along with the tickets for the raffle. Watch for a table at home games and during the week of May 17-21 (during dismissal).  Families can drop their tickets into the prize bags.

  • Please read this letter about MEA testing at NCS during May:  MEA/NWEA letter

  • The jr.high baseball and softball season is underway! Games are listed on the FAMILY CALENDAR We realize that there are all kinds of conflicting messages out there about masks. You need a mask outdoors/you do not need a mask outdoors.  NCS has done so well keeping students in school that, for now at least, we will continue to require masks at sporting and other outdoor events if you are less than 6 ft apart. If you are with your own pod members, you may be without a mask.

  • Grade 6 heads to Hurricane Island later this month, the first of two outing club trips are on the calendar, plus a field trip or two. Check the FAMILY CALENDAR regularly.

Finally, the last day of school for students has moved a few times but now it's settled: Friday, June 11.  Dismissal is at noon.  Between now and June 11 we will have lots to learn and experience. Enjoy your weekend and see you next week.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

NCS v. BBY home game cancelled 5/4/2021

 It's a bit of a disappointment, but today's baseball game is cancelled.  The NCS baseball team will practice today immediately after school. We'll prepare for Thursday's game!!!


Friday, April 30, 2021

I hope everyone had an amazing April vacation and that you are all refreshed and ready for the final weeks of school. Remember, the last day of school for students is Friday, June 11th.

April was poetry month and students have been busy writing haiku, limericks, acrostic poems and much more.

The first baseball home game is on Tuesday, May 4 vs. Boothbay. Next Thursday, May 6 both baseball and softball teams will play at GSB.

Our final NWEA testing happens during May. Teachers will let you know when their class is testing. Please be sure your child(ren):

  • Get plenty of rest

  • Eat a good breakfast

  • Are encouraged to take their time; do their best

  • When your child comes home on a testing day, have some fun together:  go for a walk, play a game or have a snack. Find ways to thank your child for doing his/her best work.

If you are aware of any kindergarten students residing in Nobleboro who need to enroll at NCS for September,  please encourage parents to give Mrs. Courville a call or go to our website and complete the pre-registration form: