Friday, April 30, 2021

I hope everyone had an amazing April vacation and that you are all refreshed and ready for the final weeks of school. Remember, the last day of school for students is Friday, June 11th.

April was poetry month and students have been busy writing haiku, limericks, acrostic poems and much more.

The first baseball home game is on Tuesday, May 4 vs. Boothbay. Next Thursday, May 6 both baseball and softball teams will play at GSB.

Our final NWEA testing happens during May. Teachers will let you know when their class is testing. Please be sure your child(ren):

  • Get plenty of rest

  • Eat a good breakfast

  • Are encouraged to take their time; do their best

  • When your child comes home on a testing day, have some fun together:  go for a walk, play a game or have a snack. Find ways to thank your child for doing his/her best work.

If you are aware of any kindergarten students residing in Nobleboro who need to enroll at NCS for September,  please encourage parents to give Mrs. Courville a call or go to our website and complete the pre-registration form:

Friday, April 16, 2021

Enjoy April Vacation Break

Everyone has been working so hard since February break. February until April is a very focused learning time and it shows. I love going into classrooms and hearing students read and hear the progress they have made. After April, the time will fly.

You have now all received letters regarding the seventh and eighth grade closure. It is very important to remember that we will tell you what we can, but we are very mindful of privacy laws. I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for keeping students home for sore throats, colds and flu-like symptoms.

On Monday the NCS Board approved an after-school chess club. Chess Club will begin Thursday, April 29, after school for grades 3-8, 2:40-3:40pm. A permission slip is required. Parents should wait in the circle for students to come out of the building after chess club. The School Board also approved fund-raising by the eighth-graders for their eighth grade trip. Grade 8 students will be working over vacation on their fundraising plans.

We are asking all NCS families to be very, very careful during the break. Please wear a mask  and social distance. Contact Nurse Kayla if you have any questions or concerns about what you need to do, especially if traveling out of state. Anyone traveling outside New England is subject to testing and/or quarantine guidelines. Visit Maines Travel Guidelines or call Nurse Kayla. 

Important reminder, please screen before coming to school. If your child is having any symptoms of illness, has had a covid test that came back negative and still having symptoms, please keep your child home. We are looking out for everyone's safety.

Have you seen the email announcing the new NCS Principal? We welcome Mr. Ira Michaud to NCS!

Have an amazing break. We look forward to welcoming you all back after the spring vacation!

Warm regards,


Friday, April 9, 2021

Dear NCS Families,

April showers bring May flowers. The March reading kites are giving way to oodles of poetry. This month’s challenge is a writing challenge as April is National Poetry Month. 

A few questions arose this week regarding local schools and COVID. Rest assured, if NCS had to notify a class, or the entire school, we would be doing so. I take the safety of all students and staff very seriously.  Thanks to the CDC and HIPPA, we have guidelines to rely upon. We have an excellent emergency plan that we will use if we need it, however, with your help we may be able to make it through June 11th: 

  • Keep students home that are sick

  • Notify Nurse Kayla if you have concerns

  • Be very, very careful over spring break

  • Continue to wear masks; social distance

  • Above all, call the school and ask if you have a question

Although it’s a modified season, we are having softball, baseball and archery, thanks to Mrs. York.  It was so much fun on Monday to stick my head out the door and see our junior high athletes practicing. Please remember that COVID rules all still apply. Only students and staff are allowed in the building. On practice days, please line up in the circle and wait for students to be dismissed. When we do have games, masks must be worn and social distance must be adhered to. 

Please, please everyone do you part so we can continue to have in-person learning at NCS.  Have an amazing weekend!    --Ms. Sperry

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

April 25 Literary Theater Event (sign up in advance)


Midcoast Literacy will be presenting a Readers Theater Performance, streamed online, on Sunday, April 25th at 4:00pm. The event - which will be held over Zoom - will feature local professional actors performing two children's books: DOCTOR DESOTO by William Steig and TODAY I WILL FLY! by Mo Willems. The event will last around 45 minutes altogether. The books (if you aren't familiar with them) are both elementary grade kids books with many fun characters that the actors will be bringing to life; they’d be great for students in grades K-4. Families interested in attending need to sign-up in advance, which they can do through our website at

Friday, April 2, 2021

In like a lion, out like a lamb; April showers . . .


Wooossshhhh!  And, there goes another month. . . 

NCS students have wrapped up the March Reading Challenge. Grade 2 and Grade 7 tied in meeting and surpassing their classroom goals. Great work! Special recognition:  

  • Gr 6--Claire W 
  • Gr 5--Reed P 
  • Gr 4--Autumn V; Otis S; Hunter S 
  • Gr 3--Riley C; Soley B 
  • Gr 2--Ivy P; Michaela H; Judson H 
  • Gr 1--Amelia P 
  • K--Sarah C; Siena B; and Laila L. 

Congratulations to everyone who participated. Your extra reading efforts make you true winners in our estimation!

Jr. high baseball and softball season begins Monday, 4/5/21. Please check the school website calendar for specific days and times Our advice: check the calendar regularly since practices and game tend to change, due to weather, etc.  Any spring athletes interested in the team should attend the practice on Monday 3pm-4:30.  Questions? Contact Mrs. York, our Athletic Director.

Younger children interested in playing spring baseball or softball can sign up with Little League. Tomorrow is the last day to register. See the COMMUNITY LINK for more information.

NCS Archery Club is underway and is proving to be a popular activity on Friday afternoons.  

The 8th grade will travel to Kieve on Monday, 4/5 and they'll be back at school for dismissal.  Dress in layers and plan to be outdoors.

Happy Easter! Enjoy your weekend. So long, March. . . bring on April!