Friday, December 22, 2017

Early Dismissal on 12/22

Because of weather predictions, school will dismiss at 11:30 am today.   We will proceed with dismissal directions given by families at the beginning of the year for early dismissal unless we hear otherwise this morning by email or phone.  

Best wishes!   Have a safe, friendly and restful holiday break. . . 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

We are LOVING that fluffy, white stuff. . .

Granted, not everyone embraces the snow, but most of the kids love to get outdoors after lunch for some fresh air and fun. Yesterday, for instance, the fluffy white stuff turned into the perfect medium for rolling HUGE white sculptures.  Kids of all ages enjoyed the scene. They couldn't wait to get back out to the playground today!

Perhaps this is a perfect time to mention that students should come to school prepared for the weather. Snowpants, boots, hats, mittens are appropriate gear to fully enjoy winter weather. The happiest snow-time recess periods occur when everyone can participate!

The 2017 Parent Survey is still accepting responses. If you haven't taken time to share your thoughts, we hope you will take a few minutes now to complete the survey.  We hope to have input from all families. 

Thursday, December 14, 2017

We're preparing for our guests!

Everyone's ready for tonight's Winter Arts Festival! Families, we hope you'll join us for a special NCS seasonal event. The "Winter Birds" (pictured above) are preparing for a visual arts performance. All K-gr 5 students should be in their classrooms at 6pm.  Band and Senior Chorus meet in the music room to warm up at 6pm.   The program begins at 6:15 pm.   

The NPTO book fair is open just before and after the concert.   If you are here beforehand, we hope you'll enjoy the student art on display in the halls.   

Thank you for helping to make this a wonderful occasion for students!

Grade 6 students continue to collect spare change for their Heifer International service project. They wish to help struggling families in Asia and Africa (an area of study within their class).   You'll find a donation jar in the lobby until December 22. If you are interested in making a contribution, thank you!  Checks may be made payable to NCS.

We DO APPRECIATE your time in completing the 2017 PARENT SURVEY.  Your thoughts and feedback are valued. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

2017-2018 Parent Survey

Parents and guardians:   Please take a few minutes to give us feedback about your family's thoughts about our school.   2017-2018 PARENT SURVEY

Student Message

Donate today!!!
The sixth grade class is raising money for the Heifer Project. The Heifer Project is an organization that is using the money they collect to buy animals for poor people all over the world. Some of the animals that are going to be purchased with the money they raise are chickens, goats, sheep, and also ducks to name a few. The animals are used to get food like meat, eggs, and milk. Those families will also be making  profits by selling animals and eggs. Please donate what you can! We will have cans set up around the school for you to put spare change in during  the next few weeks. Thanks for the donations, 6th grade!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Here's your INVITATION to the WINTER ARTS FESTIVAL/concert to be held on Thursday, December 14 at 6:15 pm!  

K-5 students meet in their classrooms at 6pm.  Band and Sr. Chorus students warm up in the Music Room at 6pm.  The Arts Festival/Concert is a special event for students, and it's our pleasure to share seasonal performances with friends and families that evening. 

The NPTO book fair will be arriving soon. It will be open next week, 12/11-12/15 immediately before and after school.

Trimester 1 grades go out this Friday, December 8.   Parents of K-4 parents should initial and return the report card envelope.  A gentle reminder that we must hear from you (by 9am) if your child will be late or absent on any school day.   

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Zooming Along!

From the archives: Artist, Trevor B

Winter sports have officially begun! The next home game is Wednesday, 11/29 vs. Bristol (girls play first at 3:45). Game dates are listed on our website, SEE THE FAMILY CALENDAR, and game information is updated there regularly.  BUSLINE LEAGUE SCHOOL ADDRESSES can also be found under the Sports tab.

Do you have these important dates on your calendar?  Thursday, December 14 is the WINTER ARTS FESTIVAL (concert) at 6:15 pm. We hope you'll be here to enjoy performances by all grade levels. In addition to choral and band performances, students will share in visual arts and movement. Plan to spend an hour with us that evening.

Thanks to the NPTO, the WINTER BOOK FAIR will be held in the library that same week (just 2 weeks away?!?!?!) on Monday, December 11-Friday, December 15 immediately before/after school. It will be open the evening of December 14 too.

Soon, you'll notice that the NPTO WISH TREE is up in the lobby. In addition to lighting up the entrance in a seasonal way, the wish tree is decorated with "ornaments" listing specific needs from classrooms, etc. If you'd like to fulfill one of those wishes, you're welcome to take an ornament and use it for a gift tag on the gift. Simply return that gift to the office before the winter break.

NO SCHOOL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 FOR STUDENTS.  Friday is a professional development day for teachers.  Friday, December 1 is also the last day of Trimester 1.  Report cards (K-4) and online reports (5-8) are available the following Friday, December 8.  

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

AOS 93 Information--Budget Meeting Dec 11

Notice:  the AOS Budget Meeting will be held at Great Salt Bay School, 559 Main Street, Damariscotta, Maine at 6:30 pm on December 11, 2017 for the purpose of determining budget meeting articles.  See this LINK for WARRANT      And also, CLC AOS Proposed FY19 Budget

Thursday, November 16, 2017


A favorite tradition during the autumn season is our Thanksgiving dinner. The NCS Community Thanksgiving Celebration may be a new experience for some younger families. We're pleased to be able to invite families of our K-4 students to join us for a special meal. 

This year's menu includes turkey, stuffing, vegetables, squash and potatoes from Spears Farm, whole grain dinner rolls, cranberry or apple sauce. Families donate the desserts or cider. You may drop desserts off this afternoon or before school on Friday (if possible).

1st grade gourds
Part of the fun and excitement of planning a special event actually happens with the preparation. Students have created beautiful seasonal table decorations, the 8th grade class helps with set up, still others will be serving our guests. This cooperative effort all comes together right before K-4 families arrive! 

Another tradition that comes soon after Thanksgiving Break (11/22-11/24) is the Winter Arts Festival/Concert to be held on Thursday, December 14 at 6:15 pm. All students in grades K-5 participate along with Jr. and Sr. Bands and Sr. Chorus. 

The NPTO Book Fair will be open before/after school during the same week, December 11-15 (including Thursday evening).  Summer readers, your book bucks are worth cash at the book fair! 

Basketball season is upon us! The first game is a home game vs. St. George on Monday, Nov. 27 at 3:45 (boys play first that day). Game information appears on the NCS FAMILY CALENDAR. This calendar is updated regularly to keep you informed about scheduled/rescheduled games and practices.  GO LIONS!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Kindergarten students experiment with texture

LIONS APPAREL FORMS are due. Mrs. York is taking orders through Thursday, November 9th. Order forms went home with students a couple weeks ago. If you need a new one, here's the link:  LIONS GEAR FORM

The NCS COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER is next week! K-4 parents, have you received your invitation? Here are the details for our meal:  THANKSGIVING FEAST INVITE & DETAILS  K-4 parents should RSVP by Friday, November 10. 

Friday, November 10th is Veterans Day.  There is no school on Friday in observance of the holiday.

PICTURE RETAKES are Monday morning, November 13.  If you are interested in retakes, your child should bring the original LIFETOUCH package to school and turn it in to the photographer. If you missed picture day, please request an order form. All students and staff should have had a photo taken, regardless of whether or not you intend to purchase a package. NOTE: We have contracted with Lifetouch to be able to simply order "add-ons" as a package (online and paper). This means, you have the option to purchase a smaller package and/or a class picture without purchasing the more expensive packages.  FMI, go online at  Our picture day ID: LG077218Q1.

We've had a great response for parent/teacher conferences which begin next week and continue through 11/21. If you have been procrastinating, there are a few slots left and we encourage you to sign up!  CLICK HERE FOR INDIVIDUAL TEACHER CONF. SCHEDULES

Basketball season begins today! GO LIONS!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Giving Tree (yes, it's almost the season!)

For the second year in a row, the Central Lincoln County YMCA is partnering with local schools and organizations to help families in our community who might need a little extra assistance this holiday season. We are hoping to help spread the word and encourage families who could use some support putting presents under the tree to take part in the YMCA’s Holiday Tree of Giving’s simple!

You can find a short application in the NCS lobby, at the YMCA, and at other community buildings, or contact Mrs. Weeks to have one sent through email or regular mail. In this application you fill out information that will help provide each child in your family with up to 2 gifts (1 want and 1 need). The YMCA will have these gift requests anonymously hanging as an “ornament” on a tree in their lobby for community members and organizations to take, fulfill and return to the YMCA. Once returned, the YMCA will contact you directly.

All applications to participate in this program will be kept confidential and can be returned to the school or the YMCA. The application deadline is November 15th.

Families who are looking to contribute and help fulfill wishes are encouraged to visit the YMCA lobby for ornaments from the Tree of Giving.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

We're back!

Wow! Doesn't it seem like a long time has passed since Friday night's successful NPTO event? Thanks to the NPTO and many volunteers for planning and creating a wonderful FUNdraising event. 

The eighth grade students are working on peace posters. See the excellent example above! The winners will be announced on November 10.

Here are some items to add to your November calendar:

Parent/Teacher conference times are approaching. If you have not yet scheduled yours, please take a minute to do that now by choosing the link that pertains to your child(ren):  SIGN UP FOR A CONFERENCE HERE

On Monday, November 6 Grade 1 will be on a field trip. Information has gone home from the classroom.

Basketball Preseason Tryouts begin Wednesday, November 8. Girls are at 2:45 and Boys are at 4:30 pm.

Chess Club begins Thursday, November 9 in Mr. Parcher's room 2:40-3:40 pm.

NO SCHOOL Friday, November 10--VETERANS DAY

Picture Retakes are Monday morning, November 13.  Please send your package back to school to hand in at the time of retakes.   If you missed school pictures, this is the time to do it.   Ask for order forms at the office or go online at  Retake flyers will be sent home; new order forms are at the office, if needed.

Tuesday, November 14, 6 pm NPTO meets in the library.

Friday, November 17th is our Thanksgiving Feast. Details to follow.   

If you are interested in providing the AOS school system with 

Friday, October 27, 2017

Happy Friday--and beyond!

Today's photos are from the Summer Reading celebration.

The Boosters are selling NCS LIONS apparel.   Forms went home today.  If you'd like to purchase sweats, T's, caps and gear, now is the time to do it.  All orders are due by November 9th.  LIONS WEAR GEAR HERE

Hooray for Pumpkin Day!  Next week, Wednesday November 1 is Pumpkin Day for students in Grades K-4! Morning classes and group stations will focus on seasonal activities and academics. (Parents, we don't dress up on 10/31 or 11/1 at school.  Please save costumes for outside-of-school events; we'll be busy having fun with pumpkins at school.)
It pays to read all year long!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

From the art room kiln---Pumpkins! READ ON. . .

The NCS CHESS CLUB is commencing its 2017-2018 season!  The first organizational meeting is Tuesday, October 31 2:40-3pm.  Thereafter, meetings will be on THURSDAYS beginning November 9, 2:40-3:40 pm.  Chess Club is open to interested students in grades 3-8, regardless of experience!  Students should sign up on the sheet by Mr. Parcher's room.   

Basketball tryouts and preseason dates are now on the school calendar for Jr. High basketball season. Tryouts are November 8 and 9th. Grade 6-8 students interested in an optional gym were invited to play today, Wednesday, Oct. 25 and next Tuesday, Oct. 31 2:30-4pm.  GO LIONS!

For families of K-4 students:  Here's a link that supports our new Bridges Math program:  K-4 FAMILY MATH LINK  You can also access this link from the school's webpage. (See the parent resource link.)

Nurse Diane Lazzari is being proactive in preparing for the cold and flu season! NCS will offer a flu vaccine clinic for STUDENTS on Wednesday November 15 from 9am to 11am. Permission forms and information sheets were sent to families by email today. Please return the permission form by NOVEMBER 8 if you would like your child to receive the flu vaccine here at school. Grades K,1,2,3 and 4 must have a parent or grandparent present that morning for the vaccine administration. Nurse Diane can be contacted directly if you have questions:

Have you signed up for your child's parent/teacher conference in November?   Here is the link to connect you to individual teacher conference dates and to see the remaining times that are available for each class. This page, by the way, can also be found under "parent resources" on our website, and THIS LINK WILL TAKE YOU THERE.  Once there, click on the appropriate link to sign up for your conference.

Finally, don't forget!   NobleBOOro Spooktacular is Friday at Duck Puddle Campground, 5-8 pm. If you have signed up for desserts, you can drop them at school on Thursday or Friday. NobleBOOro's Spooktacular will have games, activities, food, a costume parade for children, and a prize raffle fundraiser too!  

Friday, October 20, 2017

A look back AND looking ahead to a new week!

Congratulations to the Pumpkin Run participants for finishing the run!  The runners challenged themselves to do their best and everyone went home with a pumpkin. The following students placed in the top 10:

  • GIRLS:  1st Ashly C; 2nd Maddy M; 3rd Bronwen C; 8th Chantel Mask
  • BOYS:  4th: Chase C
Way to GO LIONS!

Next week Lifetouch picture packages will be going home.

Wednesday, October 25 has been planned for Safety Day.  Weather permitting, we'll be practicing evacuation, so please don't be alarmed if you're passing the school. If the weather doesn't cooperate, it will be scheduled for another time.

NobleBOOro Spectacular is coming up on Friday, October 27.  This new fundraising event is being offered by our NPTO and it sounds like fun.  

Enjoy another beautiful autumn weekend!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

October Thoughts

Parents, have you scheduled a parent teacher conference for your children?  Parent teacher conferences will be held in mid November. You can sign up electronically.   SIGN UP FOR PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES 

NPTO meets this evening (October 11) at 6pm at Duck Puddle Campground.  Then, on October 27, Duck Puddle Campground will be the scene for the first annual NobleBOOro Spooktacular! Parents, check your email for more details.   NobleBOOro Parent Help CLICK HERE      DESSERTS? CLICK HERE

We're heading into the playoff season for fall sports.  The weather's been lovely and we hope you'll come to a game!  See the NCS webpage for dates/times.  (Check often, sports events are sometimes subject to change.  The webpage is the first place to go for the latest information.)

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Open House: Thursday!

Thursday evening, October 5
Classroom visits: 6-6:25 pm
followed by a short assembly in the gym.

Have you been to a game this year? 
NCS soccer and field hockey teams are having a successful fall season! In addition to these two teams, we have students participating in golf and cross country.  We're heading into playoff season soon. If you'd like to take advantage of this gorgeous weather, come to a game and cheer for our team. Schedules for both the field hockey and soccer teams are on our NCS home page.  FIND GAME SCHEDULES HERE GO LIONS!

Have you seen the new Counselor Connection newsletter?
In September's edition Chelsey Weeks, school counselor, shares helpful tips for parents. Last month's issue offers ideas for supporting student success. The newsletters will be offered on the NCS School Counseling link found on our website:  SCHOOL COUNSELOR LINK (By the way, this link has a lot of information about school in general). And, here is a link to take you directly to the  SEPTEMBER newsletter .

Reminder: No school for students Friday, October 6 and Monday, October 9.

One more thing:  8th grade familes, please read the post below for information about a family night coming later this fall at Lincoln Academy.   

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

INVITATION: 8th Grade Family Night at Lincoln Academy

Families interested in choosing Lincoln Academy are invited to the LA campus on Wednesday, November 1 for 8th Grade Family Night. The evening will begin with a welcome in the LA Dining Commons at 6:30 pm. Prospective students and their families will hear an overview of Lincoln Academy's programs, tour the campus, and meet faculty representatives in an Open House format in the LA gym. Questions about 8th Grade Family Night should be directed to the LA Guidance Office at 563-3596 ext. 125 or 128.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Welcome to Autumn 2017 at NCS!

Tues 9/26 @ 10 am
Kindergarten to apple orchard

Wed 9/27 @ 6pm
NPTO meeting at Duck Puddle Campground
This is to plan for the upcoming NobleBOOro Spooktacular on 10/27. Parents welcome!
Thurs 9/28 8:30am
Gr 5-8 attend Conservation Fair
Students must bring a bag lunch from home (or order one from the kitchen ahead of time)
Sat 9/30, 10am-2pm
Nobleboro Historical Society hosts, an annual community event for all ages.
Mon  10/2, 8:30
Info has been sent home. All students are photographed when Lifetouch comes in the fall, but you are not required to purchase photos. Packages should arrive home before the holidays.
Thurs 10/5, 6-6:30pm
Welcome! Visit school with your children to learn about their day. Visit classrooms 6:00-6:25pm, followed by a brief assembly for all families at 6:25.
Fri 10/6
NO SCHOOL for students
Staff Development Day
Mon 10/9
Thurs 10/12
PLAYOFFs begin
Soccer & Field Hockey schedules are on the NCS Family Calendar
Fri 10/13-10/15
8th Gr Outing Club Trip

Fri 10/27 5-8pm
NobleBOOro Spooktacular
NPTO’s family event at Duck Puddle Campground
11/16, 11/20, 11/21
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Sign up for a conference at Open House~
Autumn is beautiful!

Friday, September 15, 2017

School Tips for Families

The following procedures are offered to help students, families, and staff start each day with minimal stress. 

DISMISSAL or BUS NOTES:   It's best to provide the school with any changes in your child's dismissal plan first thing in the morning, by 9 am.  It seems early, but this provides us with the opportunity to be sure the right people know what will be happening at the end of the day. Call, email or send a note to school with your child (563-3437 or

AFTERNOON PICK UP:   If your child is to be picked up at dismissal, allow a few minutes before 2:30 to sign the book at the office window. This will mean we can call all students promptly at 2:30 before buses and help you get on your way.

ABSENCES, TARDY INFORMATION:   Please let the school know by 9 am if your child will be tardy or absent. 

Several people have expressed an interest in purchasing lion's pride gear--sweats, t-shirts.  Good news! We expect to offer these items during the fall. Information to follow.

Here are some dates to put on your calendar:

SCHOOL PICTURE DAY:   Monday morning, October 2 Lifetouch will be here for school portraits. Packages may be purchased online or via the form that was recently sent home with all students.  

Our official welcome, the OPEN HOUSE is Thursday, October 5 at 6:00 pm.  Plan to visit classrooms 6:00-6:30, with a brief assembly in the gym at 6:25. Winners of the lobby challenge will be announced at the assembly. 

NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 6 (workshop day) and Monday, October 9 (holiday).

Our school collects BOX TOPS for EDUCATION and FLIP TOPS (from cans), and you're welcome to leave either in the containers in the lobby. The flip tops are delivered to Ronald McDonald house as a service project.  The box tops help with student activities.

Nobleboro Historical Society's annual event, APPLEFEST, is Saturday, September 30th and our 8th grade students will be helping to serve both NHS and the community at the event. 

By the way, today's photo is from the 8th grade art class. (Perhaps you recognize one of the hands in the photo.) They've been talking about PEACE and creating peace posters. They say that the word WAR in Sanskrit means  "I want more cows!"  Let's end this blog with, "We hope you'll have a peaceful weekend!"

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

We're back!

WED, 9/6/2017 Today's sports--soccer and field hockey games, golf and cross country practices--are all cancelled this afternoon due to weather.   Please expect your athletes to come home according to their regularly scheduled Wednesday afternoon plans.

We hope the first week of school was a success for your family!   Here is some helpful information:
  • Homework Club will begin next week on Monday, 9/11/2017.  Students in grades 5-8 may stay for homework club on any Monday, Tuesday and Thursday throughout the school year from 2:40-3:40 pm. They should be picked up at school at 3:40 on those days.
  • Sports, meetings and other school events are posted on the NCS Family Calendar which appears on the NCS home page.  This is a good resource!
  • 8th grade families participating in the fall Outing Club trip should plan to attend a meeting in Mr. Williams' room on Thursday, 9/7/2017 at 6pm.
School lunch business:   Schoolbucks letters will be going home this week. If you are new to NCS, you'll receive an access code to set up a school bucks account. You may use this to pay for school meals online (there's a small bank fee to do that) or you may send lunch money directly to school with your child.  Even if you opt to pay at school, it's wise to set up the account and keep track of your child's balance.   Meals should be paid for in advance.   

If you completed a FRL application for free or reduced meals, watch for the resulting letter with your child this week.  If your child was able to take advantage of free or reduced meals last year, please remember that you MUST complete an application this year by mid September.  Applications are confidential and available through the office.   More information about paying for meals, etc. is in the NCS Student Handbook available online on our webpage/parent resources.

In case you're wondering, the pictures were taken in Mrs. Workman's class--toothpick art, grade 3.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Are you just about ready?

It's almost here!  You can tell that August is winding down. The days are warm but by evening the cool air moves in, one sign that a new school year is about to begin. The first day for everyone at NCS (K-grade 8) is WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30th. The day begins at 8am. 

Things to accomplish between now and August 30th:

  • Complete your child's online registration for 2017-2018.  Actually, this must be done BEFORE school begins. Parents, if you have not attended to this, this is a reminder. Help is available, if needed, but please do not wait until the last minute.
  • K-GR 4 ICE CREAM SOCIAL is Monday, August 28 at 6pm
  • Summer readers, it's time to find your log. Be sure to bring it to school 8/30-9/1, and turn it in to Mrs. Harriman or let her know if you completed it online. Summer Reading Details
  • Check the bus schedule on our website or in this week's LC News.  Please allow extra time for the first couple weeks of school until the schedule settles into a predictable pattern. Students of young children (K-grade 3) must have an adult waiting at the stop in the afternoon. If a 4th grade student is getting off at home without a parent at the stop, we must have permission; contact the school.
  • Let the office know if your child will take a bus to an alternate stop--daycare, etc.--in the afternoon. 
  • Get plenty of rest before your school week actually begins.
  • August 30th:  Jump out of bed, eat breakfast, head to school and have a great first day!
The school is shiny, clean and just about ready for 2017-2018. We look forward to Wednesday when the halls will be full of life and chatter again!