Monday, May 28, 2018

Marching right along!

It's hard to believe that we're at the other end of Memorial Day weekend!

This week will be very short for Mrs. Stewart's kindergarten class. Her regular K class will be at school on Tuesday and Wednesday only, and then they're off for another long weekend. No regular kindergarten class on Thursday 5/31 or Friday 6/1. Thursday and Friday are kindergarten registration days.

Tuesday 5/29 begins the spring playoff season for softball and baseball. A softball quarterfinal home game vs. Medomak is scheduled to begin @ 3:45.  Meanwhile, our NCS/JVS baseball team will be playing an away game @ 3:45 at Medomak.  GO LIONS!

On Friday, June 1....Grade 2 & 3 play (That's always a treat!)

Parents, it's time to think about summer reading and the variety of ways you can support the academic growth that all children have accomplished this year. Summer provides a welcome change of pace for everyone. Making plans now to incorporate a regular quiet time into the rhythm of your vacation days is a wise strategy! If you missed the previous blog, please take a look at it and consider the age appropriate options that we offer to help families keep those young brains active.  Look back at the Tuesday, see May 15 post

Looking ahead to the following week: June 4 begins a busy time with classes heading in different directions. More about that to come, but in the meantime, you may just want to take a glance ahead at the NCS family calendar. Family Calendar

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

It's not too soon to plan ahead!

2018 NCS Summer Learning Institute

     All K - 7  students (entering 1-8) are invited to participate in summer learning experiences.  There are several ways to do this!

  There will be a celebration and NCS Book Buck rewards for participants who have successfully completed any of the summer learning opportunities below!

ALL K - 7 NCS students are encouraged to participate in our annual: 
NCS Summer Reading Challenge

It’s easy! Students set a summer reading goal with their teachers and record their progress through the summer. Upon return to school in September, they turn in the record sheet to Ms. Harriman, our librarian. If they’ve met their goal and passed in their summer reading form on time, they win an invitation to a celebration and NCS BOOK BUCKS (redeemable at NCS/NPTO book fairs.

A number of NCS students will be nominated by their teachers or parents to join our:
NCS Online Learning Institute

Students use Aleks or IXL for math practice and/or Lexia (during a six-week period: 6/25-8/3.) Your child can practice anytime and anywhere there is access to a digital device and the internet. Parents and teachers can nominate students for online learning. NCS staff will monitor student progress through the summer. As with the Summer Reading Challenge, students who participate regularly and make progress in online learning will be invited to a celebration and receive NCS BOOK BUCKS.

Families in grades K- 5 can sign up for our weekly:
NCS Lending Library Program

This is an opportunity for families to continue growth and momentum with their young readers throughout the summer. Studies show that even 20 minutes of daily reading at the appropriate level ensures continued success and prevents setbacks when school resumes in September!
On Mondays-Thursdays 8am-12pm, from June 25-Aug 2, students (accompanied by an adult) can stop by the NCS Library and borrow a book from our beautiful Leveled Literacy Intervention kits. The books are organized from level A (kindergarten) - level W (5th grade.) Families will be asked to sign up to be part of the Lending Library Program. Reading tutoring is also available by appointment. Books can be logged for the Summer Reading Challenge!

It’s time to sign up!!

Friday, May 11, 2018


Our 8th grade students wrap up their week at Kieve's Leadership School today. What great weather they've had for that adventure!

Next week:
  • Monday, 5/14 @ 5:30 pm: Grade 6 Parent Meeting about Hurricane Island 
  • Monday, 5:30 pm: School Board 
  • Baseball, softball and track routines return to a more normal sports schedule. Always check the website for sports changes.
  • PARENTS, PLEASE REMEMBER:   Friday, May 25 is a FULL STUDENT DAY. The 25th was originally scheduled on the school calendar as a workshop day, but we DO have school that day (to help compensate for some of the cancelled school days during winter. You may be thankful for that decision, come June!)

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Spring Festival of Arts!

Enjoy the art exhibit.
Listen to music.  
Visit the book fair.
Go home happy.