The 2022-2023 school year is almost here! We hope you're getting excited about school. We look forward to seeing everyone next Wednesday, August 31 at 8am.
Here are a few things to have ready NOW:
- Parents, be sure your child(ren)'s Online Registration is completed by Monday, 8/29. Here's the link: Once you have logged in, look for the arrow/box icon (top right), click on that and choose the registration link. If you need help with your username or PW, please contact the school office. We can help!
- The NCS student handbook has lots of new information and appears under parent resources STUDENT HANDBOOK
- All K-4 families are invited to the K-4 Ice Cream Social on Monday, August 29 at 6pm.
- If you need a device to wrap up your online registration (noted above), the NCS office will be open during the ice cream social. Please stop by.
- NEW bus information. ESTIMATES of the bus schedules are listed under parent resources on the NCS webpage. BUS RUNS Bus 41 will be driven by Kim. Bus 42's driver is Abbie. Please allow extra time at your stop for the first two weeks of school until any irregularities are smoothed out.
PLEASE NOTE A CHANGE to Bus 42's route: It will begin at Glendon Rd, turn onto Upper East Pond Road/Eugley Hill, turn right on East Pond Road/turn at the Jefferson line and then straight down East Pond Road from the Jefferson line to Route 1. The balance of the run remains the same.