Wednesday, November 17, 2021

November--Change is in the air!

The 8th graders participated in an International Peace Poster Contest. It is a great opportunity to use art to raise awareness of the importance of peace. The students learned about different nationalities and flags and had the added challenge of using no letters or words on their posters. The theme this year was WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. 

This contest was sponsored by the Damariscotta Lions Club, a service organization that contributes wonderful things to our community.  All entries were well done, but there were 3 winners from the 8th grade: 

  • 1st place:  Josh W 
  • 2nd place:  Skyler K
  • 3rd place:  Phin H  
Congratulations to all participating students!

Lifetouch Pictures:  Picture retake day has been scheduled for Friday, December 17. If you are interested in a retake, save your current picture envelope. Your student can turn the package in to the photographer on retake day. 

Parent/teacher conferences are underway and will wrap up next week. To see if there's an available time for you, please check PARENT TEACHER SIGN UP LINK. You may choose to meet in person or remotely with your child's teacher:

Trimester 1 ends next week on November 23. Watch for notification of T1 grades shortly thereafter.

Have you noticed a recent change in weather?  Chilly days ahead!!!!  Be sure your child is equipped with appropriate outerwear for the day. (I think it may be time to pull out gloves, mittens, hats too.) 

Thank you to all students who jumped in to help spread woodchips on the playground. We're loving the upgrade!

SAWYER, JAXON, RYDER, MARY (to name a few)    
A reminder:   Applications are due Nov 19 (THIS FRIDAY!) for the CLC YMCA Giving Tree and/or the Minnehata Fire Company Toy Drive. You may deliver your completed forms directly to the Y and Nobleboro Town Office or send them in to the school office by Friday morning.  See this Nobleboro Community Link for details. 

We have a very short week ahead (Mon 11/22 & Tues 11/23) before everyone takes a break for Thanksgiving (11/24-11/26). 

Monday, November 8, 2021

It's a short week for students


A reminder to parents:  November is parent/teacher conference time. We hope you will sign up for a meeting with your child's teacher(s). You may schedule a conference in person or remotely.  Please follow this link:  PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCE SIGNUPS

This is a short week for students (Monday-Wednesday):  

  • Thursday we'll take a break to observe Veterans Day

  • Friday is a professional development day for teachers. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Basketball Season begins soon!


NCS Basketball pre-season practices will begin on or around November 15. Games are scheduled to begin December 6.  

Basketball will include 6-8 grade students this year. All players must have a current physical (dated within 2 years) on file at school to participate.  

More information--coaches, game/practice schedule, Covid guidelines--will be shared soon.  Please contact Mrs. York with any questions. 


Go Lions!

Monday, November 1, 2021



November is traditionally Parent/Teacher conference time at NCS.  This year you'll have an option of meeting in person with your child's teacher or connecting remotely. Conferences fall on specific dates between November 16 and 23. See this link for the available times for "your" teacher(s) and please sign up.


You may have heard from your child's teacher with more specifics (and the same link).  Signing up here or through your teacher's notification works for us.