Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Tree of Giving

The CLC YMCA is promoting an annual community-wide Tree of Giving program this holiday season. If your family would like to participate--by donating or completing an application--please read the details on the links below:

Forms are available through the school office. PLEASE NOTE:  The deadline for applications is Friday, November 19th. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

This Week's News

FALL SPORTS: The NCS soccer team played their season finale Monday in playoffs against St. George (with plenty of team spirit from the crowd). The score was tied 0-0 through DOUBLE overtime, and we went into penalty kicks to break the tie. What an exciting game! St. George won, 4-2, but the NCS coach says she couldn't be more proud of the Lions' effort.

Scoring for NCS were Kadin and Josh. Lilly and Josh did an excellent job defending the goal against St. George. Special recognition goes out to Jacob for his impressive defensive play as sweeper; he really set the team up for success with his ability to read the field and support the defense.

Congratulations to the WHOLE TEAM on a great season, especially the 8th graders who really gave it their all! Thanks to EVERYONE for your support of the team this season. Go LIONS!


is Monday, October 25. Your child(ren) should have brought home order forms for the new date. Or, check your email for information about ordering online. All students have their picture taken regardless of whether or not you choose to purchase a package.

CHESS CLUB resumes in November! Students in grades 3-8 are welcome to be part of the NCS Chess Club. Participating in the club provides a great way to learn the game at all levels. Whether you are a future Grand Master or you've never played before, you're welcome here! The first meeting (an organizational meeting) will be in Mr. Parcher's room on Thursday, November 4 from 2:40 to 3pm. After that, regular chess club meetings are on Thursdays from 2:40 to 3:40. If we have a large number of interested players, we will split the meetings into two sessions. There is a signup sheet outside Mr. Parcher's room.

Watch for upcoming posts with information about other happenings at NCS: A cheerleading club for Gr 3-5 students will meet on Mondays in November. A Gr 6-8 sewing group meets on Thursdays for several weeks in October/November too.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

What a beautiful autumn day!

Do you remember yesterday's weather? What a great day for a trip over to Vinalhaven!

The Lions soccer team picked up a win at Vinalhaven with a score of 2-0. We had many shots on goal, but could only get 2 to go in--and that was enough! 

Jacob scored our 2 goals and Harris was our goalie for the game. He did a great job with few saves.  

Playoffs begin next week. 


Sunday, October 3, 2021

Chillier Weather in the Air!

Students and staff noticed a change in temperature at the end of last week. Because we all spend time outdoors almost every school day and also have plenty of fresh air coming through the building, please take care that your child comes to school in comfortable clothing. Layers work great at this time of year!

NCS is looking for both a boys and girls basketball coach.  Basketball season will begin mid-November and goes through January. The teams usually consist of gr 6-8 students, depending on the participation numbers. Coaches are paid a stipend for the season. All coaches must go through a background check and fingerprinting through Maine DOE. If you (or anyone you know) is interested, please reach out to Athletic Director Michelle York via email.  myork@aos93.org    

The Lions Coed Soccer team continues to play hard. They recently put on the best defensive effort yet this year! Most recently we faced two challenging teams, Hope and Bristol. Goalies Josh, Lilly and Logan made many saves and Lilly stopped a shot on a penalty kick which was awesome! Jacob scored 2 goals, one from a cross--an assist from Phin on the right side of the field. Jozie and Neptune get extra recognition for going all out for the team. Our next game is home on Monday, October 4 vs. St. George.  Go Lions!

Are you interested in receiving weekend backpack food?  If so, please complete this link.  DETAILS/SIGN UP for WKEND BACKPACKS  (If your situation changes during the school year, let the school office know.)

Reminder: The flu shot clinic is Wednesday, October 6. If you signed up, be sure Nurse Kayla has your child's form ahead of time. 

Grade 4 returns to Hidden Valley for outdoor learning on Friday, October 15 (Raindate: Tuesday, 10/19)

The 8th grade fall Outing Club trip is October 15-17.

CAL travels to the WW&F Narrow Gauge Railway on Tuesday, October 19.

School photos are October 25. Updated order forms were passed out on Friday.  

We have two 4-day school weeks and a nice l-o-n-g weekend coming up! No school for students on Friday, October 8 and Monday, October 11 is a holiday for staff and students.   Enjoy some family time!