Friday, May 28, 2021

Memorial Day Weekend!

Memorial Day:

  • celebrate freedom
  • honor those who gave their lives in pursuit of our safety and freedom--and also families who lost loved ones. 
Next week:  Grade 2 Salt Farm trip, grade 6 to Hurricane Island, 2nd outing club trip, the last Chess Club meeting, baseball/softball and, or course, school continues. 

Grade 2 tie-dye masks drying in the sunshine

We look forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday, June 1 after the long weekend.  

Friday, May 21, 2021

May Daze

On Monday we headed into a busy yet successful week as students balanced work and MEA/NWEA testing, sports, fundraisers and plenty of sunshine! 

The May 14, 2021  "PK-12 and Adult Education Public Health Guidance" from the Maine Department of Education includes numerous changes and updates for Maine schools to consider. 

Next week all AOS 93 schools will no longer require students to wear masks or maintain prior social distancing requirements during outdoor classes and recess. 

This is a significant change for all of our students and staff. The change of operating procedures is supported by our school nurses and principals. Although some area schools may not implement this change to their face covering protocols because there is so little time remaining in this school year, we believe it an important step to take in approaching a more normalized school experience for our students and it also follows CDC recommendations. 

Eighth grade fundraising efforts have concluded. We're grateful to many NCS families and the community for helping to make these projects a success.  Raffle prizes will be drawn on Saturday, May 22.  We hope you'll get a call from the 8th grade! 

Grades 4, 7, 8 and CAL have trips coming up during week of 5/24-5/28.  Outing Club group #1 will also be heading off on a backpacking adventure on Friday, 5/28. Softball and baseball games continue this week--GO LIONS.  

It's a busy time of year. Be kind to yourselves by also scheduling in some good rest!

Take care,  

Have a nice weekend. Stay focused!


Friday, May 14, 2021

May 14, 2021

How wonderful it is to see softball and baseball games and chess club all happening after school this spring. A year ago we were struggling to teach a few remote lessons and put learning packets together. Now, every day of sunshine and watching students running + playing + laughing = joy.

We jump into NWEA testing next week, 5/17 through the end of May. Important ways you can encourage your children and prepare for NWEA:

  • Get plenty of rest
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Come to school ready to do their best

Keep an eye out for 8th grade RAFFLE SALES this Saturday morning, May 15 in front of the Nobleboro Historical Society building. (The 8th grade is hoping you'll stop to buy tickets on your way to the transfer station.) Another great opportunity to purchase tickets: Monday-Friday, May 17-21 during/after dismissal. Table(s) will be set up by the playground gate. You can pull through the bus circle, pick up your students, and then pull to the side of the lot to park and view prizes.

Grade 8 students have been busy preparing for end of the year activities including their promotion celebration on Wed, June 9 (rain date June 10). The raffle is just one of the ways they have been raising funds for this "season" before they transition to high school.

Teachers will be recommending students for summer school soon.  Summer school dates are Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursdays, July 6-August 5. The Learning Library will be available to families this summer. Math and reading will also be offered this year. Details will follow.

A few trips are planned between now and June 11--the 8th grade outing club, 6th grade to Hurricane Island, gr 2 to Rachel Carson Salt Pond Preserve, Hardy Boat trips are also scheduled and appear on the NCS FAMILY CALENDAR

Enjoy the weekend sunshine! 

Friday, May 7, 2021

May 7, 2021

It happened this week. Did you notice? Trees and fields are exploding with GREEN!   Here in Lincoln County, the month of May is a joyful turning point.  Having journeyed through several months of cold, then damp weather (mixed with some sunshine) suddenly. . . voila!  The earth is alive with color and fragrance. One day, you head outdoors and EVERYTHING has popped with green; nature shouts, “hooray for life!”  May is definitely a month of hope!

Within school, there are plenty of similar signs:

  • A child stops at the office to say he loved science class, and his smile makes us thankful for that teacher's lesson and the way it must have been delivered.

  • When junior high kids convince me to add their current literacy book to my own summer reading list. 

  • When any teacher calls a parent to share something about their student--whether good or sometimes not so great---it’s just nice to see that adults (parents and teachers) care. 

  • When the phone rings for what seems like the hundredth time (an exaggeration) and I stumble over the word “Noble-bubble-boro” but your voice at the other end makes me very thankful for our families. 

  • A first-grade student skips down the hall in the morning and he is still skipping in the afternoon. He explains that he is the class messenger this week, and he takes his job seriously.

Certainly, we are all tired of masks and eating apart and many other hurdles that have been thrust upon us recently, but here at school there is still much to appreciate. 

Several things are coming up:

  • Grade 8 will host a fundraising raffle of prizes. Photos of available prizes will be shared soon, along with the tickets for the raffle. Watch for a table at home games and during the week of May 17-21 (during dismissal).  Families can drop their tickets into the prize bags.

  • Please read this letter about MEA testing at NCS during May:  MEA/NWEA letter

  • The jr.high baseball and softball season is underway! Games are listed on the FAMILY CALENDAR We realize that there are all kinds of conflicting messages out there about masks. You need a mask outdoors/you do not need a mask outdoors.  NCS has done so well keeping students in school that, for now at least, we will continue to require masks at sporting and other outdoor events if you are less than 6 ft apart. If you are with your own pod members, you may be without a mask.

  • Grade 6 heads to Hurricane Island later this month, the first of two outing club trips are on the calendar, plus a field trip or two. Check the FAMILY CALENDAR regularly.

Finally, the last day of school for students has moved a few times but now it's settled: Friday, June 11.  Dismissal is at noon.  Between now and June 11 we will have lots to learn and experience. Enjoy your weekend and see you next week.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

NCS v. BBY home game cancelled 5/4/2021

 It's a bit of a disappointment, but today's baseball game is cancelled.  The NCS baseball team will practice today immediately after school. We'll prepare for Thursday's game!!!