Library Ninja Bunnies |
Grades 6/7 and CAL went to Kieve this week. Little by little, step by step, we are working our way to a bit more normalcy. Archery began for students in grades 7-8 after school on Friday. We are going slowly and carefully. NCS has come so far we do not want to take a step backwards. Special thanks to the parents whose students have had runny noses and sore throats for keeping your children home. With masks. social distancing and hand washing we have had far fewer absent students this year. Thanks, families, for helping us keep NCS covid-free!
Please don't eat the donuts! (CAL art project) |
NCS welcomed two new students this week, one student in grade eight and one in grade six.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to our kites that are flying all around NCS in celebration of our March reading challenge.
We have been loving this weather and we especially love being able to get outside regularly.
As spring season unfolds,
everyone seems to be thinking about what sports are possible for our students and for local families. Karl's Kids is a local outreach program that helps to provide sports equipment to local families, if needed. Here's a link with more information about Karl's Kids. http://karlskids.org/apply/
Be sure to add some fun family activities to your weekend. See you all on Monday!