Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Give me a K!

It's time for Nobleboro families to contact school if you have a child who will enter kindergarten September 2021.  Contact us by any of these methods:

Sam Pierce, our NCS/KIEVE educator in residence, organized a day for junior high students to attend school for a day at Kieve.  What a treat!  Grades 6, 7 and CAL (Center for Alternative Learing) each attended last week. Grade 8 will be heading over to Kieve for a day very soon. 

Friday, March 26, 2021

March 26

Library Ninja Bunnies    

Grades 6/7 and CAL went to Kieve this week. Little by little, step by step, we are working our way to a bit more normalcy. Archery began for students in grades 7-8 after school on Friday. We are going slowly and carefully. NCS has come so far we do not want to take a step backwards. Special thanks to the parents whose students have had runny noses and sore throats for keeping your children home. With masks. social distancing and hand washing we have had far fewer absent students this year. Thanks, families, for helping us keep NCS covid-free!

Please don't eat the donuts!
 (CAL art project)

NCS welcomed two new students this week, one student in grade eight and one in grade six.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to our kites that are flying all around NCS in celebration of our March reading challenge.

We have been loving this weather and we especially love being able to get outside regularly.

As spring season unfolds, everyone seems to be thinking about what sports are possible for our students and for local families.  Karl's Kids is a local outreach program that helps to provide sports equipment to local families, if needed. Here's a link with more information about Karl's Kids.   http://karlskids.org/apply/ 

Be sure to add some fun family activities to your weekend. See you all on Monday!

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! It has been so much fun watching students learn the Irish Jig.  We've also had lovely rainbows with pots of gold and leprechauns decorating the hall and the office. (Check out the previous post for leprechauns dancing.)

No school for students on Thursday and Friday, 3/18-3/19. NCS teachers will be hard at work on Thursday and Friday.

KEEP READING!!! Kites are flying everywhere at NCS in honor of reading month. We have been having a lot of fun reading, listening to songs about reading in the morning and watching kites fill the school. 

The second trimester has ended and report cards will be out on the 22nd. 

Have an amazing long weekend with your children! See you all bright and early Monday morning, March 22,2021. ---Ms. Sperry

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Enjoy a LONG weekend!

Friday, March 12, 2021

Dear NCS Families

We celebrated lots of spirit during “Spirit Week” at NCS. Hopefully everyone had fun. Today we are really all about NCS! It is so nice to see.

We are pleased to welcome many of our remote learners back to in-person school.

Everyone is totally enjoying this wonderful weather, but oh! the mud! So please send in an extra set of clothes for your student(s). Looks like next week will be cold again. This is Maine weather for sure!

I am delighted to inform you that the amazing Nobleboro School Board supported the following at the March 8 meeting:

  • 6th grade Hurricane Island trip

  • 8th grade Outing Club trip

  • Archery after school

  • Modified spring sports schedule

We are very slowly and carefully working toward normal. We know we still need to mask up, social distance and not share items, but we are thrilled to be moving forward.


  • No school for students Thursday and Friday, March 18-19.

  • Trimester 2 ends March 12. Trimester 2 grades come out the 22nd of March.

  • Spring Forward … remember to set your clocks ahead Saturday night at midnight!

Have an amazing weekend, see you Monday and happy St. Patrick's Day on March 17th.

--Sharon Sperry

Friday, March 5, 2021

March 5 Info for Families

Thursday and Friday I got to hear the sixth grade persuasive speeches. They certainly persuaded me! It was wonderful to see how much these students have grown as writers. I was fortunate to have subbed for Mrs. Courand when this class was in grade 4, so it was a joy to see they really knew how to "hook" their audience, write a five paragraph essay and build a compelling argument. Way to go, grade 6!

Mr. Williams recently shared an interesting CNN article about sleep during the COVID pandemic, especially for children. The stress everyone is feeling is playing havoc with sleep. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends:

  • 10-13 hours of sleep for students 3-5 years of age
  • 9-12 hours of sleep for students 6-12 years of age
  • 8-10 hours of sleep for teens
Not getting enough sleep can impair cognition, cause irritability and in the long term may be a cause of diabetes and heart disease. It is very important that you be consistent with bedtime routines.
  • Start winding down an hour before bedtime
  • Read, do a puzzle, tell stories, or writing in a journal can stop our minds from racing about the day
  • Keep screens--all screens--out of the bedroom (putting cell phones away may at first be a disappointment, but many older students feel liberated, more mindful and get much better sleep when their phones are left in a bucket on the kitchen table)
  • Create an environment that is conducive to sleep: dark, cool and cozy
  • Try not to eat or drink one hour before bedtime
  • Try meditation or calming music
Most importantly, stay on the lookout for signs that your child is struggling.  If you have other questions about sleep, CNN has a newsletter series, Sleep, but Better.

On Thursday the Kindergarten turned into "Wild Things" thanks to Mrs. Harriman and Where the Wild Things Are. I was delighted when all the K's startled me as very wild things.

Next week is SPIRIT WEEK at NCS!  The (updated) themes are:
  • Monday:  CRAZY HAIR DAY
  • Tuesday:  MULTIPLES (twins, groups of three, four or more)
  • Wednesday:  FAVORITE TEAM
  • Thursday:  MISMATCH
  • Friday:  SCHOOL SPIRIT

Thank you all for doing your part to keep NCS safe and open.   Have a great weekend!

  -Ms. Sperry

Tuesday, March 2, 2021


 Dear NCS Families and Community,

We ask you to share your thoughts as the search for the next NCS principal begins.  Please take a moment to consider what you feel is important in this position.  You can help us by completing this short survey:

Principal Survey

Thank you!