Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Welcome Back!!!!

2nd grade cardinals

We are delighted to welcome four students back to NCS as in-school learners this week! It's almost March and time for another exciting challenge! March is National Reading Month, so guess what? We are having a reading challenge. Each teacher will set a classroom goal. Our readers will log their accomplishments by hanging a kite at school. Each class that reaches their goal will receive a prize; the class exceeding its goal by the largest amount will get a special treat. There will also be a prize for the most decorative kite.

We encourage you to read with your children. I also encourage you to model reading. Just ask your child's teacher to send home a kite or two; you can fill one in for each book you read, too. We will be putting up kites all around NCS during the month of March.

Please have fun with this challenge. As a family you can:

  • Read to the dog
  • Read in the bathtub
  • Read in the closet with a flashlight
  • Read to each other
  • Read to a stuffed animal
  • Read under the covers
  • Read a book about school
  • Read a nonfiction book
  • Read a book with a ? in the title
  • Read a book of poetry
  • Read a book about Maine
We have had some wonderful donations of winter clothing. Thanks for your caring and kindness.

The next stretch between breaks can be . . . well, l-o-n-g. Some folks consider March a dull, dreary month and it can seem endless. Others take joy in the welcome morning sunlight in March. Regardless of your personal feelings for this time of year, make sure you and your children get enough rest, drink plenty of water, eat healthy, get outside when possible and find special ways to have some family fun.

Have an amazing week!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Happy Friday & Happy Sunday Valentine's Day to NCS families

A huge thank you to the NPTO for the delicious lunch they provided to the faculty and staff. Your kindness and support is so appreciated during this challenging time.

The 100th day of school was Thursday, February 11, 2021. Congratulations parents, students, teachers and staff for making this happen! Thanks to all of the board members for the lovely letter sent to the staff.

Last week I had the amazing opportunity to listen to the grade seven and eight presidential speeches. Several brought tears to my eyes and they all made me believe that our world will be in great hands when they are in charge! Please check out Kris Harriman’s report in the LCN.

AND THE WINNER IS … GRADE 6!  Congratulations to the winner of the door decorating contest. All of the doors are truly amazing. We have Valentine holiday doors, a Black History Month door, an outdoor fun door, spring flower doors, doors about books, about cats, about social studies, social media, filling your kindness bucket and more. So much creativity! This was such fun. Thanks to our amazing judges!

Kindergarten went snow-shoeing on Thursday. I loved seeing all the happy red faces on their return to the building.

Grades 7 and 8 are sledding and cross country skiing at the DRA today. Thanks, Mrs.York, and the 7th and 8th grade teachers for a very fun day. 

Wishing you an amazing February vacation with your children. If you are traveling, please let Nurse Kayla know. Please, please observe all the COVID guidelines. Remember, if you are leaving the state you need to quarantine, get a test etc. You will need to present a negative Covid test before you can return to school. We do recommend that when you are returning from a “hot zone” it is very helpful if you test, wait five days and test again before returning to school. If you have a positive test, please inform your primary care physician, our school nurse and me.

We ask that you please do your part to ensure that we can remain open for in-person learning until Friday, June 18th. Have a wonderful break! See you on Monday, February 22.

Ms. Sperry


Thursday, February 4, 2021

Dear NCS families:

Here is a link to a very interesting article

This article talks to us about the difference between unkind behavior and bullying. In early childhood grades children often struggle to find their place in the classroom or on the playground. The NCS staff and I work hard to address any unkind behavior because we all take our school motto “NCS, A Caring Community” very seriously. I encourage you to read this article because it distinguishes between what is bullying and what is unkind behavior. You may find it helpful to talk about this with your children.

Plans for our classroom door decorating contest are coming along! We will be sure to take pictures so you all can enjoy them at home, and we certainly will put the winner in the LCN.  Judging will be held on Feb. 10 and there will be a celebration on the Friday before vacation for the winning class.

Pick-up and dismissal: Thanks everyone for being patient at pick-up and dismissal time. We are working hard to ensure everyone’s safety. We ask that you do not come early and pull into the parking spaces. Also, if your child is being dismissed early for an appointment, it is important that you call no later than 9:00am so that we can get this information onto the staff dismissal notes. This way we are all on the same page. Your cooperation is really appreciated.

If you have outdoor wear that your children have outgrown, we could use snow pants and jackets. Also, if you are a  knitter (or know someone who is) we could really use some mittens donated. 

February Break 2/15-19: If your family travels, be very careful and adhere to the quarantine guidelines upon your return to Maine. We have been so fortunate to have remained in school for so long. Please help us continue to keep all students and staff safe. This is especially true if you are going to a state such as Florida with so many cases.  On February 10th we will have been in school for 100 days. We appreciate your help in keeping us in school through June. This is a helpful link:

Finally, if your child is in need of
food on weekends, please do not hesitate to let Nancy know.  This year’s backpack program seems to have more meal options (as compared to just snacks).  A recent offering: beef stew and noodles, fruit, granola bars etc. This program is totally confidential. We just do not want anyone to be hungry. 

Reminder: When sending Valentines to school, please put them in a plastic bag and send them to school no later than Monday, Feb. 9.