Tuesday, November 24, 2020

and from the Art Room . . .

 Happy Thanksgiving to all NCS families!

CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of the Lions Club International Peace Poster Contest.  First place went to Kadence, 2nd place to Grace and 3rd place to AJ.   All participating 8th graders did a fabulous job and will be receiving certificates. 

Enjoy the break and see you on Monday!

Friday, November 20, 2020


Students in 8th grade created PEACE POSTERS and have submitted them to the the Lions Club International Peace Poster Contest. Here are samples of our student work! So many nice posters were created.  

We have a short week coming up, Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving break.. Remote parent/teacher conferences continue next week.  You can still sign up directly through your child's teacher(s) or contact the school if you need help. November 24 marks the end of Trimester 1.  A milestone!

If you are aware of anyone needing assistance this season, please direct them to the COMMUNITY INFO POSTS on our school website.   

Families are reminded that students continue to be outdoors for breaks.  Please think about sending your child with warm clothes and/or layers for chilly days.  

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

November Notes--'tis the season!

Lost Art:   Paper folding--hats & puppets in Gr 4

NCS teachers have been setting up remote parent/teacher conferences.  Please contact your child's teacher(s) or the office if you need help in arranging your specific time. 

Good news!  Mrs. Weeks has returned to NCS!  Watch for a newsletter from the guidance office in the coming weeks.

Grade 2 Flying Turkeys

Oh, how we'll miss greeting the NCS community for a Thanksgiving holiday meal this year, but thanks to Angela and Patty our students can enjoy a turkey dinner on Thursday, 11/18. Tempting aromas have been wafting from the kitchen today!

Here is a selection of community notices that normally would be posted at school:

  • YMCA's Giving Tree: The application period has been extended to November 20th. If your family would appreciate some gift-giving support during the holiday season, the Y Giving Tree may be a great resource for you. Or, if your family is looking for a way to help others, particularly during this challenging year, this could be an option!  The link provides information and the application:  Y Giving Tree 

  • Also, Nobleboro's Minnehata Fire Department is organizing its annual toy drive.If you are interested in this offer and are a resident of Nobleboro, please complete a form and return it to the town office before Friday, December 4, 2020. Applications are available through the town office and Nobleboro Central School.  Please call the school if you'd like us to send you a form. 

  • STAY & PLAY at the CLC-Y.   Saturdays 9-10am--one hour of free tennis for families to play together.   10-22am--group organized tennis games.  The Stay & Play program will be putting together some fun baskets (2 tennis rackets, red tennis balls, art supplies).  If you know of any students interested in tennis or a student who would benefit from the basket, contact:  Claire Mocarski 677-3666.

The end of Trimester 1 is approaching (November 24).   Grades will be released in early December.  We DO have school on Monday and Tuesday next week 11/23 and 11/24.

Such beautiful colors!

Friday, November 13, 2020

November 2020 Letter from AOS93 Superintendent Craig Jurgensen

Dear Parents, Families and Staff,

Our return to school this fall was anything but routine. But, with the significant planning and care that consumed our spring and summer months and the commitment of students and staff to keep one another safe and healthy, all AOS93 schools successfully returned to on-site instruction. The prevention and mitigation strategies we have implemented such as social distancing, consistent use of cloth face masks, and ongoing cleaning and sanitizing protocols have changed our daily routines. As a result, we have been able to safely engage in a robust and nearly normal school experience.

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday recess and upcoming celebrations such as Hanakkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa and the New Year, it is essential that we all continue to follow recommended strategies and actions that keep us and others healthy, particularly with regard to travel and in-person celebrations. 

Health experts including our AOS nurses remind us that it's important to consider a number of factors regarding travel:
  • If you and your family are traveling out of Maine for the holidays, please be aware that if you travel to a non-exempt state, you are required to either quarantine for 14 days or get a negative PCR test before returning to school. At this time, travel to Vermont and New Hampshire are exempt from travel restrictions. Exemptions for Connecticut and New York ended on November 4 and the Massachusetts excemption ended November 16. Rhode Island is non-exempt.
  • If you plan to host guests from out of state, be aware of whether they will be traveling from an exempt state with a low prevalence of disease or a non-exempt state.
  • Stay up to date with travel requirements and exemptions for you and your guests by checking the Maine travel link
  • Experts say flying is fairly safe right now because most airports are taking precautions--but it's still a confined space. If your guests are driving a long distance, they might have to stay at a hotel, which experts say can be risky. 
  • Be mindful of the health conditions of family members and loved ones. Pre-existing conditions like heart or lung disease, cancer, and obesity can all lead to greater risk. 
If your family decides to have an in-person get together, Dr. Jarvis and Dr. Nirav Shah, Director of the Maine CDC, say you should take precautions by using good hygiene and face covering and by practicing social distancing, even inside the home. You should also try to have some separation for at least the first three days of being together to watch out for symptoms of COVID-19--and you should have a plan for what to do if someone becomes sick. Click here for CDC Holiday Guidance to inform you of the best practices for safely enjoying upcoming holidays. 

And, as always, please remember to:
  1. Get your flu shot--it is not too late!
  2. Stay 6 feet apart
  3. Wear a face covering
  4. Avoid large gatherings
  5. Wash your hands often
  6. Stay home if you are sick
The more careful we are with health and safety recommendations, the more likely our schools are to stay open. Thank you for your continued support of the AOS93 community.

Wishing you a happy, healthy and safe holiday season.

Craig Jurgensen

Monday, November 9, 2020

What Weather! Is it really November?

What gorgeous sunshine we had over the weekend!  

It's time to mention the 2020 Tree of Giving. An email about the Y giving tree was sent out last week. Applications are due to school before November 13 (or return them to the Y by Friday, November 13).   Here are details for both giving and receiving:  The Y 2020 TREE OF GIVING

This is a four day week school week. NO SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 in honor of all US Veterans. 

Be sure to enjoy the week!