Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Some good news
Violinists Sam (Kieve educator in residence) and Michaela (grade 7) were on hand for lesson one:
4 Square in the art room! How to depict an object 4 different ways..... by Claire, Grade 6 (started in March of Grade 5!)CHECK YOUR CALENDAR: We will have school at NCS on Tuesday, November 3. Monday, Nov 23 and Tuesday, Nov 24 are also student days.
CHECK OUT this FARMS TO FAMILIES FLYER for a schedule of a local free drive-thru farmstand. Fresh produce!
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Early October--Crisp Apple Season!
Beautiful morning at NCS |
Amazing! October (literally) blew in last week! Did we really return to school a full month ago?
Maine is blessed with a definite rhythm to the year. OCTOBER: apples, pumpkins, foliage, darker mornings and cooler temps. Please be sure your child has a layer for being comfortable outdoors this month. The daily outside break is so appreciated, but it's not much fun if you are not dressed appropriately. Keep in mind that some classes are heading outdoors, too, weather permitting.
Parents, please be aware of this change to our 2020-2021 school calendar. Students DO have school on FRIDAY, OCT 9. No complaining! Everyone still gets a long weekend. No school Monday, October 12 Holiday.
You may have noticed that your child's lunch balance is not creeping up as quickly as it has in past years. As long as grant funds last (approx. to 12/31/20), there will be no charge for student meals this fall, regardless of your lunch status. See the 9/15 office news post for details. You also do not need to pre-order your lunch online at this point in the year.
Completing the FRL application is still important, if applicable to you (as mentioned in 9/15 post). FRL data can help our school in other subsidized ways. Contact the office if you need a FRL application.
Reminder: Use the front circle if you drive your child(ren) to school. Drop off times are 8:05-8:15 am.
Here are some pictures to show you more about school:
Kindergarten Physical Education |
CAL Project: More tables |
Music Class |
Thanks for reading. Find some joy this week!