Tuesday, September 15, 2020


How is your school year going so far?   We have been carefully attending to the business of school, and it really feels good to be back together!

A few families have asked about how breakfast/lunch works. Now that we are beyond the first week(s) of school, we'll no longer need you to pre-order meals electronically. Here's what you should know:

  • If your child needs breakfast, they can stop and pick up a breakfast on the way to their classroom.   K-2 pick up spot is near the front door/entrance to the primary wing. The Gr 3-8 breakfast pick up spot is in the lower lobby.  Breakfast is provided enroute to the classroom, but your child will continue to eat meals in their classroom.  
  • At this point in the year, it's not necessary to pre-order lunches. If your child is going to receive a school lunch, they will have an opportunity to pick it up and return to the classroom to eat.   
Thank you for helping us to plan and prepare at the onset of the school year. Read on for some very interesting news:

THIS JUST IN! News from AOS 93 Kitchens

  • USDA has extended the Summer Food Service Program Waiver until December 31, 2020 or when funding runs out. This means SCHOOL MEALS will be FREE to ALL children under the age of 18 until further notice.
  • Please complete a FRL application so your child's status is accurate when we do go back to the National School Lunch Program. (*More about that below.)
  • Whether children are attending in school or not, meals are available at no cost under the waiver. Meal pickup will be available at most schools. Contact school to find out when these meals will be available for pickup.

FRL (free/reduced lunch) applications were made available through Powerschool registration, and we also have sent home forms. If you feel your family may be eligible, please complete a form and return it to school with your child. Contact the school if you would like us to send home an application. Another option is to complete an application online. Visit www.schoollunchapp.com  Choose Maine and then our school district--AOS93/Central Lincoln County School System.

Our school benefits in more ways than lunch as a result of Nobleboro's cumulative FRL status, so we are happy to receive your application. All applications are confidential. If your child was part of FRL last year, we MUST have your application again in September.  

If you have questions about this, please contact the school. 


Monday, September 7, 2020

We're back!

We hope you have enjoyed a long Labor Day weekend. What gorgeous September weather!

It was truly wonderful to see students back at school last week. The first days provided the opportunity to practice some new habits and routines. Thank you, families, for your part in helping to make it a smooth transition back to NCS. Whether you were nervous or excited about the first day (or a little of both), it was a happy time.

Instead of trying to explain, here are a few pictures:

Our recess time may look a little different from before, but it's certainly nice to catch up with friends. . . or to make new ones. 

The 'learning tent' is very useful for holding outdoor classrooms.  Thank you to Midcoast Energy Systems for making that a reality.  We are going to enjoy this option while the weather lasts.

Except for Mrs. Stewart, everyone in kindergarten is new to our school, and we have some new faces in several other classrooms too.  Welcome!  A future post will introduce new staff members.

Students, please return summer reading logs to Ms. Harriman by 9/18. 

If your child(ren) eat school meals, you may send a check in to school or pay online. If paying electronically, look for the myschoolbucks link in your Powerschool account. If you need an access code for your schoolbucks account, please contact the office. Free and reduced lunch (FRL) applications are available. If you were eligible last year, it's important to reapply again in September.

Hang in there, and have a great week!