It's always amazing to watch growth spurts in our students at the end of a school year. The phenomenon seems especially evident in the kindergarten and 8th grade. Kindergarten children came to us looking a bit like preschoolers. Suddenly, as summer approaches, the same children resemble first graders. Eighth grade students mature and actually look like they'll fit in high school rather than in jr. high. In fact, at every level kids suddenly look like they belong in the next grade. We have missed witnessing this marvelous transformation (in person) during the spring, but have faith the growth is happening.
This week, our K-4 students participate in virtual enrichment activities. Enjoy learning some new things! Students are wrapping up the spring trimester. The last student day is Friday, June 12th. Technology gear will be collected at school on June 15th.
Congratulations to the class of 2024! We have truly enjoyed being part of your lives and wish you the best as you celebrate your accomplishments so far.