Friday, April 26, 2019

Can you believe this?

The SPRING ARTS FESTIVAL/CONCERT is less than a week away!?!?!?!?  Yes, it's true! Please join us on THURSDAY, MAY 2 at 6:15 pm for our spring performance.  Student performers should arrive in their classrooms (or music room if you're in band or senior chorus) at 6pm.  

You're invited to stroll the halls and enjoy amazing student art before the concert.  

The NPTO buy-one-get-one-free BOOK FAIR event begins Monday, April 29 and will run through Friday, May 3.  The book fair, located in the library, is open immediately before/after school M-F and will be open before/after Thursday's concert.  Would you like to help?  If you have time before or after school and would like to volunteer, please choose an open spot on this link:  Book Fair Volunteers

Here's a list of what to expect in the coming week:

  • CAL goes to FARMS at the Y on Monday, April 29
  • Baseball/Softball (weather permitting) games are Mon, Tues and Wed.  Check the calendar for up to date details and GO LIONS!
  • Gr 6 Parent Meeting for Hurricane Island on Wed @ 5:30
  • Thursday evening is the Spring Concert
  • Our Battle of the Books readers will defend NCS at Lincoln Academy on Friday, May 3
Looking beyond next week:
  • Grade 8 attends Kieve Leadership School May 6-10
  • Mrs. Stewart's Kindergarten class has a day off on Friday, May 17.  No school for kindergarten students because of Registration/Screening 5/17.
  • Thanks to NPTO, the planetarium visits NCS on Monday, May 20
  • No school for students on Friday, May 24, staff development day
  • No school for EVERYONE on Monday, May 27, Memorial Day
Enjoy the weekend, searching for sunshine!

Friday, April 19, 2019

Welcome back and hellooo Spring!

Be sure to note these dates when we jump back into school on Monday, April 22:

  • Softball/Baseball season has arrived. Keep an eye out for a beautiful sunny afternoon, come to a game and CHEER for the LIONS!  Sports dates and times (subject to change due to weather) are listed on the NCS Family Calendar and can be found here:  NCS Family Calendar on website 
  • Gr 4 to FARMS at the Y:  Tuesday, 4/23
  • Gr 8 art class to RIVER ARTS:  Tuesday 4/23
  • Final CHESS CLUB meeting:  Thursday, 4/25
  • OUTING CLUB FAMILY MEETING:  Thursday, 4/25 @ 6:30pm
  • Gr 5 DARE on Fridays
Coming very soon:
  • Gr 6 HURRICANE ISLAND FAMILY MEETING:  Wed, 5/1 @ 5:30pm
  • SPRING BOOK FAIR--buy one, get one free--Mon, 4/29-Fri 5/3.  Open immediately before and after school as well as on Spring Concert/ARTS FESTIVAL.
  • SPRING CONCERT/ARTS FESTIVAL:  Thursday, May 2 @ 6:15.  Student performers should be here--in their classroom (or music room for band/senior chorus) at 6pm.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Skating Iceland Awards (Here's grade 4!)

Kindergarten through Grade 6 have been exercising their way to Iceland and back as part of  Let's Go 5210. Today was awards day! A couple penguins arrived earlier this morning to present awards. Here's 4th grade after their presentation.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Eighth Graders Learn about WWII Through Cooking.

Written by the eighth grade class

On April 1, Nobleboro Central School eighth grade students visited FARMS at the CLC-YMCA to make traditional foods that may have been available during World War II. Virginia Hill, a volunteer at the YMCA, informed the eighth grade class about what it was like growing up in the 1940s. 

During World War II, food was scarce for many Americans. To compensate for this, many people grew victory gardens. Victory gardens were grown locally through schools and homes in order to produce more food during the wars. Young children were given jobs such as going around to houses collecting grease to make soap for the soldiers fighting in the wars. Some foods, such as bananas and oranges, were sparse because they were sent to the soldiers fighting overseas. The availability of ingredients determined what the meals of locals would be.

After Virginia told the students about life as a child in the 1940s, the class was split up into three groups. All three groups had a specific recipe. One was potato leek soup and sautéed chard, the second group made roasted beets and another made apple crisp for dessert. All of these dishes were easy to make in World War II, with the provided supplies. The roasted beets were one of the main entrees. They consisted of beets, lemon and orange juice, honey, and olive oil. 

Ellen Durgin, a volunteer for the FARMS program, taught the students how to peel and then cube the beets. The cubes were then placed on a cookie sheet and coated with olive oil. Meanwhile, other members of the group were putting a mixture together for the sauce. A lemon and an orange were grated for zest and then squeezed for their juice. The juices were put together in a bowl, along with a little bit of honey and then mixed into a thicker sauce. The beets were then placed on parchment paper, which did not exist during WW II, but was used to simplify process. Once the sauce was completely mixed, it was placed over the beets. The beets and the sauce were mixed together and placed in the oven to roast.

The potato leek soup was made with two vital main ingredients: potatoes and leeks, along with several herbs, while the sautéed chard was made with rainbow chard, garlic, and lemon. Many of the students were cautious when it came to the soup because it was so different from anything many of them had tried. In a surprising twist, the soup was a crowd favorite and many students went back for seconds, a luxury that was not afforded to many children in the 1940s.

Citrus fruits were uncommon in the typical household during World War II, for the majority of them were sent to soldiers. When fruits like apples were available, a common dessert that was made was apple crisp. The majority of the students tried something new, whether it was using an apple corer for the first time or tasting new foods.
“I tried new foods that I never thought I would like, and it was a great experience,” said Alden.
For the last six years these students have had the opportunity to learn from the FARMS program two times each year. The NCS eighth graders are grateful for the opportunities that they have been given through the program, as well as the culinary experience that they have gained. They hope future classes will learn as much as they have over the years and take advantage of the skills they have learned.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

April showers. . . (and not more snow, please!)

Everyone's looking forward to a little spring sunshine.  Here are some things to be aware of during the beginning of April:

  • THIS FRIDAY EVENING---FAMILY FUN & FITNESS NIGHT at the Y for NCS & JVS families!  This is a great FREE evening of entertainment for students and families (come with an adult). It's at the Y on Friday, April 5 beginning at 5:30 pm. In addition to activities, doorprizes and FOOD! Our two NPTO groups will offer pizza, fruits and veggies beginning at 5:30. FARMS will be serving healthy dessert taste tests too!
  • Kindergarten Registration info: Screening appointments are being scheduled, so if you know of a child in town that will attend NCS next year, please encourage the family to contact the school now!  Advanced notice:  Mrs. Stewart's current kindergarten class will not have school on MAY 17 (that's not a typo. May 17th will be screening day.)
  • Grade 7 will attend Kieve Leadership School next week, April 8-12th. 
  • Grade 4 is completing a swimming and water safety unit Wednesday afternoons at Wiscasset Rec.
  • Archery Club has wrapped up its season with a competition. Now spring sports--softball, baseball, track--have officially begun.
  • We're working hard; wrapping up the Maine Educational Assessment (a/k/a MEA's); we're always learning new things; and then it will be time for April vacation!

Monday, April 1, 2019

April Vacation---Kieve's Adventure Camp

KIEVE will accept a maximum of 25 campers at KIEVE ADVENTURE CAMP during the April break.  Here are details:
  • April 16-19 from 9am to 4pm daily
  • Tuition:  $35/day or $130 for week.  
  • Scholarships are available, contact for more information
  • Snack and lunch are provided for all campers
Contact Jess Anderson at Kieve FMI.