Friday, December 20, 2019

Enjoy the break!

Winners of the NCS ugly and cutest sweater contest are Mrs. Workman and Mrs. Hingston. 
When we return, we will welcome back Kieve educators in residence.  Kieve after school activities will begin later in January (very popular at this time of year!)  NCS has developed the following policy regarding all extra-curricular activities:

All students are expected to be in compliance with all rules and expectations during the school day prior to after school events. Students who have disciplinary situations during the day will be assessed on a case by case basis to determine eligibility to participate in after school activities. This determination will be made by the Principal or an individual that the Principal designates to make this determination. Guardians will be notified if there is a change in the end of day programming due to a behavioral or logistical situation.

Enjoy the holiday break!   We'll return on Thursday, January 2, 2020. 


Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Mr. Buce Bartrug, local artist, came in as a guest speaker for the STEAM art class and showed  his work as an illustrator, painter, photographer and fly tying.
Perhaps it runs in the family!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Hour of Code

Students participated in one hour of code on Thursday morning.  This science/technology event was organized and led by Mrs. Stiles in collaboration with 7th & 8th grade students who have taken coding in STEAM.  Hour of Code provides an opportunity for anyone to learn the basics of computer science. 
7th & 8th grade students visited classrooms to instruct/lead/problem solve with other students. It was fun!

Friday, December 6, 2019


Welcome to Trimester 2!   To Parents: Kindergarten-Grade 4 Tri 1 report cards went out today.  Grade 5-8 Tri 1 grades will be available Monday.  Some classes opted to send paperwork home today.  Either way, you can see reports online by logging in to your Powerschool Parent account.  Don't be shy about calling the school if you need help!


You can acknowledge that you seen your child's report card by using this link:  Report Card Confirmation

Read on for more news . . . 

NEXT WEEK is busy and exciting with:

  • WINTER ARTS FESTIVAL/CONCERT:  This begins at 6:15.  Students should report to their classrooms (or music room for band/sr. chorus performers) at 6pm.  We love to bring on the season with a concert! Please come and enjoy an evening of music with our students.

  • NPTO/SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR is going on in the Library.   The book fair is open Monday, Dec 9-Friday, Dec 13 before and after school, and it will be open on Wednesday evening, Dec 11.

Basketball season has begun!  Watch the NCS family calendar for games. We invite you to come and support the LIONS!

Grade 4 will go to HVNC for some more outdoor learning on Thursday, Dec 12.  

Grade 6 is raising money for a classroom project with Heifer International. Spare change accepted. Donation cans are by the office and in the 6th grade classroom.  Please read the following post for details.  (And, the post below 6th grade shares strategies for families during the holidays.)  

We hope to see you at the concert!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Grade 6 Project

 The sixth grade class is raising money for Heifer International in order to give livestock to families in need across the world. If you would like to donate, there will be donation buckets in the lobby and the sixth grade classroom.  Anything helps!
Thank you so much!
The sixth grade class

Healthy Parent News--the Holiday Season

Thursday, November 21, 2019


Developing and maintaining healthy boundaries and relationships are important skills for students.. NHFW offers age appropriate presentations at Maine schools. We have invited NHFW to come to NCS on Dec. 2 and Dec. 3. More information and grade level details are on the attached link: LETTER FROM C WEEKS

Monday, November 18, 2019

Wintery Thoughts

Fresh air is an important break in the day and we always try to opt for outdoor recess, unless the windchill causes the temperature to be below 12 degrees.  All students should now be coming to school with proper outerwear to brave the elements. Once snow is on the ground, students should also have boots and snowpants to play in the snow. It may be a good idea to send in an extra hat and gloves for your child to keep in their cubby or locker.

The WINTER ARTS FESTIVAL CONCERT is scheduled for WEDNESDAY, DEC 11 at 6:15 pm. Please put this date on your calendar. We're preparing for a wonderful seasonal performance! The book fair will also be open that evening in the library.  More details to come.

Winter weather occasionally means a change to our schedule. Families should be receiving an automated text or voice message when school is cancelled or a 2 hr delay is necessary.  If you have not been receiving the message, be sure to let the office know.  It's important that school has your current contact number. We appreciate being advised when any portion of your contact information changes.  

Just a reminder, it's helpful that we receive word from families by 9 am if your child will be absent, tardy, or has a change in dismissal plans.  We always appreciate the call or email!

Friday, November 15, 2019

What you need to know this week . . .

Chess Club has begun.  Basketball season is upon us, and we have a few more seasonal happenings during November. 

We've been preparing to serve our Grade K-4 guests next week at the annual Thanksgiving Community meal! K-4 students may invite guests.  Please be sure that you've responded to our invitation if you are a K-4 parent.   Here's a link for details:  Details/invite/rsvp

It's a treat for us to invite families in to school and serve our guests. It's also a treat for our entire school to share a meal together. Angela and Paige prepare the dinner, including fresh, local vegetables. We will gladly accept desserts from any grade students, K-8!  If you love to bake, we'll be collecting desserts at the office beginning Thursday afternoon,11/21 or at the beginning of school on Friday morning, 11/22.  

Lifetouch Retakes are Monday, 11/18.  If you would like a retake, send your first package in to school on Monday and/or go to for more package options (picture day ID: LG229050Q1). 

The Y has extended their Giving Tree deadline to Friday, Nov. 22.   We still have forms available at school if you'd like one. Minnehata's Toy Drive forms are also at the office and they are due the following week, Friday, 12/6.  

Jr High families may be interested in attending a High School Choice Info Night at GSB on Monday 11/18, 5-7 pm.  Secondary Choice info

Next week our school menu offerings have changed slightly:
  • Monday:   Grilled Chicken
  • Tuesday:  Tacos and Fish Sticks
  • Wednesday:  Spaghetti with meat sauce or plain sauce
  • Thursday:  Pizza
Parent Teacher Conferences continue into next week on Nov 18, 20 and 21.   No school for students the following week, November 25-29.  Trimester 1 officially ends on 11/29.
Have a happy weekend!

Friday, November 8, 2019

Long weekend ahead!

A group of 8th grade students recently returned from a fall OUTING CLUB TRIP in the White Mountains.  Students, parents and backpacking trip leader/teacher Ken Williams planned and prepared beforehand by organizing gear, planning meals and discussing what's to be expected.  Thinking about how to be prepared is an important piece of backpacking; the lessons learned become valuable life experiences too.
  • We'll have PICTURE RETAKES on Tuesday morning when we return from the long VETERANS DAY weekend.  
  • Order forms for NCS LIONS apparel are also due at school on Tuesday. (See info on the post below.)  ORDER FORM
  • K-4 families are invited to our all school Thanksgiving Dinner and should RSVP by Friday, Nov 15.  K-4 Families
  • Do you know the date/time for your Parent/Teacher Conference(s)?  Conferences begin 11/14 and extend into the following week.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Welcome to November! It will be a busy month, so read on . . .

Pumpkin Day was fun!

Parent/Teacher conferences:  Families are an important part of a child's education, and teachers look forward to talking about your child's progress and the specific things students are working on during the year. Beginning Nov 14 and extending into November, NCS teachers will be holding parent/teacher conferences.  If you've signed up, great(!) and thank you.  If you haven't had a chance to do that yet, we hope you'll get in touch with the school or sign up directly by accessing the remaining available times through this link:  Parent/Teacher Conference Signup Link  

Grade 7 and 8 Nov 20 and 21 conference times are filled but the teachers are happy to make an appointment work for you.  Email or

Lifetouch returns to NCS to offer retakes on Tues, Nov 12.  If your child was absent on the first picture day, extra order forms in the office. For a retake, simply turn the original package in to the photographer.

We're selling LIONS apparel this month. LIONS APPAREL FORMS  We can also send home paper order forms. Your order should be returned to the school by November 12 (so items will be ready in time for holiday gift-giving.)  

Grade 8 families are encouraged to pay attention to these two dates:
  • Wednesday, Nov. 13 @ 6:30 pm:  8th Grade Family Night/Open House at Lincoln Academy Dining Commons
  • Monday, Nov. 18, 5-7 pm:  AOS93 Seconday School Choice Info Night. This will be held at Great Salt Bay School.  
The NCS All-School Thanksgiving Community Dinner is Friday, November 22. K-4 families, watch for your invitation and please RSVP by November 15th. Details & RSVP for K-4: GR K through Gr 4 Family Link

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Thanks to all the good people who were able to help make Spooktacular a great time.  And, thank you to EVERYONE who attended to make the evening a successful event. 
Pumpkin Day is now upon us!  Thursday morning, 10/31 K-4 students will be busy with lots of fun pumpkin/academic/art/movement activities in celebration of NCS Pumpkin Day.  No costumes necessary for this event!!!  (Please save costumes for evening fun with your family.)  

NOVEMBER:   Have you signed up for a parent teacher conference?  Please call the office if you'd like help, or you can pick a teacher/date/time using this link:  parent teacher conference signup page

Wednesday, Nov 6: 
  •  Grade 1 visits Old Fort Western
Thursday, Nov 7: 
  • Gr 4 students attend outdoor learning experience at Hidden Valley Nature Center
  • Chess Club first meeting in Mr. Parcher's room.  This is open to all interested gr 3-8 students interested in learning the game. Meetings will be Thursdays 2:40-3:40.  All levels (including new players) are welcome to attend!
Tuesday, Nov 12:
  • Lifetouch retake day.  Bring your package if you'd like a retake.  If you missed the original school picture day, you may order online or request a paper form from the office.
  • Jr. High basketball preseason begins. Go Lions!
Friday, November 22 and beyond:  Community Thanksgiving Meal. All staff and students are involved in some way. K-4 students will invite guests. Thanksgiving break is the following week (no school for students 11/25-11/29).   First trimester ends Friday, 11/29.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sweet Donations!

How can you help to make this year's SPOOKTACULAR event a success?   


Drop off a dessert at NCS on Friday, October 24, 7:45am-3:00 pm

Monday, October 21, 2019

Some thoughts about the week. . .

Grade 6
NPTO hosts NobleBOOro's Spooktacular on Saturday, 10/26, 4-7pm.  This is NPTO's major fundraiser.  We hope your family will stop by for costume parade, a haunted library, Halloween themed games, silent auction and over 50 raffles.  Food for sale includes chili, hot dogs, homemade macaroni and cheese, corn bread, apples, carrot sticks, popcorn, hot and cold cider, and a variety of yummy desserts. You can buy a main course meal for $5, or items can be purchased a la carte.

Tickets are 5 for $1 to play games or enter your name to win prizes being raffled at the event.  The event is open to the public and there is no fee to attend. The costume parade begins at 5pm with all participants gathering in the music room to circle the stage.  Raffles and silent auction will end at 6:30pm. Winning items will be projected on screen starting at 6:40 pm.

If you would like to volunteer or make a raffle donation, please contact the school. We need a few more parent volunteers!  The shifts are not long or difficult: 4-5:15 or 5:15-6:30. 

The PUMPKIN RUN is Wednesday after school at LA.  Permission slips are due today to Mrs. York.  Also, please be sure all fall sports uniforms have been returned to AD Director, M York by Friday. 

After lots of preparation and a few meetings, Mr. Will's Outing Club will head off to the mountains this week. We're hoping or good weather!

Flu Vaccine Clinic will be offered this week, Thursday, 10/24, 9am-11am.  Forms were due by 10/17, but because of last Thursday's school cancellation, you may have missed it.  Please contact the school today if you need a form!

The Nobleboro Central School would like to thank Jason Lafrenaye for his generous donation to the school music program. We are all excited to hear the "bucket drum" ensemble at this year's holiday festival. Be sure to put this date on your calendar: Winter Arts Festival/Concert is planned for Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 6:15 pm.  The book fair will be open in the library that week too.
Grade 1
Enjoy the week!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Enjoy a long October weekend!

No school for students tomorrow, Friday, 10/11 (workshop day) and Monday is a holiday.  We hope your family has an enjoyable break in the schedule!

NCS will offer a flu vaccine clinic on Thursday, October 24.  The information and forms were made available to go home with your children today.  The same info can be found on this link: Flu Vaccine Clinic   If you are interested, please be sure to return the permission form by Thursday, October 17. 

We're into fall sports playoff season next week.  GO LIONS!

Monday, October 7, 2019

Short Week! 10/7-10/10

No school for students on Friday, 10/11 or Monday, 10/14. 
Enjoy a  L O N G  family weekend!  

If you are willing to help with SPOOKTACULAR on Saturday, 10/26, 4-7pm, please contact the school now or add your name to the list in the lobby.  

Remember last year's fun?

At NCS we celebrate PUMPKIN DAY on October 31.  Students engage in seasonal group lessons and activities. No dress-up required! Please save your costumes for the SPOOKTACULAR on 10/26 and/or your evening on 10/31.

Friday, October 4, 2019

It's Applefest Season!

Yes, there should be an apple picture here, but this week's artwork by 8th grade students Gary and Steven is awesome and needed to be shared.

Nobleboro's APPLEFEST is Saturday, October 5.  This afternoon our 8th grade students will help community members turn the school into an autumn celebration before tomorrow's happening.  Applefest is put on by the Nobleboro Historical Society (NHS).  Our 8th grade students jump in to help set up, work concessions, or help with clean up.  We're grateful for the NHS and its connection with our school! You're welcome to stop by Saturday, October 5, 10-2pm.
Later in October:  NobleBOOro Spooktacular! This is NPTO's very well-attended annual fundraiser.  It's scheduled for Saturday October 26th 4-7pm.  We need volunteers!  Spooktacular is very popular, but without volunteers we can't pull it off. Shifts are short--either 4pm-5:15 or 5:15-6:30. A sign up sheet is in the lobby. If you're not in the building in the near future but would like to help, call the school. Some examples of volunteer needs are: selling tickets; silent auction; selling desserts & drinks.  

Autumn is also Parent Teacher Conference season. Conferences are in November, but now is your opportunity to sign up. This link will connect you to the schedules for each grade level: 

Access your child's grade to choose a spot from the available dates and times. (You do not need to sign-in to sign up for a conference. Please contact your teacher directly if no spaces remain.) 

A gentle reminder:  It's best to contact school first thing in the morning with changes to dismissal routines.  An email or call by 9am is perfect! 

Enjoy the weekend!   

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How much do you know about school lunch?

Do you remember what school lunch looked like when you went to school? Some things have changed. Angela and Paige prepare some awesome meals, served with a smile. This month, they've really been focusing on fresh, local food. It's just one thing we love about our school.  

We wouldn't let your child go hungry, but please keep in mind NCS policy--school meals should be paid for in advance. (We generally allow a student go about $6 over before sending an email letting you know about a balance on your child's account.) More details about meals at school can be found in the NCS Student Handbook (under the Parent Resource tab on our NCS WEBSITE.

If you have historically qualified for free or reduced lunches, please be sure that you have completed a new FRL application BEFORE THE END OF SEPTEMBER. (We don't want you to receive a huge retroactive bill!)  If you have not yet applied but think you might qualify for lunch at a reduced rate, you're encouraged to contact the office.

OPEN HOUSE is THURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 5:30-6:15.  We hope to see you there!

Planning for NPTO's NobleBOOro Spooktacular

Sunday, September 22, 2019

You're Invited!

Kindergarten Art by Nolan
We'd like to welcome you to our Annual OPEN HOUSE on Thursday, September 26 @ 5:30 pm. Your child(ren) will have an opportunity to show you around and tell you about their school day. Later, in November, parents will have individual time to speak with your child's teacher(s) at parent/teacher conferences. (You'll be able to sign up for a conference at the Open House.)  Families are encouraged to explore your classroom(s) and the school from 5:30 to 6pm. Please join us in the gym at 6pm for a brief school-wide assembly.

We look forward to seeing you at OPEN HOUSE!

Have you turned in a FRL application?  If your student was eligible for FRL (free/reduced lunch) last year, you must submit another application by the end of September.  Anyone interested in applying for FRL may pick up a form at the office. All applications are confidential.

Kindergarten has a field trip on Tuesday.  

School picture day is Monday, September 30. Information has been sent home (or will be sent on Monday!)  Details on how to order online, if that's your preference, is included on the Lifetouch form.   

Field Hockey and Soccer have games this week. Refer to the family calendar regularly for up-to-date game information.

Enjoy your week and soak up some BEAUTIFUL September weather!  

Friday, September 13, 2019

How was your week?

  • The BIKE COALITION of MAINE came to school Monday to teach all NCS students about safety and taking healthy risks.  
  • PRACTICE CLUB began this week.  Practice Club is held on M, T, TH each week from dismissal until 3:40. Practice club provides a quiet place for grade 5-8 students to complete homework or projects.  
  • Fall NWEA testing took place this week for GR 5-8. The NWEA's are scheduled for GR 2-4 Tuesday, 9/17.
  • 8th GR OUTING CLUB has begun meeting in preparation for a fall backpacking trip.
  • KINDERGARTEN will go to the APPLE ORCHARD Tuesday, September 24.
  • 4th GR and HIDDEN VALLEY NATURE CENTER collaborate on outdoor/natural science programs. The students had a visitor from HVNC this week to be introduced to some special outdoor educational nature/science trips that will take place this year.
  • OPEN HOUSE:  Thursday, September 26 5:30-6:15. Everyone will have a chance to visit classrooms 5:30-6:00 followed by a brief assembly in the gym at 6pm.
  • SCHOOL PICTURE DAY:  Monday morning, September 30.  Watch for details.

Nobleboro Parent/Teacher Organization (NPTO) raises funds to help provide enrichment opportunities for our school. NPTO is currently planning its very popular fundraiser:  SPOOKTACULAR!--scheduled for Saturday, October 26th. If YOU would like to learn more or become involved in NPTO, you're invited to any of the monthly meetings.The next meeting is Tuesday, Sept 24 at 6pm.  Pizza and refreshments are provided! 

Here's a nice way to enjoy Maine's gorgeous September weather: Come to a SOCCER or FIELD HOCKEY home game!  Most games are scheduled at 3:45pm. Dates/times can be found on the NCS home page.  GO LIONS!

We are still accepting FRL applications and weekend backpack program forms. If you have questions or need a form, contact the office.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Hannaford HELPS Schools (September-November)

Here is a way you can help raise funds for our student activity account:

Welcome to Hannaford Helps Schools!
This fall, we celebrate 20 years of the Hannaford Helps Schools program! Since the program's inception, we've raised more than $12 million to help schools and schoolkids reach their goals. We appreciate your continued partnership, and if you're new to the program – we welcome you!

Between 8/25 and 11/30, with the purchase of 4 participating Hannaford Helps Schools items, a customer will receive a printout for 3 School Dollars at the register. The customer can place that printout into your school's slot in the Hannaford Helps Schools collection tower which is located at the front of the store that your school is registered with.
Customers who shop with Hannaford To Go can give their School Dollar printouts to the associate handling their groceries and let them know which school slot to put them in.
This year, Hannaford will also donate $1,000 to the highest earning school per store.
NEW this year – your school may have a chance to earn DOUBLE School Dollars! The Hannaford store that has the highest increase of School Dollars turned in will DOUBLE the payouts to all its registered schools. Help your school earn double School Dollars by reminding parents to deposit their School Dollar printouts in the tower at the front of the store.
Which store is my school registered with?
More information about Hannaford Helps Schools

Keep an eye out for your School Packet, which contains great tools to promote the program including posters, rack cards, and your Collection Envelope. It should be arriving any day!

We look forward to a great year!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Welcome to a new week!

5th grade art class
Fall sports are in full swing.  Our first soccer game is tomorrow, Wednesday, 9/4 at 3:45. It's a home game.  GO LIONS!

Grade 5-8 families:  Please join us Thursday, Sept. 5 at 6pm in the gym for a special middle school meeting.   Here are the details:  Gr 5-8 Parent Letter 

We're having an OPEN HOUSE!  Mark your calendars:  Thursday, Sept 26 at 5:30.  Students will be able to show you their classrooms, meet teachers and staff, 5:30-6:00. At 6 pm we'll have a brief welcome assembly in the gym.  

We are still accepting FRL forms.If your student had free or reduced lunch last year, please be sure to reapply this month. Nobleboro has great meals, thanks to a wonderful kitchen staff. Meals may be paid electronically through a mySchoolBucks account or by sending a check to the office. The link for the menu is under the PARENT RESOURCES tab on our website:  NCS webpage

You should receive an email when notices are posted here.  If you happened to miss last week's post, though, please read on. . . 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Well, we're here!

It was a treat to welcome students back this morning.  Everyone has grown taller! 

We have new faces at school.  Grade 2 and Grade 7 students look forward to making some new friends, not to mention the entire Kindergarten class.  We are also happy to introduce Ms. Plummer, music teacher, Mrs. Bartholomae and Mrs. Scribner, Ed Techs. Paige Trayers (of Bus 42 fame) is in the kitchen this year after she completes the daily bus run.   

Students, return your reading logs to Mrs. Harriman by Friday, September 6 to be eligible to participate in this year's celebration.

Grade 5-8 families will have a special parent meeting on Thursday, Sept. 5 at 6pm. Please read this letter: Letter to Gr 5-8 Families

Be sure to check the NCS website regularly for family calendar information. For instance, the NCS OPEN HOUSE is on the calendar. We hope you'll visit on Thursday, September 26 at 5:30 pm. 

Our student handbook has all kinds of information relating to school, it's policies and student opportunities.  Information about the Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) is included in the book. (See Page 31.)  Here's the link:  

FRL application forms are gladly accepted at the office. If you need a form, let us know. Enjoy the school year! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Are you ready?

The first day of school is Wednesday, August 28.  Here are some ways to help you prepare:

  • Make sure ONLINE REGISTRATION is complete this week.  Call/email the office ( if you need help.
  • Mrs. Courville will be available with a couple laptops at the YMCA BACK TO SCHOOL BASH on WED, 8/21 4:30-6pm to help parents with registration, if needed. 
  • Check the bus schedule--it's in LCNews and under the Parent Resource tab on the NCS website.  Be out at your stop at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time (and don't fret if the bus is a little late during those first few days.)  Be patient.  It takes a little time for the bus routes to settle into a routine.  After that, and for the rest of the year, try to allow yourself 5 minutes or more in case the bus is early on any particular day. 
  • Be sure to let the school know if your child will not be taking the bus home at dismissal. You can supply us with a schedule if you will have a certain routine. If you need to change dismissal plans on any given date, try to contact school (via phone/email/note) by 9 am. 
  • Students not taking the bus to school should plan to arrive between 7:50 and 8:05.  Your first class begins at 8:10 am.  
  • Dig out that summer reading log; stick it in your backpack now!
  • Get a good night's rest on August 27.  (Ok. That applies to staff and teachers too.)
  • We look forward to seeing you soon!

Friday, August 9, 2019

We're getting ready for you!

Families, online registration is now open. You should have received an email--perhaps a reminder or two also--with instructions. We ask that you complete your student's info by Friday, August 23.  If your child is participating in fall sports at NCS, you'll want to update your information before the first scheduled practice. Sports practice schedules are on our family calendar now.  See,  Sports info is apt to change due to weather, etc., so please refer back to that calendar regularly.   

The NCS office will be open on TUESDAY AFTERNOON-EVENINGS, AUGUST 13 and AUGUST 20th. If you need technical help or need to use one of our computers/internet to update your your child(ren)'s registration, please stop by. You can also contact the office ahead of time to arrange a convenient time to come in.  

The K-4 Ice Cream Social is Monday, August 26 at 6pm.   

School bus runs will be updated next week.  It will be similar to last year's schedule. Please allow extra time on both ends for the first week or so until the bus runs settle into a more predictable pattern.

School begins on Wednesday, August 28th at 8am.   Get your summer reading log together and pass it in on Day 1.  We'll see you soon!