Friday, August 31, 2018

Hello from NCS!

We've made it through the first week of school!  The weather was so nice today that we've totally forgotten about that first sweaty day.  Here are some things to be aware of for next week and beyond:
  • Homework Club begins on Tuesday, 9/4. HWC is open to any 5-8th grade student. We provide a quiet place to work and there is a teacher available to give some direction, if needed.  HWC meets on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 2:40-3:40 pm during most of the school year.  Students should be picked up at 3:40.
  • First soccer home game:  Wednesday, 9/5 at 3:45. GO LIONS!
  • The field hockey team will have its first game at Oceanside on Friday, 9/7 at 4pm.
NCS Open House--Wednesday, September 26 at 5:30pm.  We hope your family will be able to come visit school, meet staff and see what your child's day is like. 
Thank you for sending your children to school this week! ENJOY the  L O N G  weekend!

Tennis anyone?

Parents FYI: The Y is offering a Middle School Team tennis program during the month of September for interested 5th-8th grade kids.  It begins Tuesday, 9/4 and will be held Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00.  If your child is interested, please contact the Y to register (online, over the phone, or in person). The NCS bus swings by the Y after school. If your middle school student is signed up and needs to take the bus, please send a note to the school office.  

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Monday, August 20, 2018

Remember the Pie Social (among other things)

ALL family members are welcome!

Tuesday, August 21
 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. 

Meet our new Principal Martin Mackey!

You're invited to take some time before school begins to get acquainted with our new Principal.....and....learn how you can help support NPTO’s one and only annual fundraiser, NobleBOOro Spooktacular, a fun event scheduled for the fall!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

What you should know August 6-11

Finding ways to read, keep cool, get ready for school? (If you've set up a pattern of summer reading, that's excellent! If you meant to but haven't quite managed it, you ca start today! There is still time to make a difference! Remember, reading now could pay off in book bucks, and it is the best way to prevent "summer slide.")

Although I think summer is still in full swing, there are a few details for parents to attend to this week:
  • The online registration through the Powerschool parent portal has begun. This must be completed before the start of school.  If you have questions, need help with login information or need access to a computer or the internet, we want to help. Please contact the office.

    Fall Sports begin soon!
  • Practice and game schedules are on the NCS Family Calendar (website). Students planning to participate will need a current physical (dated within 2 years) on file at school and all online registration work must be submitted.
NCS Sports  
Coed Soccer - gr 5-8 (5th grade is invited to participate this year)
Field Hockey - gr 6-8

GSB Sports -- Mrs. York will find out if we will be able to participate in cross country and/or golf again this year. Please email if you are interested.
Cross Country - grades 5-8
Golf - grades 6-8