Monday, September 25, 2017

Welcome to Autumn 2017 at NCS!

Tues 9/26 @ 10 am
Kindergarten to apple orchard

Wed 9/27 @ 6pm
NPTO meeting at Duck Puddle Campground
This is to plan for the upcoming NobleBOOro Spooktacular on 10/27. Parents welcome!
Thurs 9/28 8:30am
Gr 5-8 attend Conservation Fair
Students must bring a bag lunch from home (or order one from the kitchen ahead of time)
Sat 9/30, 10am-2pm
Nobleboro Historical Society hosts, an annual community event for all ages.
Mon  10/2, 8:30
Info has been sent home. All students are photographed when Lifetouch comes in the fall, but you are not required to purchase photos. Packages should arrive home before the holidays.
Thurs 10/5, 6-6:30pm
Welcome! Visit school with your children to learn about their day. Visit classrooms 6:00-6:25pm, followed by a brief assembly for all families at 6:25.
Fri 10/6
NO SCHOOL for students
Staff Development Day
Mon 10/9
Thurs 10/12
PLAYOFFs begin
Soccer & Field Hockey schedules are on the NCS Family Calendar
Fri 10/13-10/15
8th Gr Outing Club Trip

Fri 10/27 5-8pm
NobleBOOro Spooktacular
NPTO’s family event at Duck Puddle Campground
11/16, 11/20, 11/21
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Sign up for a conference at Open House~
Autumn is beautiful!

Friday, September 15, 2017

School Tips for Families

The following procedures are offered to help students, families, and staff start each day with minimal stress. 

DISMISSAL or BUS NOTES:   It's best to provide the school with any changes in your child's dismissal plan first thing in the morning, by 9 am.  It seems early, but this provides us with the opportunity to be sure the right people know what will be happening at the end of the day. Call, email or send a note to school with your child (563-3437 or

AFTERNOON PICK UP:   If your child is to be picked up at dismissal, allow a few minutes before 2:30 to sign the book at the office window. This will mean we can call all students promptly at 2:30 before buses and help you get on your way.

ABSENCES, TARDY INFORMATION:   Please let the school know by 9 am if your child will be tardy or absent. 

Several people have expressed an interest in purchasing lion's pride gear--sweats, t-shirts.  Good news! We expect to offer these items during the fall. Information to follow.

Here are some dates to put on your calendar:

SCHOOL PICTURE DAY:   Monday morning, October 2 Lifetouch will be here for school portraits. Packages may be purchased online or via the form that was recently sent home with all students.  

Our official welcome, the OPEN HOUSE is Thursday, October 5 at 6:00 pm.  Plan to visit classrooms 6:00-6:30, with a brief assembly in the gym at 6:25. Winners of the lobby challenge will be announced at the assembly. 

NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 6 (workshop day) and Monday, October 9 (holiday).

Our school collects BOX TOPS for EDUCATION and FLIP TOPS (from cans), and you're welcome to leave either in the containers in the lobby. The flip tops are delivered to Ronald McDonald house as a service project.  The box tops help with student activities.

Nobleboro Historical Society's annual event, APPLEFEST, is Saturday, September 30th and our 8th grade students will be helping to serve both NHS and the community at the event. 

By the way, today's photo is from the 8th grade art class. (Perhaps you recognize one of the hands in the photo.) They've been talking about PEACE and creating peace posters. They say that the word WAR in Sanskrit means  "I want more cows!"  Let's end this blog with, "We hope you'll have a peaceful weekend!"

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

We're back!

WED, 9/6/2017 Today's sports--soccer and field hockey games, golf and cross country practices--are all cancelled this afternoon due to weather.   Please expect your athletes to come home according to their regularly scheduled Wednesday afternoon plans.

We hope the first week of school was a success for your family!   Here is some helpful information:
  • Homework Club will begin next week on Monday, 9/11/2017.  Students in grades 5-8 may stay for homework club on any Monday, Tuesday and Thursday throughout the school year from 2:40-3:40 pm. They should be picked up at school at 3:40 on those days.
  • Sports, meetings and other school events are posted on the NCS Family Calendar which appears on the NCS home page.  This is a good resource!
  • 8th grade families participating in the fall Outing Club trip should plan to attend a meeting in Mr. Williams' room on Thursday, 9/7/2017 at 6pm.
School lunch business:   Schoolbucks letters will be going home this week. If you are new to NCS, you'll receive an access code to set up a school bucks account. You may use this to pay for school meals online (there's a small bank fee to do that) or you may send lunch money directly to school with your child.  Even if you opt to pay at school, it's wise to set up the account and keep track of your child's balance.   Meals should be paid for in advance.   

If you completed a FRL application for free or reduced meals, watch for the resulting letter with your child this week.  If your child was able to take advantage of free or reduced meals last year, please remember that you MUST complete an application this year by mid September.  Applications are confidential and available through the office.   More information about paying for meals, etc. is in the NCS Student Handbook available online on our webpage/parent resources.

In case you're wondering, the pictures were taken in Mrs. Workman's class--toothpick art, grade 3.