Things to accomplish between now and August 30th:
- Complete your child's online registration for 2017-2018. Actually, this must be done BEFORE school begins. Parents, if you have not attended to this, this is a reminder. Help is available, if needed, but please do not wait until the last minute.
- K-GR 4 ICE CREAM SOCIAL is Monday, August 28 at 6pm
- Summer readers, it's time to find your log. Be sure to bring it to school 8/30-9/1, and turn it in to Mrs. Harriman or let her know if you completed it online. Summer Reading Details
- Check the bus schedule on our website or in this week's LC News. Please allow extra time for the first couple weeks of school until the schedule settles into a predictable pattern. Students of young children (K-grade 3) must have an adult waiting at the stop in the afternoon. If a 4th grade student is getting off at home without a parent at the stop, we must have permission; contact the school.
- Let the office know if your child will take a bus to an alternate stop--daycare, etc.--in the afternoon.
- Get plenty of rest before your school week actually begins.
- August 30th: Jump out of bed, eat breakfast, head to school and have a great first day!
The school is shiny, clean and just about ready for 2017-2018. We look forward to Wednesday when the halls will be full of life and chatter again!