Friday, August 25, 2017

Are you just about ready?

It's almost here!  You can tell that August is winding down. The days are warm but by evening the cool air moves in, one sign that a new school year is about to begin. The first day for everyone at NCS (K-grade 8) is WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30th. The day begins at 8am. 

Things to accomplish between now and August 30th:

  • Complete your child's online registration for 2017-2018.  Actually, this must be done BEFORE school begins. Parents, if you have not attended to this, this is a reminder. Help is available, if needed, but please do not wait until the last minute.
  • K-GR 4 ICE CREAM SOCIAL is Monday, August 28 at 6pm
  • Summer readers, it's time to find your log. Be sure to bring it to school 8/30-9/1, and turn it in to Mrs. Harriman or let her know if you completed it online. Summer Reading Details
  • Check the bus schedule on our website or in this week's LC News.  Please allow extra time for the first couple weeks of school until the schedule settles into a predictable pattern. Students of young children (K-grade 3) must have an adult waiting at the stop in the afternoon. If a 4th grade student is getting off at home without a parent at the stop, we must have permission; contact the school.
  • Let the office know if your child will take a bus to an alternate stop--daycare, etc.--in the afternoon. 
  • Get plenty of rest before your school week actually begins.
  • August 30th:  Jump out of bed, eat breakfast, head to school and have a great first day!
The school is shiny, clean and just about ready for 2017-2018. We look forward to Wednesday when the halls will be full of life and chatter again!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Things to do before school begins. . .

Online registrations have been coming in daily and if you've completed yours,THANK YOU! If not, the online 2017-2018 REGISTRATION is accessed through your Powerschool parent account. Please take time to do it now!

  • If your child participates in jr. high fall sports, online registration and medical requirements should be completed by Monday, August 22. 
  • If you need help remembering your username or need to reset a password, please contact the office: 563-3437 or
  • If you do not have access to a computer or need some help, laptops are available at the school.

Friday, August 4, 2017

We interrupt this lovely August day . . . .


Online registration for 2017-2018 is open in Powerschool. Log in to your Powerschool parent account and update/submit your child(ren)'s registration for the coming school year. We ask that you review and complete student information by mid-August, if possible. If you need a login reminder and/or help, call 563-3437 or email If you need access to a computer or if you are new to Nobleboro and want to register a new student, the office will be open during the week of 8/14-8/18. 

  • The first day of school for students is WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30
  • The K-4 ICE CREAM SOCIAL is Monday, August 28 @ 6pm
  • Watch the school website for dates/times of sports and other upcoming events

OK. Don't panic! There is still time in August to enjoy more of summer in Maine 2017. However, please do take a few moments now to prepare your family for school.

One more thing, an invitation:  Next week the NPTO (parent teacher organization) will meet in the library on Tuesday, August 8 at 6pm. NPTO meets monthly during the school year. Parents are welcome to attend meetings. NPTO helps to raise funds for enrichment programs at school, and we certainly appreciate their support!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017



Summer is in full swing, so it is hard to imagine that our fall sports are just week(s) away!   Junior high athletes and families will want to read the details below:

All students planning to participate in a sport during the 2017-2018 school year need to have a current physical (dated within the past 2 years and on file at NCS), as well as completing Powerschool school registration forms. All NCS families will receive notification to review/update your child(ren)'s school registration forms electronically. Parents can expect to receive an email notification about Powerschool registration this week. Students will only be able to participate in fall pre-season if both of these are completed prior to the practice start dates.  If you are not sure whether the physical is current, please check with your doctor's office and have a copy faxed to NCS  (207) 563-6569 or make an appointment to get one.  

Pre-season Information:

COED SOCCER grades 6-8: Practices begin on Monday, August 21, 4:30 - 6 pm. Coach - Michelle York, or 380-5235.  Players will need mouthguard, shin guards and cleats to participate.  

GIRLS FIELD HOCKEY grades 6-8: Practices begin on Monday, August 21, 3-4:30 pm. Coach - Ari Edgar, or 380-3165  (This is a new program for NCS and the team is open to all AOS 93 girls in grades 6-8).  Players will need mouthguard, eye protection goggles, shin guards, cleats and a field hockey stick. 

Please let Mrs. York know if you need help getting equipped for the season; there may be resources available through an outside organization.
  • The preseason practice schedules are posted on the school website calendar.
  • Game schedules are on the Sports tab on the school website.  
GOLF (grades 6-8) and CROSS COUNTRY (grades 5-8): These programs have been an option for NCS students through Great Salt Bay in previous years. This year it may be an option, however, students will have to wait until school begins to find out if spots are available as the GSB School Board recently made changes to their guidelines for students participating from other schools. Information will be shared as soon as it is available. Please email Michelle York, AD ( with questions or to get on the contact list when information becomes available.

Looking forward to a great fall season for the NCS Lions!