Tuesday, grades 5 and 6 will attend a Wabanaki program at the DRA. Thanks to our NPTO for helping to fund this trip. Students should dress for the weather and bring a lunch if you haven't ordered a bag lunch from the kitchen. Thursday morning the kindergarten and grade 1 students will also head off on a field trip. They are going to the apple orchard, and they will also want to pay attention to the weather and dress for comfort. Please remember Open House on Thursday, October 6th. Information has been sent home and is included here in an earlier post. We look forward to seeing you Thursday evening, 6-7pm.
Fall sports continue. Watch our family calendar for current information about soccer games. Go Lions!
No school for students on Friday, October 7th--Teacher Workshop
This weekend--Saturday, October 1--the Nobleboro Historical Society hosts Applefest at our school. Applefest is an annual community event for all ages celebrating apples and all things autumn. Our 8th grade class works closely with members of the Historical Society to help set up and prepare for the gathering. Some other dates for parents to be aware of:
Open house is an excellent opportunity for students to share their school with family. You are invited to visit classrooms beginning at 6 pm, we'll all gather briefly in the gym at 6:30, and then give families a little more time to visit before ending promptly at 7pm. The following day--Friday, October 7--is a teacher workshop day. No school for students. Two field trips are scheduled for the beginning of October (dress accordingly!):
Grades 5 & 6 to DRA's Wabanaki program on Tuesday, October 4th.
Kindergarten and Grade 1 to Biscay Orchards on Thursday, October 6th.
School Picture Day is Friday, October 14th. Flyers went home with students last week. Did you receive yours? You'll also be able to view package offerings at mylifetouch.com during the two weeks preceding picture day. All packages come with a class picture. New this year, you may purchase just a class picture or purchase a la carte. No pressure to purchase, but many families do appreciate the tradition of school portraits. Purchased packages (including retakes) should arrive by our winter holiday break.
We invite you to attend at least one of the events mentioned above. Perhaps you, too, will see why we believe NCS is a great place to be!
Thirty-three (that's 33!!) students in grades 6-8 are participating in sports at Nobleboro Central School or in cooperation with Great Salt Bay School. The sports being offered this season are Coed Soccer (at NCS), Field Hockey, Cross Country and Golf. The athletes are enjoying the opportunity to develop their skills, meet new people, be active, play a sport they enjoy and have fun!
The fall season is short and packed with competitions weekly, as well as practices most other days. If you are interested in seeing our athletes in action, check out the NCS FAMILY CALENDAR for upcoming coed soccer games or the GSB calendar for field hockey games, cross country meets or scheduled golf matches. Check these resources often. Sports schedules are adjusted and change often due to weather, etc.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Friday, September 2, 2016
We're back! It's been great to see friends and colleagues after summer vacation. The first (very short) week of school got off to a fantastic start! Children came to school ready to learn. We are also enjoying becoming acquainted with new students. We have staff news that we are very excited about too. First, Ms. Renaud (guidance) is now Mrs. Weeks, summer marriage(!). Ms. Week's email address is now cweeks@aos93.org. Mrs. Stewart is teaching Kindergarten this year. Mrs. Hingston is in Special Ed. Additions to our staff are: Ms. Philbrook, Grade 4 teacher; Ms. Hunter, music teacher and chorus; and Mr. Johnston, music with a focus on band. Welcome! Some parents have asked about school meals. Prices and information are in the NCS HANDBOOK (see pg. 21-22). Forms to apply for free or reduced lunches went home today. Be sure to send the form back to school if this applies to your family. You can see your child's lunch history and balance by logging in to your personal mySCHOOLBUCKS account. New families to NCS will receive access information to create your account. Meals should be paid in advance. You can accomplish this by sending a check/cash to school (clearly marked as lunch money with the student's name) or paying online through your mySchoolbucks account. IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO SUMMER READERS: Congratulations to students who participated and completed summer reading goals. You should turn your reading log in to Mrs. Harriman by FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2016. This is a firm date for those participating in the summer reading celebration. Enjoy a long weekend!