Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Countdown to September 1

It won't be long now before these halls are brimming with the excitement of the first week of school.  For Nobleboro students, school begins Thursday, September 1.  Students being dropped off should arrive 7:50-8 am. Buses arrive at 8 am so that everyone can be settled in their classrooms by 8:10.  

You should have received letters and emails reminding you to update your child(ren)'s contact and health information through INFOSNAP/Powerschool.  The time to complete that is now before school begins.  We're here August 23-26 to help if you need to use a laptop or have any questions. 

The bus schedule is ready:   VIEW BUS RUNS HERE

This online form will help you in communicating to us where your child(ren) will go after school M-F:  BASIC DISMISSAL DIRECTIVES    NCS assumes your child will go home on the bus unless we have these instructions set up ahead of time.   You can always change an occasional day by contacting the school that morning (by 9 am, if possible, please). 

Kindergarten - Grade 3 students:   A parent or other responsible adult must be at the stop to meet the bus.  During the first weeks, please allow yourself plenty of time before/after the estimated stop until a routine is established.  

Fall sports have begun!  The school web page has up-to-date information for practices and games, but please check regularly since this information may change due to weather, etc. SPORTS & FAMILY CALENDAR 

Kindergarten - Grade 4 families:  You are invited to an ice cream social--Monday, August 29 at 6pm.

See you soon!


Thursday, August 11, 2016

August 11, 2016

Let me assure you it's still vacation time, but here at NCS we are busy preparing for the coming year. There are a few things for families to begin thinking about too. This week's list may be helpful to you:

  • First day of school?    For students, the first day is Thursday, September 1. Here's a calendar of the entire year:   2016-2017 Calendar  This calendar is also under PARENT RESOURCES on the school's website.

  • INFOSNAP/registration? Where is my snapcode?   INFOSNAP is an app within Powerschool and you, parents, will be notified when it's time to update your child's information. Expect an email notification, probably to arrive later today, August 11.  Once you have received that notification, you'll be able to go to your Powerschool parent account and complete the registration.  In the past, you may have thought of this as the "summer package."   Your child's registration must be completed online before school begins. If your child is participating in a fall sport, INFOSNAP should be done before your sports season begins.  

    Don't worry about a snapcode.   You won't need that.

    Parents of new students are receiving an email this morning, August 11, with information about setting up your Powerschool account.   All returning students have an existing Powerschool parent account.  Contact the office if you need help or if you need to use a school computer.
  • What time will the bus pick up my child(ren) and where?   The 2016-2017 bus routes will be updated soon.  Look for the schedule in Lincoln County News and on our website.   You will be notified when the new routes are posted.
  • So many questions!   The NCS handbook is a good source of information. You will find it on our website under PARENT RESOURCES. This link will also get you to the 2016-2017 HANDBOOK .

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Enjoying your summer?

We interrupt this summer day to bring you August news:

Early this month all families will receive an email asking you to complete/update your child's summer paperwork (a/k/a INFOSNAP) online. INFOSNAP is an app that you can access through your parent Powerschool account. You'll receive an email and helpful instructions soon.

Updating your child's emergency contacts and other important school information is necessary and must be completed before school begins. You'll want to do this well before August 22 if your student will be playing soccer or participating in another school-related sport.

Here are some other August dates that may be of interest to your family:

  • Monday, August 22 4pm:  Soccer practice (grades 6-8). Details on soccer and other fall sports >>>  FALL SPORTS INFORMATION
  • Kindergarten-Grade 4 Ice Cream Social:  Monday, August 29, 6-7pm.   

Please call the school if you are new to Nobleboro and have not yet contacted us about your K-8 grade student.