Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Read this! (please)

Look at this beautiful rain forest exhibit created by 4th grade students!

We are in the midst of 3rd-8th grade MEA testing. It's going well, but we're all looking forward to getting back to our more regular academic schedule. Thank you for ensuring that your child(ren) get adequate rest and a good breakfast each morning (either at home or at school). It's also appreciated that students are arriving at school on time!  

On Friday, April 1st Lifetouch will be here to take spring portraits. Some families prefer these packages. The portraits are a little different from the fall school pictures. You can select a pose and background (or change it after you see proofs).   The spring packages will be available for viewing later in the school year. You'll be able to decide whether or not to purchase a package. (The packages do not go home ahead of time to avoid being charged for a package if you do not want to purchase them.)  Your child(ren) should have brought a flyer home earlier this week.

Also on Friday, April 1st (no joke!) reporters from WCSH 6 News will be at NCS to report on the 3rd grade Senior Buddy program. 

Nobleboro Nonsense is NEXT week, Friday, April 8th.  We are collecting prizes--including gift certificates from local businesses, games, classroom theme baskets, an Apple watch, an iPad, and more!!!  Come for dinner and a lively community event on Friday, April 8th at 5-6:30.   Prize drawings begin at 6:30.  This is NPTO's BIG fundraising event of the year.  

By the way, NPTO would love to have dessert donations. If you would like to support that effort, please sign up!  The link to sign up is>>>> DESSERTS

Friday, March 25, 2016

UPDATE: March 25 @ 8:29 am NO SCHOOL

Change:  School is CANCELLED today.

FRIDAY, 3/25/2016

Icy roads are the reason for a two hour delay this morning, Friday, March 25.   

Buses are scheduled to arrive at school at 10 am.  Everyone should be in classrooms by 10:10 am.   

Monday, March 14, 2016


This is the last week for Kieve after school activities. We've enjoyed getting to know Kelci and Chris, our educators in residence, and we are thankful for their enthusiastic support at NCS over the past weeks.  

Speaking of Kieve, the Leadership School is accepting applications for April vacation camp. This year's April camp will actually be held at Kieve. NCS students will be eligible to attend at a reduced rate.  This amounts to $30/day or $110 for the entire week. Lunch and snacks are provided. Contact the NCS office for an application (or look for application forms by the office window).

Junior high softball tryouts are Tuesday, March 15 and Wednesday, March 16, 3pm-4:30pm. Mrs. Stiles is our softball coach this year.

Zooming right along, Trimester 2 ends on Friday, March 18th!   Friday is also the final day for the grade 3-6 reading challenge. Readers have been entering their names for classroom drawings. A bike will be awarded to a boy and girl in each of the participating grades.

Saturday is Nobleboro's town meeting. Eighth grade students will have an opportunity to see local government in action while offering refreshments to those in attendance.  Come and support our school!

The MEA testing schedule begins next week for grades 3-8 through March 31. You can help your child to be prepared to do his/her best by ensuring they get plenty of rest and have a healthy breakfast! 

On Friday, April 1, Lifetouch will be at NCS for spring portraits. You do not have to purchase a package, but the spring portraits are very popular with some families. Watch for information coming home soon. Later this spring, portrait packages will be available at the office for parents to view and purchase, if interested.  FMI go online:  (Picture day code is 70144NP.)


Thursday, March 10, 2016


Mrs. Schuster (grade 3) has been selected by the Maine Education Association as a recipient of their Inspiring Educator honor. This new program highlights and recognizes educators in Maine. Paula's work with the 3rd grade/senior buddy program is considered to be exemplary by the MEA!  Perhaps you will see Paula and her class on an upcoming segment on WCSH6 news. . . stay tuned.

Congratulations to the following students whose ads were published in THE FREE PRESS for kids. (you can pick one up at a newstand)
  • Grade 8 - Natalie B, Emily L and Riley M
  • Grade 7 - Scott P
  • Grade 6 - Isaac P and Anna 

Don't forget:  Friday, March 11 is a teacher workshop day and there is no school for students Friday.   However, there is a FREE Family Fun and Fitness Night at the CLC YMCA on Friday evening, 5:30-7:30 pm.  This is a special event for Nobleboro families.  The NPTO will also serve pizza and healthy snacks at 5:30--while supplies last.  There is no admission, but students must be accompanied by an adult. We hope you'll be able to enjoy some free family time together Friday evening.  Bring roller skates/blades, or you can play tennis, floor hockey basketball, more!

Thank you to NTPO and Michelle York for arranging this event. What a great way for Nobleboro folks to socialize and expend some energy!

One more note to K-3 Parents:   SASSMM guest speakers will be at school to present in K-3 classrooms on Monday, March 28th.  This is the rescheduled date.  You may recall that SASSMM presenters were to visit our school on the recent Wednesday snow day.   SASSMM teaches in many schools throughout the midcoast area, and presenters have a great deal of experience with teaching elementary students about personal safety and awareness at an age appropriate level. In previous years, classes offered by SASSMM have been well received by students and staff at NCS, and we appreciate their willingness to help teach this subject again for the 2015-16 school year. If you have any questions about this information, please feel free to contact Chelsey Renaud at school or

Enjoy the long weekend!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

There's so much happening!

Nobleboro is a busy place! Without even glancing into the future, there'll be plenty to write about in today's blog.  

First, let's think about academics.   March 7-11 is actually a four day week for students.  On Friday, March 11, there is NO SCHOOL. AOS93 teachers will be involved in their last teacher workshop day of this school year on that day.

Monday-Thursday, we'll be all about our regular daily schedule. After school Kieve activities (Mon=7th & 8th; Tues,Thurs=1st-3rd; Wed=4th-6th) are scheduled. Signup through our webpage LOOK UNDER FORMS & SIGNUPS and, of couse, homework club and chess club. The 8th grade attends the FARMS kitchen on Monday and 3rd grade wraps up their skating unit in PE on Wednesday.  

Despite a short week, there happen to be many opportunities for enrichment and family involvement.  Here are a few:

  • On Tuesday, March 8 @ 6:30 pm, the HARLEM SUPERSTARS COMEDY BASKETBALL team will challenge the Lincoln Academy Faculty/Community Dream team.  The excitement begins at 6:30 at the Lincoln Academy gym.This benefit game always seems to be a popular event for families. If your family is interested, you may purchase tickets in advance through the NCS office. Advance admission is $8/ticket. Tickets at the door Tuesday evening: $9.  (We've been promised a brief visit from the a few of the Harlem Super Stars on Tuesday afternoon.  Shhh. Don't tell mention it to your kids. . . yet!)
  • LITTLE LEAGUE SIGNUPS are Wednesday, March 9, 6:00-7:00 pm.  This will take place in the NCS lobby for all Nobleboro families interested in Tball, Farm Team or Little League. This is the second of two opportunities to sign up. Please refer to a recent blog for details.
  • The NPTO meets Wednesday, March 9 @ 6pm in the library. If you find yourself at signups, or have been thinking you could help with April's NOBLEBORO NONSENSE, then you are most welcome to stop in at Wednesday's meeting!
  • PERFORMANCE NIGHT is Thursday, March 10, 6:30 pm. This special evening involves band students and other students who have expressed interest in performing. It's held in the Music Room, a slightly more relaxed setting than the winter or spring concert venue. If your child is participating, he/she will have received more details about arrival from Ms. Preston. At NCS, we always enjoy the final preparation for the evening when students get a chance to see the dress rehearsal.
  • Friday, March 11 is the 6th GRADE HONORS MUSIC FESTIVAL.
  • Friday, March 11, 5:30-7:30 pm FAMILY FUN & FITNESS NIGHT @ YMCA for NOBLEBORO CENTRAL SCHOOL.  This is something NEW and FREE!   Pizza and healthy snacks will provided by the NPTO at 5:30--while they last.   You can play tennis, floor hockey, basketball, jump rope, rollerblade, enter for door prizes and MORE!  (You may bring your own skates/blades or some will be available there.)   This is free to Nobleboro families. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Also on Friday, March 11, KIEVE/WAVUS will offer a COMMUNITY CLIMB NIGHT which is also free to families.  Click here for details:  Kieve

Phew! That's a lot of information.  Remember to keep reading, especially if you're part of the bicycle challenge in grades 3-6. The final day for the bike challenge is coming up on March 18th.   March 18th is also the end of Trimester 2.   Enjoy the week!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March-ing right along!

We're looking ahead on the calendar.   You may want to know about these things:

THIS WEEK, Feb 29-Mar 4:

  • Lincoln Little League Sign Ups begin this week:

  •  Wed. March 2 or Wed. March 9 @ 6pm in the lobby. This is for Little League, Tball and Farm Team.   The first family member: $35, additional children $15, maximum family cost is $65.  If your child has not participated in in a previous year, you will need to bring a copy of their birth certificate too.
  • Kieve After School Activities continue through March.  A new schedule began for February/March.   All of the links for signing up or checking dates are on the NCS WEBPAGE >>LOOK for the FORMS & SIGN UPS TAB.  
  • On Monday, March 14 the senior chorus and 5th grade will attend the Music Festival at Lincoln Academy.
  • Friday, March 11--NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS (teacher workshop day)
    Grade 3-6 students!   Friday, March 18th is the last day of the reading challenge!    It's a good time of year to curl up and read, read, read to be eligible to win a bike in your classroom (thanks to the local Masons).   
March 18th is also the last day of Trimester 2!  Report cards will be online Friday, March 25 (5-8th grade) and report cards will go home with K-4th students on Friday, March 25.

March 19th is the annual Town Meeting at NCS in the gym beginning 10 am.   The 8th grade class will be helping with refreshments that morning.
Please check the family calendar on the NCS website for all March opportunities.