Friday, January 22, 2016

Grades 3-6: Books and Bikes

This year at NCS all 3-6th grade students are challenged to participate in “Bikes for Books,” a program that helps to foster a love for reading. The Alna-Anchor Masonic Lodge has pledged to fund eight bikes at our school!  That amounts to one girls/one boys bicycle per participating grade, complete with helmet.

Ninety Masonic Lodges will present nearly 1,000 bikes to children participating in reading programs at Maine schools and public libraries.  Students are encouraged to read, and each time they complete an age appropriate book, their name will be added to a classroom drawing.   The more they read, the better their chances to receive a bike!

NCS is pleased and thankful for this opportunity to expand students’ reading skills.  If you, too, would like to support this incentive program, a financial donation may be be made to the Alna-Anchor Masonic Lodge (bicycle) or to the Beacon Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star (helmet), c/o Barry Knott, P O Box 328, Damariscotta, ME 04543.   We also would like to thank Stanley Waltz for his interest in bringing the program to our school.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Eighth Grade News

The next transition steps for 8th grade students are coming right up. On Wednesday, February 3rd, all eighth grade students will spend the morning touring and visiting Lincoln Academy. This is a follow-up to Lincoln Academy's 8th grade family night which took place in November. On February 3rd, students will see various classrooms, parts of the campus, hear about student life, and have an opportunity to ask questions of current students and faculty members. We will depart NCS for Lincoln Academy via bus at approximately 8:15 am and return around 11am for lunch and the rest of our regular school day.
On Tuesday, February 9th, a Lincoln Academy guidance staff member will visit 8th graders here at NCS for a follow up. At this time, guidance will bring course description handbooks, 4-year plan course mapping sheets, and course registration sign ups. Again, teachers and I will work closely with students in selecting courses that are appropriate for them, though you and your child will make the ultimate selections to sign off on. For some courses, such as math and honors classes, placement will be determined by assessment and/or application.
This is always an exciting time here at NCS as we help 8th graders think about and determine their next steps for the future. Communication back and forth between families and staff is welcomed and encouraged during this process. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Also, please let me know if your family is considering a high school other than Lincoln Academy so I can assist with your student’s individual transition.
Best, Chelsey Renaud (Guidance)

Thursday, January 14, 2016

And the winner is . . . .

The NCS Geography Bee was held in the gym on Wednesday, January 13, 2016.
Students in 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8th grades competed in the event.

Participants were first chosen within their classrooms. Madelyn W and Gwen W represented 4th grade; Garrett H and Alden H, 5th; Maddox T and William S, 6th; Scott P and Madison V, 7th, and the 8th grade was represented by Andrew C and Natalie B.  All participants bravely met the challenge in front of an enthusiastic and supportive crowd of spectators!

The championship round came down between 6th graders Maddox T (pictured left) and William S (right).   

The 2016 winner of the NCS National Geographic Geography Bee is Maddox T!

Maddox proceeds to the next level of the National Geographic geography competition by taking a written test. Depending upon the results, Maddox could qualify to attend the state bee to be held in April.

Students rising to the national competition will attend the National Geographic Bee in Washington DC.  The ultimate winner receives a $50,000 scholarship.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday, January 13--Regular School Day

In case you are wondering, we DO have school today and it is the regular school day schedule.   Please remember hats, boots and mittens!   Outdoor recess is so much more fun when you are comfortable and able to play with your friends in the snow.   

Other events today:   NCS Geography Bee and Boys playoff game at 3:45.   It's a home game, so we hope you will come and support the Lions!  

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Playoff Season

Hello Lions Fans!
Please take note of the following playoff information:

  • NCS BOYS basketball HOME playoff game will be Wednesday, January 13 @ 3:45 pm.  The boys play Bristol here at Nobleboro.
  • NCS GIRLS basketball AWAY playoff game is scheduled for Friday, January 15 @ 3:45 pm vs. Wiscasset.   The game will be played at WISCASSET HIGH SCHOOL.

Friday, January 8, 2016

KIEVE AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES @ NCS (and other opportunities related to Kieve)

This is an exciting time of year for students and staff because we are getting to know our Kieve Educators in Residence, two individuals visiting our school from Kieve.  This year our EIR's are Kelci and Chris. This week Kelci and Chris will acquaint themselves with students during lunch and recess and by assisting in classrooms.

The ever-popular KIEVE AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES begin next week! Activities are by age and interest, and will be held from 2:40-3:45.  A student may sign up for any or all dates specific to their age group. There is a limit to the number of students that may participate, so you should sign your child(ren) up beforehand and be aware that some dates fill up quickly.

After school activities with Kelci and Chris will be a fun way to experience outdoor/indoor enrichment during this period of the winter. There is no charge to families (but please be respectful of Kelci and Chris' commitment to our school by arranging ride/pick up promptly at 3:45). Thanks to Kieve for making this generous and much-appreciated partnership possible.

An overview of the schedule follows and is on the family calendar.  The first week's activities are titled "Meet & Greet." You'll want to be sure your child has appropriate outdoor gear just in case the weather's great.  

Specific activities will be shared electronically and be available by email and on our webpage on 1/8/2016.

While we're on the subject of winter and Kieve offerings, you may be interested to know this: . . 
  • A fun FAMILY ACTIVITY January 8, 2016, 6-9pm--Community Climb Night.  It's free to everyone, but you must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Winter Adventure Camp.   Plan now for February vacation:  

Friday, January 1, 2016

Welcoming in a New Year!

Academically speaking, we're right in the middle of the 2015-2016 school year.  For most people, though, there is something very refreshing about a new calendar year. It's a time to reflect and look ahead at goals and possibilities.

The following note from the 6th grade is a reminder that learning is not merely academic. Each day provides opportunity to grow as team players and as individuals.  Please read on . . .

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who was kind enough to donate to the sixth grade charity project, "Change for Change."  The NCS community raised $380 (!!!).

Our goal was to purchase animals for people who live in poverty in Africa. We have purchased chickens, geese, ducks, honeybees and rabbits! We feel that this is important because many people in Africa have a lot less than we have. We also feel that doing this is important so that people in need can receive a reliable source of food.

Thank you, once again, for responding generously, so we could help others. We can change lives!

Most gratefully, 

We're back to school on Monday.  Here are some January reminders:
  • Homework Club resumes for grades 5-8 @ 2:40-3:40 pm on M,T,Th.
  • HOME game vs. Bristol, Monday 1/4/16:  Girls play first at 3:45 pm. (This week's practices are scheduled on Tuesday & Thursday. Team/parents are reminded to check our web page calendar regularly for changes.)
  • Away game vs. St. George, Wednesday 1/6/16.  Girls play first @ 3:45 pm.
  • Chess Club Thursdays 2:40-3:40 pm
  • School Board  Monday, 1/11/16 @ 6 pm
  • NCS Geography Bee Wednesday, 1/13/16 @ 1:40 pm 
  • Busline Playoffs (basketball) begin with quarterfinals on 1/14/16; semifinals 1/16/16
  • NO SCHOOL on Monday, 1/18/16 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
Students benefit from a fresh air recess break. Please make sure your child(ren) bring warm clothing to school so they can enjoy recess time comfortably.  If they want to play in the snow, students must wear proper gear: snowpants, boots, etc.

Happy New Year!