Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Enjoy Vacation Break!

Happy winter!   No school for students Thursday, December 22, 2016-Monday, Jan 2, 2017. We hope your family will have a safe and happy winter break!   

School resumes on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 @ 8 am!

The 6th Grade says THANK YOU!

The sixth graders would like to thank everyone who donated to the Water for South Sudan fundraiser! We held this fundraiser to raise money for a new drill that would go to a village in Africa to drill wells. We had a successful few weeks of fundraising, and we raised a lot with a grand total of $231. We are very grateful, and as we liked to say, every penny did count!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Keep Warm! It's Cold Outside!

The outdoor temps are dropping!  Please be sure that your children are leaving for school dressed appropriately, particularly considering this week's frigid temperatures.   

We will have indoor recess when the temperatures/wind chill drop, BUT this is a good time to remind everyone of the importance of keeping warm while waiting for the bus and after school. In view of Thursday's forecast, we encourage families to wait for the bus in a heated area, if possible, dress warm and be smart in the cold!
FYI. . . on any normal winter day, it's lots of fun for children to play in the snow.   Appropriate winter recess gear is required to be part of the fun in the snow. Please be sure children have hats, mittens, snowpants, jacket and boots. 


Friday, December 9, 2016

Report Card Day!

  • Grades K-4 will bring a paper report card home this afternoon.  Please sign and return the envelope to school on Monday.  You may keep the report card.
  • Grade 5-8 families:  Trimester 1 grades are online, and you may access them by signing in to your Powerschool parent account.   Parents have also received the link to confirm acknowledgement of report card day.   You will receive that by email (or look under the FORMS tab on our web page).   
If you were able to attend last night's Festival of the Arts, we'd like to thank you for supporting our students' accomplishments!   

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday Evening, December 8 FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS

Dear Friends and Families,

We've been preparing for you, our guests, at tonight's Festival of the Arts (including winter concert).    Kindergarten-Grade 5 should meet in their classrooms by 6 pm.   Band and Senior Chorus members meet in the Music Room by 6pm.   

The NPTO book fair will be open at 5:30 and after the concert.  We do appreciate the parents that have volunteered this week at the book fair!  An NPTO wish tree is in the lobby with ornaments.  If you would like to fulfill a wish for a classroom, please take one of the ornaments and send the "wish" with ornament back to school before winter break.   

Be sure to notice some fantastic art on our walls and in the lobby.  There will also be interactive art in the lobby this evening.  American Gothic--that's all I'll say!

Look for the 6th grade display in the lobby, too. They are accepting donations for their service project: Water for South Sudan.   Grade 6 students have been raising money to build wells "so people can have clean water to drink." In their words, "Every penny counts!"   (BONUS thank you gift tonight from grade 6--coloring books. Their own coloring books were produced to show appreciation for donations.

Meanwhile, also in the spirit of the season, Kindergarten and 8th grade buddies are collecting for donations for the local food pantry.   A box is located near the front door.  Non-perishable food items, diapers and pet food are all good examples of what they are hoping to donate to our local food pantry.

Thank you, everyone, for supporting our students this evening in a variety of ways.  We look forward to tonight's Festival of the Arts.  The program in the gym begins at 6:15 pm!


Kindergarten Food Drive

Kindergarten students are working with their 8th grade buddies on a food drive. Together they have made posters and have hung them around the school. The 8th grade buddies decorated boxes for donations.  Look for a box by the front door.  Please feel free to donate any non-perishable food items or diapers and pet food.  We will collect items until the end of the day on 12/16. We appreciate any donations you can provide.

For 6th grade news, read the next post . . . 

The HOUR OF CODE written by the 6th grade class

On December 6, 2016, the sixth graders participated in the Hour of Code. The Hour of Code is an event that hundreds of schools around the world take part in. This program was created to help students find an interest in coding and technology. Code is a very important part in technology; it is used in games, apps, and all aspects of computer technology.
During our Hour of Code, we had to solve different puzzles using certain blocks to make Moana or Maui, the Disney characters, act or move.
“It was really interesting to know that coding was actually so easy!” Izzy explained.
“It was fun and challenging but hard to drag words to make the characters move or act in a certain way,” said Cutter, one of the many students who completed the difficult challenges in the Hour of Code.
Have you ever considered having a career in coding or technology?
Did you know that careers in technology and coding are some of the highest paying jobs available? There are many opportunities to get a job in computer science!
This is what the sixth grade thought about coding and how to use this in technology:
“It was interesting to see how students engaged in the process and were problem solvers when coding became more complex,” stated Mrs. Sabina.
“Coding is awesome!” said Hunter, the first student in the sixth grade to complete the Hour of Code.
Anyone can learn how to code. We, the sixth graders, encourage you to try the Hour of Code!

Friday, December 2, 2016

December is here!

Can you believe it?   It's December!  This week we've been thinking, planning and practicing for our upcoming Festival of the Arts (a winter concert with a touch of visual arts).  We hope you'll be able to join us THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th!  

Some information for parents about Thursday, December 8th:    
  • Students should arrive by 6pm. K-5 student singers should be in their classrooms at 6pm.   Grade 5 (band) - 8th grade performers should meet in the music room by 6pm. 
  • This is a special school event and a chance for students to wear their holiday best!  
  • The book fair will also be open in the library.  Book bucks will be honored.   The book fair is open before school (7:50-8:15), after school (2:40-3:00) and the evening of Festival of Arts.   The book fair is brought to us by the NPTO.  (Thank you!)
We have reached the end of Trimester 1.   Trimester 1 reports go out Friday, December 9.   Grades K-4 bring home a paper report.  Grade 5-8 reports will be available online through your Powerschool parent account.  

Enjoy your weekend!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Being Thankful!

Thanks to everyone for helping to make Friday's community Thanksgiving meal a success. It all began early in the morning with junior high helpers. You would not believe the cooperative work that has taken place by the time our guests arrive! Whether you were a guest or a helper, we appreciate your part in our school.

This week is short, but please remember a few special things that will be happening:

  • Monday, November 21:  Lifetouch picture retakes.   Send in your first package if you need a re-do. If a student missed picture day, plan for a retake on Monday
  • Tuesday, November 22, 9am-10am:  Flu vaccine clinic.  Forms were sent home recently and if you returned one, your child is signed up for a flu vaccine (free of charge). Reminder, K-4 students who are signed up must have an adult accompany them.  Please call the school if you have questions.
  • Monday and Tuesday afternoons, Nov. 21 and 22:  Parent Teacher Conferences.
Enjoy Thanksgiving Break beginning Wednesday, Nov. 23.  Here are a few more scenes from Friday's lunch:

Friday, November 18, 2016

Grade 6 -- Water!

What are you thankful for? Most kids are thankful for games or toys. The sixth graders at NCS are thankful for good food, housing, family, and so much more. We are also thankful for the clean water that we drink every day.

Sadly, people in South Sudan don't have access to clean water like we do. After reading the novel A Long Walk To Water, by Linda Sue Park, we realized how important this problem is. Many people, like Salva Dut, a refugee from South Sudan, noticed that his family and friends needed medical attention from the contaminated water that caused their illnesses. Salva was a “Lost Boy of Sudan,” due to the civil war going on in his country from the 1980-1990s, and traveled miles for years on end, until he reached a refugee camp in Kenya. He was then sent to America, where he was notified about his sick father. After visiting his father and seeing him so ill, he decided to do everything he could to improve this situation, including starting his organization, Water for South Sudan, based in Rochester, New York.

Water for South Sudan drills wells in South Sudan and other African countries, so people have clean water to drink. That's why we, the sixth graders, are trying to raise money to support the Water for South Sudan organization! Help us help the people of South Sudan, and don't forget, every penny counts!

We have collection cans at school at the office window, and the sixth graders will be going around collecting donations from the other classrooms.

To read more about this>>>>

Thank You!
The 6th grade classroom.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Planning ahead . . .

Thursday, November 17 begins a "season" of parent teacher conferences.   Conferences are basically on 11/17 (that's tomorrow!) and continue on 11/21, 11/22.   If you haven't scheduled yours, follow this link and choose the link next to the appropriate teacher:  TO SCHEDULE A PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE   If you need help, be sure to call the office.

We look forward to greeting our K-4 guests on Friday at the NCS Thanksgiving Celebration, as well as sharing a nice meal with all students and staff.  Families, thank you for your offers of dessert, water or cider.  Baked goods and beverages may be left at the office any time Thursday or dropped off Friday morning before school.   

Next week is a short school week. Picture retakes are Monday, 11/21. If you'd like a retake, your child should bring the first package to school on Monday.   Tuesday, 11/22 is the flu vaccine clinic 9-10 am.  K-4 students who signed up for a flu vaccine should be accompanied by an adult.  No school Wednesday, 11/23 - Friday, 11/25.

Academics and sports continue--even on the short weeks!  T

That brings us to December.  Trimester 1 grades will close on Friday, December 2.  Report cards are available the following Friday. 

Mark your calendar for Thursday, December 8, 6 pm and plan to attend the NCS Winter Concert Fine Arts Event.  The NPTO book fair will also be open that evening (and all week December 5-9).

Please read on. . . 

This year the Central Lincoln County YMCA is partnering with local schools and organizations to help families in our community who might need a little extra assistance this holiday season. We are hoping to help spread the word and encourage families who could use some support putting presents under the tree to take part in the YMCA’s Holiday Tree of Giving’s simple!

You can find a one page application in the NCS lobby, at the YMCA, and at other community buildings, or contact Mrs. Weeks to have one sent through email or regular mail. In this application you fill out information that will help provide each child in your family with up to 4 gifts (2 wants and 2 needs). The YMCA will have these gift requests anonymously hanging as an “ornament” on a tree in their lobby for community members and organizations to take, fulfill and return to the YMCA. Once returned, the YMCA will contact you directly.

All applications to participate in this program will be kept confidential and can be returned to the school or the YMCA. The application deadline is November 29th.

Families who are looking to contribute and help fulfill wishes are encouraged to visit the YMCA lobby for ornaments from the Tree of Giving.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

November 10-22

No school Friday, November 11--Veteran's Day Holiday!

Have you scheduled a PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE? November 17, 21 or 22 are conference dates. You may have received an email with a link to do this, or check Parent Resources on our website to see your teacher's available times.

K-4 families are invited to the annual THANKSGIVING FEAST CELEBRATION, Friday, November 18.   If you have not yet responded, please use the following link:  


Grade 5-8 students do not invite guests, but all classes participate in the annual Thanksgiving Feast celebration. If you would like to bake a dessert, or donate cider or water, please drop it off at the office on Thursday, Nov. 17 or Friday morning before school. 

LIFETOUCH PICTURE RETAKES:  Monday morning, November 21. (This is a rescheduled date.)  For retakes, turn the first package in to the photographer. There is no pressure to purchase a package, but if your child missed picture day, plan to have a picture taken on Monday, November 21. Extra order forms are at the office.

Parents, check your child(ren)'s backpacks for information on a FLU VACCINE CLINIC at school on November 22.  Paperwork is due Monday, November 14. 

Enjoy the long weekend! 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Apres-Pumpkin Day

This week began with Pumpkin Day.   Families, if you you would like to share excess Halloween candy, please send it in to school.  The 8th grade is collecting candy for "OPERATION GRATITUTE."   Donations are being collected in the lobby, and they will be sent as a care package to US service men and women.  

Be sure to read yesterday's blog for important information about November. . . 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

November has arrived and there are many things for you to know:

NCS students at the LA PUMPKIN RUN
Dear Families,

November is a short but busy month at school.  Here's an overview:

  • Nov. 7  First basketball (HOME) games.  GO LIONS!  The NCS Family Calendar gives the most current sports schedule information. We hope you'll plan to attend a game and cheer for our teams.
  • Nov. 9  6:30  NPTO meeting  Thinking you'd like to help support the school? Try NPTO! Read this letter:  PARENT LETTER
  • Nov. 11 NO SCHOOL--Veterans Day
  • Nov 17, 21, 22 are parent/teacher conference dates.  If you haven't signed up, there's still time. Watch for an email notification or call the school.
  • Nov. 18  Annual Thanksgiving Feast.  K-4 families are invited. See details coming to you by email--or you can click here>>>> THANKSGIVING FEAST
  • Nov 21 Lifetouch picture retakes  Proofs are in. Packages will go home today/tomorrow.
  • Nov 22 9:00-11:00 Flu Vaccine Clinic. Details to follow.
  • Nov 23, 24, 25 Thanksgiving Break
Lunch menu news:   There is a new, improved way to access the lunch menu. Bookmark:  or you can access it under Parent Resources on our school's website.   Hoover over food items for a nutritional description of each item.   You can also download the app for Apple and Android devices.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Pumpkin Day!

Monday, October 31 is Pumpkin Day for students in Grades K-4! Morning classes and group stations focus on seasonal activities and academics.  Hooray for Pumpkin Day!  (Parents, save costumes for evening; we'll be busy having fun with pumpkins at school.)

Summer Readers Celebration
October kicked off with Nobleboro Historical Society's Applefest, grades 5 and 6 attended DRA's Wabanaki program.   Kindergarten and 1st grade visited an apple orchard.  We had picture day, open house, senior buddies and chess club. The soccer season ended and basketball began. Readers and students involved in online work during the summer had their celebration. Meanwhile, several interested 8th grade students experienced backpacking with a fall outing club trip (below).

Fall Outing Club Participants
No wonder it seems like October has zoomed by!  We're looking forward to November, too, with parent-teacher conferences (11/17, 11/21 or 11/22), our annual Thanksgiving Feast (11/18), and picture retakes (11/21).  Parents of 8th grade students should watch for an email reminder for Family Night at Lincoln Academy (11/2).  More about November highlights will be out in the next blog.

I'd like to share one more picture from the recent outing club trip. Beautiful!

Mt. Moriah

Enjoy the week!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

In ART we LEAF nothing alone!

Sorting by color!

It's hard to believe, but we've completed our fall sports season.  Take a breath, enjoy the fall foliage, and . . . then . .  . get ready for basketball!  Yes, it's true! Pre-season basketball begins Monday, 10/24. Check the NCS family calendar for dates and times. NCS Family Calendar

Monday, October 3, 2016

Fall Sports--Open House--Long Weekend!

Congratulations to both the soccer team and the golf team on great play days yesterday!  

NCS played Bristol under the lights recently at Lincoln Academy.   The NCS family calendar on our webpage lists the game schedule and is updated regularly.  

The team had an exciting game vs. Camden yesterday, ending with a 6-6 tie in double overtime.The goals were scored by 4 different people on our team (which is great to see), and the defense continues to step up and really help out when needed!   At yesterday's game the midfielders were asked to put in some distance on the field to support the team on both ends.  That's teamwork!

Be our guest at the NCS Family Open House.  Your child(ren) will be able to show you their classrooms and share some favorite aspects of their school.  

  • Enjoy a long weekend.   No school for students on Friday, 10/7 (staff workshop day) and no school Moonday, 10/10 (Columbus Day).   
  • School Picture Day:   Lifetouch Friday morning, October 14. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

October 3 and beyond. . .

Tuesday, grades 5 and 6 will attend a Wabanaki program at the DRA.  Thanks to our NPTO for helping to fund this trip.  Students should dress for the weather and bring a lunch if you haven't ordered a bag lunch from the kitchen.
Thursday morning the kindergarten and grade 1 students will also head off on a field trip. They are going to the apple orchard, and they will also want to pay attention to the weather and dress for comfort.

Please remember Open House on Thursday, October 6th. Information has been sent home and is included here in an earlier post. We look forward to seeing you Thursday evening, 6-7pm.

Fall sports continue.   Watch our family calendar for current information about soccer games.  Go Lions!

  • No school for students on Friday, October 7th--Teacher Workshop 
  • No school Monday, October 10--Columbus Day

Autumn is in the air!

This weekend--Saturday, October 1--the Nobleboro Historical Society hosts Applefest at our school.  Applefest is an annual community event for all ages celebrating apples and all things autumn.   Our 8th grade class works closely with members of the Historical Society to help set up and prepare for the gathering.

Some other dates for parents to be aware of:

Open house is an excellent opportunity for students to share their school with family. You are invited to visit classrooms beginning at 6 pm, we'll all gather briefly in the gym at 6:30, and then give families a little more time to visit before ending promptly at 7pm.  

The following day--Friday, October 7--is a teacher workshop day.  No school for students.  

Two field trips are scheduled for the beginning of October (dress accordingly!):

  • Grades 5 & 6 to DRA's Wabanaki program on Tuesday, October 4th. 
  • Kindergarten and Grade 1 to Biscay Orchards on Thursday, October 6th.

School Picture Day is Friday, October 14th. Flyers went home with students last week. Did you receive yours?  You'll also be able to view package offerings at during the two weeks preceding picture day.  All packages come with a class picture. New this year, you may purchase just a class picture or purchase a la carte. No pressure to purchase, but many families do appreciate the tradition of school portraits. Purchased packages (including retakes) should arrive by our winter holiday break.

We invite you to attend at least one of the events mentioned above. Perhaps you, too, will see why we believe NCS is a great place to be!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The fall sports season is underway!

Thirty-three (that's 33!!) students in grades 6-8 are participating in sports at Nobleboro Central School or in cooperation with Great Salt Bay School.  The sports being offered this season are Coed Soccer (at NCS), Field Hockey, Cross Country and Golf.  The athletes are enjoying the opportunity to develop their skills,  meet new people, be active, play a sport they enjoy and have fun!  

The fall season is short and packed with competitions weekly, as well as practices most other days.  If you are interested in seeing our athletes in action, check out the NCS FAMILY CALENDAR for upcoming coed soccer games or the GSB calendar for field hockey games, cross country meets or scheduled golf matches.   Check these resources often. Sports schedules are adjusted and change often due to weather, etc.


Friday, September 2, 2016

We're back!   It's been great to see friends and colleagues after summer vacation. The first (very short) week of school got off to a fantastic start!   Children came to school ready to learn. We are also enjoying becoming acquainted with new students. 

We have staff news that we are very excited about too.   First, Ms. Renaud (guidance) is now Mrs. Weeks, summer marriage(!).  Ms. Week's email address is now  Mrs. Stewart is teaching Kindergarten this year. Mrs. Hingston is in Special Ed.  Additions to our staff are:  Ms. Philbrook, Grade 4 teacher; Ms. Hunter, music teacher and chorus; and Mr. Johnston, music with a focus on band. Welcome!  

Some parents have asked about school meals.   Prices and information are in the NCS HANDBOOK (see pg. 21-22).   Forms to apply for free or reduced lunches went home today. Be sure to send the form back to school if this applies to your family.  

You can see your child's lunch history and balance by logging in to your personal mySCHOOLBUCKS account.  New families to NCS will receive access information to create your account.  Meals should be paid in advance.  You can accomplish this by sending a check/cash to school (clearly marked as lunch money with the student's name) or paying online through your mySchoolbucks account.   

IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO SUMMER READERS:   Congratulations to students who participated and completed summer reading goals. You should turn your reading log in to Mrs. Harriman by FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2016.   This is a firm date for those participating in the summer reading celebration.

Enjoy a long weekend!    

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Countdown to September 1

It won't be long now before these halls are brimming with the excitement of the first week of school.  For Nobleboro students, school begins Thursday, September 1.  Students being dropped off should arrive 7:50-8 am. Buses arrive at 8 am so that everyone can be settled in their classrooms by 8:10.  

You should have received letters and emails reminding you to update your child(ren)'s contact and health information through INFOSNAP/Powerschool.  The time to complete that is now before school begins.  We're here August 23-26 to help if you need to use a laptop or have any questions. 

The bus schedule is ready:   VIEW BUS RUNS HERE

This online form will help you in communicating to us where your child(ren) will go after school M-F:  BASIC DISMISSAL DIRECTIVES    NCS assumes your child will go home on the bus unless we have these instructions set up ahead of time.   You can always change an occasional day by contacting the school that morning (by 9 am, if possible, please). 

Kindergarten - Grade 3 students:   A parent or other responsible adult must be at the stop to meet the bus.  During the first weeks, please allow yourself plenty of time before/after the estimated stop until a routine is established.  

Fall sports have begun!  The school web page has up-to-date information for practices and games, but please check regularly since this information may change due to weather, etc. SPORTS & FAMILY CALENDAR 

Kindergarten - Grade 4 families:  You are invited to an ice cream social--Monday, August 29 at 6pm.

See you soon!


Thursday, August 11, 2016

August 11, 2016

Let me assure you it's still vacation time, but here at NCS we are busy preparing for the coming year. There are a few things for families to begin thinking about too. This week's list may be helpful to you:

  • First day of school?    For students, the first day is Thursday, September 1. Here's a calendar of the entire year:   2016-2017 Calendar  This calendar is also under PARENT RESOURCES on the school's website.

  • INFOSNAP/registration? Where is my snapcode?   INFOSNAP is an app within Powerschool and you, parents, will be notified when it's time to update your child's information. Expect an email notification, probably to arrive later today, August 11.  Once you have received that notification, you'll be able to go to your Powerschool parent account and complete the registration.  In the past, you may have thought of this as the "summer package."   Your child's registration must be completed online before school begins. If your child is participating in a fall sport, INFOSNAP should be done before your sports season begins.  

    Don't worry about a snapcode.   You won't need that.

    Parents of new students are receiving an email this morning, August 11, with information about setting up your Powerschool account.   All returning students have an existing Powerschool parent account.  Contact the office if you need help or if you need to use a school computer.
  • What time will the bus pick up my child(ren) and where?   The 2016-2017 bus routes will be updated soon.  Look for the schedule in Lincoln County News and on our website.   You will be notified when the new routes are posted.
  • So many questions!   The NCS handbook is a good source of information. You will find it on our website under PARENT RESOURCES. This link will also get you to the 2016-2017 HANDBOOK .

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Enjoying your summer?

We interrupt this summer day to bring you August news:

Early this month all families will receive an email asking you to complete/update your child's summer paperwork (a/k/a INFOSNAP) online. INFOSNAP is an app that you can access through your parent Powerschool account. You'll receive an email and helpful instructions soon.

Updating your child's emergency contacts and other important school information is necessary and must be completed before school begins. You'll want to do this well before August 22 if your student will be playing soccer or participating in another school-related sport.

Here are some other August dates that may be of interest to your family:

  • Monday, August 22 4pm:  Soccer practice (grades 6-8). Details on soccer and other fall sports >>>  FALL SPORTS INFORMATION
  • Kindergarten-Grade 4 Ice Cream Social:  Monday, August 29, 6-7pm.   

Please call the school if you are new to Nobleboro and have not yet contacted us about your K-8 grade student.   

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

From Mrs. Hassett

Summer programs began last week, and we're off to a great start with half of all the students in grades 1-8 participating! It was great to see students at the Lending Library here at school, and students who are working online were very busy! Whether it's through our NCS programs or other experiences, thanks to NCS families for encouraging learning all through the year!!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Kick back and read!

Did you realize that reading for just 20 minutes/day amounts to 1.8 million words per year?!? Compare that to 5 minutes/day--282,000 words per year.  The rate for a student who is only exposed to one minute per day drops significantly--only 8,000 words.    Let's get back to 20 minutes a day--1.8 MILLION WORDS PER YEAR!!!!! 

For some of our reading aficionados, summer vacation means extra time to read, read, read. For many others, well let's just say that some of us intend to set aside time to relax and read during summer. But, summer schedules are sometimes less structured than the rest of the year, and it's easy to deviate from the best intentions.  Enter The Learning Library for families with students in grades 1-5 (that equals this past year's Kindergarten-Grade 4 children).

This summer, in July, we offer an enjoyable and convenient way to keep children reading. It's called The Lending Library. It's an opportunity for these families to continue reading--even better--to support reading at your child's appropriate reading level.  

This is how The Lending Library works:  We are open T, W, Th mornings in July. Students, accompanied by a parent, drop in for reading material. Mrs. Hingston will assist you in choosing a leveled reading book geared to your child's current reading skill. Read the book and return for another one.  (For some people, that means dropping by once a week, but you may drop by more often if you'd like or need to.)  We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity to keep your family reading.

Update:  The Lending Library concept is off to a great start. We've been open this week; it's been wonderful to have visitors. Here's good news: It's not too late to be a part of this! You're welcome to drop in, but it's also helpful to Mrs. Hingston to plan. Here's a link to let us know you're planning to make this part of your summer routine:   THE LEARNING LIBRARY  It takes just a few minutes to visit.

More summer reading and learning offerings for ALL NCS students can be found here:  NCS summer institute