Friday, December 18, 2015


Thank you to the NPTO for organizing the wish tree.  Thank you to families for supplying classroom wishes!   Thank you to all parents for responding to the report card confirmation request this week.  The winning class was 6th grade.  This class accomplished 100% parent confirmation early in the week!

Winter break for students has begun.  Monday and Tuesday, December 21 and 22 are teacher workshop days for all AOS 93 schools.  We'll all be back together at school on Monday, January 4, 2016.

At NCS, we're wishing families

a fun

and very PEACEFUL winter break!

Monday, December 14, 2015


On December 8th, 4th graders participated in the "Hour of Code." This is a global movement intended to increase student interest and knowledge about computer science and "Coding." 

The task was to complete an hour of coding while attempting 14 puzzles using a Minecraft tutorial. Students were engaged and excited about the experience, and they learned a lot about the basics of coding! 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

A new week begins . . .

Have you seen your child(ren)'s report cards?   Grade K-4 report cards went home Friday afternoon.  Please initial and return the envelope so we'll know you have seen them.

If your child is in gr. 5-8, you can view first trimester grades, including teacher comments, by signing in to your Powerschool parent account. Simply use the same login information that you used/set up at the beginning of the school year. If you need help signing in or if you require a paper copy, be sure to contact the office ( or 563-03437).  

Your 5-8 grade student may have handed you a report card acknowledgement form, but you can also easily confirm/comment by using the link emailed to parents on Friday and with notification of this blog update.  The paper form is needed only if you were not able to acknowledge the report online.

Looking ahead, we have one full week of school before the holiday break.  Students' last day of school is Friday, December 18th. Friday is a full day with dismissal at 2:35 as normal.

December 14-18:   

  • Boys basketball, an away game on Monday vs. Jefferson "B" team.
  • Both teams play Jefferson (also an away game) on Wednesday. Boys play first at 3:45.
  • Homework club is Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. 
  • Chess Club meets on Thursday.
  • The NPTO wish tree is in the lobby.  Families may take a tag from the tree to grant a classroom wish.   Wishes tend to be small but very much appreciated items, like tissues, Clorox wipes, markers, puzzles. 
  • Grade 6 will wrap up their Change for Change business this week.  (See December 2 post for information.)
Make it a good week!  (Oh, and by the way, this lovely picture captured a happy moment in the Art Room on December 4th.  Grade 3 students meet with their Spectrum buddies monthly through a program called Miles of Friends.  Students/buddies also write letters and develop friendships throughout the school year.  Our Miles of Friends program is coordinated by Mrs. Schuster, grade 3.)

A Season of Celebrations!

It's always with great anticipation that students prepare for the Winter Concert.   If you were able to attend on December 10th, thank you for helping to make the evening a success for your children!

In addition to an evening of music, student art work was on display.  Also, thanks to the volunteers that helped to make the week's NPTO book fair a success. 

NCS Artists rock the State House!

What a fabulous day in Augusta on Friday, December 4th.  Here is a photo of some of the students from Nobleboro that were honored at the State House (standing with Rep. Mick Devin).   

We're SO proud that we had 100% attendance.  Every child (with their family) who had art on display was there!  It was an afternoon filled with choral, and jazz band entertainment, along with each child being honored and  photographed with Ann LePage, Bill Beardsley (Commissioner of Education), and Julie Richard (Executive Direction of Maine Arts Commission).

Our students were well behaved, excited and inspired!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Game Notice for Basketball 12/7/2015

The Monday, December 7 basketball games are at Wiscasset Middle School on Federal Street.  Today's schedule has a change:  GIRLS PLAY FIRST. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Message from 6th Grade

Sixth grade students have been studying Africa and have become aware of the many challenges people have. The class has decided to raise money to purchase farm animals through an aid organization, Heifer International.


Families, students, teachers:

Would you be kind and help the sixth grade class collect money to buy animals for people in Africa?
We will be collecting money for this important cause until the holiday break - just TWO WEEKS!


Please drop your donations off at the office or to the sixth grade classroom.


Tuesday, December 1, 2015


We are pleased to announce that on December 4th, the Maine Department of Education and the Maine Arts Commission will host its first celebration of Excellence in Maine Visual and Performing Arts Education. This will be a reception at the Hall of Flags to recognize the artists whose work is currently exhibited at the Department of Education and throughout the State House Complex.

Nobleboro Central School is one of only a few schools selected to participate!

These are a few of the pieces of art that will be on display at the State House.    


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Welcome Back! This week at NCS

Please remember: Picture retakes are Monday morning, November 30.   If your child is going to have a new portrait taken, simply send the first Lifetouch package back to school. Students participating in retakes (and anyone absent on the original picture day) will be called to the art room, and they should bring the first package to the photographer at that time.

This is the last week to order Lions apparel and gear.  All order forms must be in the school office by Dec. 4th.  (This is a firm deadline!)

Twenty-one NCS students have been invited to attend a State House Reception for student art work on Friday, Dec. 4 at 2pm.

Parent/teacher conferences continue this week on Thursday, December 3.

Coming soon!   NPTO BOOK FAIR (Mon, Dec. 7-Fri, Dec. 11) in the library.

Coming soon!  NCS WINTER CONCERT, Thursday, December 10 @ 6:30--a concert for all grades, chorus, Jr. and Sr. bands.  

Here are some nice pictures from our Thanksgiving event:  THANKSGIVING GUESTS

Two home games are scheduled this week--currently scheduled for Monday, Nov. 30 and Wednesday, Dec. 2.   Boys will play first on both of these dates. The games begin at 3:45.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Short Week! Happy Thanksgiving!

It's a short week, but we're still doing important work.   Some families have parent/teacher conferences this evening.   A group of parents will meet in the lobby today, Tuesday, Nov. 24, to share/organize a boosters group for basketball.  
go, go, go LIONS!

Several things will be happening as soon as we return from our Thanksgiving Break:

Monday, November 30--PICTURE RETAKES:   Anyone interested in retakes should bring their original Lifetouch picture package to school on Monday.  If there are any changes to be made, be sure to make note of that.  Otherwise, the photographer will expect that you want the same package.   If your child was absent on the first picture day, you should plan that they will have their photo taken on Monday also.  

Thursday, December 3--PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES:  More conferences are held on this date.  If for some reason you have not taken the opportunity to sign up for a conference, we encourage you to do so now.   Look for your child(ren)'s teacher on the following link to schedule a time.   CONFERENCE SIGNUPS

Friday, December 4--END OF TRIMESTER 1:  Believe it or not, we're nearing the end of the first 1/3 of school.  Report cards and online reports (grades 5-8) will be available the following Friday, December 11.

Monday-Friday, December 7-11--NPTO SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR:  Get your book bucks out!   The fair will be open to students right before school begins and after school.The fair will be open the evening of the Winter Concert. 

Thursday, December 10--NCS Winter Concert:  All grades, Kindergarten-Senior Chorus and band members participate in this concert. It's a great way to share in your child's musical accomplishments, as well as enjoying the beginning of a festive season.   Look for more information on an earlier blog entry (Nov. 12).

As the weather changes, remember to send children to prepared for warmth and comfort at recess--hats, mittens, coats. 

Art News!

The Lions Club will be visiting our school to present awards to 8th grade winners of the Peace Poster Contest.   Winners:  Natalie--1st; Heaven--2nd; and Madison--3rd).  Hooray!

Twenty-one students from Nobleboro have been invited to the State House in Augusta on Friday, December 4th at 2pm. Students and families will be greeted by the First Lady to celebrate their art work and the arts in general.  

Parent Information

Maine Law requires that schools keep attendance records and also to be mindful of whether an absence is excused or unexcused.   An excused absence falls under one of these categories:  

  1. illness
  2. medical appointment that could not be scheduled outside of the school day
  3. a pre-approved planned absence
  4. observance of a religious holiday, when it falls within school hours
  5. a family emergency.

The request that a parent/guardian confirms the absence meets state requirements. The 9:00 am time is something our school has established as a way of making sure your responsibility is met, and we've accounted for it.  This helps families and schools protect from truancy.

Honestly, we are happy to hear from you.  You may email the school (cc'ing the teacher is also helpful) or call the office 563-3437.  It's okay to leave a message if the voicemail kicks in.  

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Lions Apparel and Picture Retakes

NCS lions apparel and gear can be ordered until December 4, 2015.  This date is firm.   Here is the link to the order form:   NCS LIONS APPAREL

LIFETOUCH PICTURE RETAKES:   All families that ordered Lifetouch pictures should have received their packages (minus the class composite).  If you would like a retake, or if your child was absent on the first picture date, please make a note of this:   RETAKES will be held Monday morning, November 30th. In order to take advantage of retakes, your child should bring their existing package to school and turn it in to the photographer on the 30th.

Using the code information on your picture package, you can also look online for different package options.   Please call the office or Lifetouch if you have questions. 

Thanksgiving Feast Details

A few BIG thank you's are in order even BEFORE the Thanksgiving feast:

  • Thank you to all K-4 families for responding to our invitation. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!  K-2 families should be in the lobby by 11:25 to give you time to go to your K-2 class and pick up your child.  Gr. 3 & 4 students will arrive in the lobby at 11:30 to meet parents any time 11:30 on.
  • If you offered to contribute a favorite dessert or beverage (water or cider), we very much appreciate your kindness and generosity.  Please leave your items at the office either today (Thursday) or at the beginning of the morning tomorrow (Friday).   If you will be expecting your serving plate to be returned, please tape your name to the bottom.
  • Mrs. Mercer and Mrs. Instasi have been busy preparing for a delicious, seasonal meal. (Actually, we are thankful for the tasty food that they provide daily.)
  • Several classrooms have made table decorations.   Staff and student servers, the 8th grade set up and clean up crew, under the direction of Mr. Brown and Mrs. Stiles, are instrumental in this year's effort to bring a festive meal to students and K-4 families. Thank you!

Thursday, November 12, 2015


This picture--recently posted in the library window--reminds us that a favorite time of year is approaching at NCS. 

K-4 grade parents should have received an invitation to the ANNUAL THANKSGIVING FEAST. Please respond by Friday, November 13th so we can make plans.  If you have not yet responded, the following link will provide both the details and an easy way to RSVP!  CLICK HERE

Another family event will be coming up a few weeks later--the NCS WINTER CONCERT. Read on for concert information and other recent music-related accomplishments.  


Our next family and music event is the NCS Winter Concert. Please be sure to mark your calendar: Thursday, December 10 at 6:30 pm and plan to join us  

All students in grades K-5 perform in this concert, as well as Jr. and Sr. band and Chorus.   Students are encouraged to "dress up" for this special school event.  Your child will receive ore information as the concert app   (Reminder, both bands and senior chorus have a dress code as described on their band/chorus handbooks.)

Students work hard on their concert music and look forward to sharing it with family and friends.   We hope you will join us for the evening.   Your child will receive more information as the week approaches. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9-13

November seems like a short month at school. All of a sudden we are in a new sports season, the annual community Thanksgiving Feast is next week, and the trimester ends the week after the 11/25-27 Thanksgiving break.  (Don't blink!)

Here are some things to be aware of this week:
  • Basketball season has arrived.  The first junior high basketball home games are today!  Girls play first at 3:45, followed by the boys game at about 5 pm. If you love basketball (or NCS), we hope you'll come and cheer for our team players. Today's game is at home v. Wiscasset.

    Be sure to check our web page regularly for game information during the basketball season.  If there are changes, we put the info on the web page asap.
  • NPTO (Nobleboro Parent-Teacher Organization) will meet in the library on Tuesday, November 10 at 6pm.  Parents welcome!
  • NO SCHOOL this Wednesday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day.
  • K-4 parents are reminded that you are invited to the Thanksgiving Feast.   We need to hear from you by Friday, November 13.   If you have not had a chance to respond yet, here's the link:   Annual Thanksgiving Feast INFO/INVITE/RSVP  Older students will take part in the feast too.  If you would like to contribute, please sign up for a dessert or beverage donation.
  • We will accept nonperishable donations for the local food pantry on November 20th. If you prefer to make a financial gift, look for the jar in the lobby.   
Speaking of food, there will be a change to next week's lunch menu:  Monday=ziti with garlic butter sauce; Tuesday=chicken burgers; Wednesday=Brunch for lunch; Thursday=hot dogs; and Friday=a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Art Work on Display in Augusta

The Art Room is pleased to announce that the following 20 students at Nobleboro School have been selected to have works shown at the State House in Augusta.  

Kindergarten:  Logan, Brady and Garidyn
1st Grade:  Otto, Claire and Rowan
2nd Grade: Skyler and Finn
3rd Grade:  Clover, Shuhan, Grace and Bronwen
4th Grade:  Gwen and Lincoln
5th Grade:  Marley and Garrett
6th Grade:  Quinn Madalyn and Leah
7th Grade:  Maddy Y

There will be a ceremony to celebrate their accomplishments with details to follow in a subsequent blog.

Monday, November 2, 2015

November is here!

Here are some things to be thinking about in November:
Chess Club is starting today.   The first meeting 11/4 is brief: 2:40-3 pm.   

The flu vaccine clinic is this week, Wednesday, 11/4 at 3pm for students that returned a permission form.  Remember, children must be accompanied by an adult.

Eighth grade families are invited to Lincoln Academy's Family Night on Wednesday, 11/4.  It begins in the Dining Commons at 6:30 pm.

Seventh and 8th grade students will attend the District III Honors Music Auditions on Thursday, 11/5.  Best wishes to Zak B, Heaven W!

Wednesday, November 11--NO SCHOOL in observance of Veterans Day.

Parent/Teacher conferences begin later this month.  If you have not yet signed up, this link will be very helpful to you now:   PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCE SIGN UPS

Friday, November 20th is our annual NCS Thanksgiving Feast, a very happy event! Students in grades K-4 are encouraged to invite family guest(s).   All other students take part, too, by making decorations by classroom, helping and, of course, eating together. Please complete this invitation link by 11/13/15--especially if you have a K-4 student--to RSVP and/or to let us know if you're able to contribute a beverage or a favorite dessert:  NOV 20 INVITE & INFO

Last Fiday's pumpkin day was a success!   Read on for photos.   

Friday, October 30, 2015

Scenes from Pumpkin Day 2015

Kindergarten through Grade 4 students collaborated on several Pumpkin Day activities on Friday morning, October 30. The different activities included measurement, physical activities and some artistic fun.    

Here are some scenes from the morning. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday, October 29--2 hour delay

There is a 2 hour delay for Nobleboro Central  School students today, Thursday, October 29, 2015 due to the power outage on Center Street.  An update will be provided later this morning when we know when power has been restored.  Thank you.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Looking ahead at this week

BASKETBALL:  This week junior high basketball begins.   Girls meet at 2:35-4:15 pm Monday-Friday this week. The boys will meet on Monday, October 26, 4:15-5:45 pm. THIS IS A CHANGE:   Boys basketball Tuesday, October 27-Thursday, October 29 will be at a different time, 5-6:30 pm. Be sure to check our sports calendar (or family calendar) regularly for updates and changes. Here's the link:   Nobleboro Central School

MID-TRIMESTER:  This is a good time to check 5-8th gr. assignments & grades on Powerschool. Parents use the same personal parent login info that you established at the beginning of the school year.  Powerschool Parent & Student Login  

PUMPKIN DAY:  On Friday, October 30, a/k/a Pumpkin Day, our K-4 students will be involved in learning activities--academic, artistic, and health--all relating to pumpkins!  This is Nobleboro's way of celebrating the season.   PLEASE NOTE:   Students do not dress in costumes on Pumpkin Day.

FLU VACCINE CLINIC:  Did you receive paperwork regarding the flu vaccine clinic for students on Nov. 4 at 3pm at NCS?  If you're interested, be sure to return the permission form to the school office by Wednesday, October 28. Details were sent home with students last week (including the permission form). This clinic is offered by Lincoln Medical Partners at no cost to your child. You do not need to be a patient of Lincoln Medical Partners to take advantage of the vaccine. A parent or other responsible adult must accompany the student, and you must have the permission form completed and returned to the NCS office by Wednesday.

CHESS CLUB:  There will be an initial pre-season meeting for interested gr. 3-8 chess club students.  The first meeting will be brief:  Monday, November 2 2:35-3pm.   Stay tuned after that meeting for details of the regular Chess Club meeting dates and times.  Sign ups are outside Mr. Parcher's room. 

Have a great week!

Flu Vaccine Clinic November 4 @ 3pm

On Wednesday, Nov. 4 at 3 pm, Lincoln Medical Partners will offer a free flu vaccine clinic for any interested NCS students. The clinic will take place at our school. You do not need to be a patient of Lincoln Medical Partners to take advantage of the clinic.

An information package--including the permission form--was sent home with students last week, 10/19-10/23/2015. If you would like your child(ren) to receive the vaccine, the permission form should be returned to our school nurse by October 28. A parent (or another adult appointed by the parent) should meet your child at dismissal and accompany your child(ren) during the clinic.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Friday's Pumpkin Run

Congratulations to all NCS participants in this year's Pumpkin Run held at Lincoln Academy on Friday, Oct. 23.  Although the weather was a bit chilly, the runners had fun. Four of our students earned medals for placing in the top 10, and everyone had an opportunity to take home a pumpkin.

Go lions!

Monday, October 19, 2015

October days . . .

Here are a few things to keep in mind in the October days ahead:

  • Thursday, Oct. 22 is an early release day.   Dismissal is at noon.
  • Thursday, Oct. 22 is also School Picture Day.   A Lifetouch photographer will be here in the morning. Everyone's picture is taken. If you are interested in purchasing a package or would like to choose a particular background in case you purchase a package, be sure to send the Lifetouch form back in to school with your child Thursday morning. Packages should be handed in to your child's teacher.  If you did not receive a form, please contact the office.
  • Chess Club signups are happening this month. The club is open to students in Grades 3-8.  A signup sheet is by Mr. Parcher's door. The first organizational meeting will be held Monday, November 2 in Mr. Parcher's classroom 2:40-3 pm. Make sure you have made transportation arrangements.  Regular chess club meetings will be 2:40-3:40.
  • Basketball season is upon us!   Two open gym opportunities for students planning to be on the junior high basketball team are today, 10/19 and Wednesday, 10/21 from 2:40-4pm.  Pre-season begins on Monday, 10/26. Watch our website for details/dates. Contact AD York for more information:
  • Next week, Friday, October 30, is Pumpkin Day for students in Grades K-4. Seasonal, educational activities are planned for Pumpkin Day. (Please note:  Students are not expected to bring costumes to school on Pumpkin Day.)
  • Parents, have you signed up for a parent/teacher conference

Friday, October 16, 2015

For Students in Grades 5-8: Annual Pumpkin Run

Annual Pumpkin Run
Friday, October 23 at 4:15 pm
at Lincoln Academy

This is a 1.5 mile fun run hosted by the Lincoln Academy Cross Country Program.

AOS 93 students in grades 5-8 are invited to participate. Transportation to LA will be provided; you will need to be picked up at LA after the event.   See Mrs. York if you are interested!   Or, email

Thursday, October 15, 2015

On the way!

The weather was perfect, the scenery beautiful, and the kids represented our school in a positive way. Unfortunately our soccer playoff game didn't go as well​.  The Lions lost to Vinalhaven. The Lions had a few great shots on goal, but they were either stopped by the goalie or hit the goal post! Regardless, we all agree:  It has been a good fall sports season. 

Most of the kids enjoyed the ferry ride (more so on the bigger ferry that brought us back). Everyone enjoyed dinner at Athens in Thomaston.

Time to look ahead to basketball....Go Lions!

Monday, October 12, 2015

This week--Soccer Playoffs! GO LIONS!

The #10 Nobleboro Coed Soccer team will travel to #7 Vinalhaven for a playoff game on Wednesday, 10/14.  

The team will  leave school at 11:45 p.m. (after lunch) to take the 1:00 ferry out of Rockland.  The game time is 2:45 p.m.  The team will return to Rockland on the 4:30 p.m. ferry, arriving back there at about 5:45 p.m.  They will be stopping for dinner (fast food) in Rockland and should be back to NCS around 7:00 p.m.

Parents may travel to the game with the team if they would like to.  The round trip ferry ticket is $17.50 for adults.  These can be purchased at the terminal on Wednesday. 

Please contact Michelle York, NCS Athletic Director with any questions at or 380-5235.


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Happy long weekend to you!


We've all been working hard and are looking forward to a L O N G  October weekend.   Parents, please remember:
  • NO SCHOOL for students FRIDAY, OCT. 9.   Teacher Workshop Day
  • NO SCHOOL on MONDAY, OCT. 12   Columbus Day 
Thursday October 22 is both EARLY RELEASE and PICTURE DAY. Your child should be bringing home paperwork related to school pictures today.  Whether or not you choose a package, all students pictures are taken, so you should at least choose a background. See the Lifetouch pamphlet for more information. On October 22 students will have their regular lunch and school will be dismissed at noon.

It was a pleasure to see many families at Open House this past week.  At open house, you may have had an opportunity to sign up for parent/teacher conferences. If you missed this, watch your email for a link to schedule a convenient time.  Conferences will be held in late November and early December.  

  • Soccer season is wrapping up with playoffs happening in the next week or so. (It seems like fall sports just began!)  
  • The 8th grade outing club is preparing for their fall trip next week Oct. 16-18th.  
  • Elementary Honors Music Festival, Oct. 24 for 4th & 5th gr students. Ms. Preston has sent out signup sheets.
  • If basketball is your sport, girls and boys jr. high pre-season begins Monday, Oct. 26.
  • Chess club (generally grades 4-8) will begin later this fall.  Watch for sign-ups after Halloween.  
Whatever your favorite activity may be, we hope you'll take time to enjoy the long weekend.   

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Today's SOCCER GAME has been changed to a home game.   We apologize for the late notice.   Lincolnville will be coming to NCS.    Start time:  3:45.   See you HERE!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


We regret to say that today's soccer game (Tuesday, October 6) is cancelled.   The team coming from Troy Howard Middle School near Belfast was unable to arrange transportation to Nobleboro.  HOWEVER, the coach says the NCS LIONS do have practice today at 4:30.    

See you tonight!  OPEN HOUSE--5:30 pm on Tues. 10/6

Friday, October 2, 2015

Join us!

  • APPLEFEST is Saturday, October 3 10-2pm. This annual event is brought to our community by the Nobleboro Historical Society and our 8th grade students help with the event.
  • The NCS OPEN HOUSE is Tuesday, October 6, 5:30-6:30  Parents and families are invited to attend open house.  Visit your child(ren)'s classroom and teachers.  Your child will also have an opportunity to introduce you to people and spaces that are part of their school day.  
  • NO SCHOOL Friday, October 9 and Monday, October 12.  Friday is a teacher's workshop day (no school for students) and Monday, October 12th is the Columbus Day holiday.  
  • EARLY RELEASE DAY Thursday, October 22. Students will be dismissed at noon.  Lunch is served on early release day.
  • LIFETOUCH SCHOOL PICTURE DAY Thursday morning, October 22 before early dismissal.