Sunday, December 21, 2014

Greeting to families and friends of NCS!

Recently while reviewing the many academic standards our Maine students are expected to achieve, I thought about how fortunate I am to be principal of a school where students, teachers, and families are committed to education. Each and every day I witness important and vibrant academic learning. Equally important, I see our students becoming good citizens - demonstrating initiative, persevering in challenges, and accepting responsibility for their decisions and actions. 

As we begin our holiday break on Wednesday, I want to take a moment to say thank you to families for giving us the gift of your children and your support for our efforts. On behalf of the faculty and staff, I share with you our wishes for a safe and happy holiday season and every good wish for the coming year. We'll see you in 2015!

All the best,

Ann Hassett

Bits and Pieces of News


This week we have two full days of school.   Students have a full day on Tuesday, December 23rd, and at 2:35 we will officially be on a vacation break!  

No Homework Club on Monday, 12/22 or Tuesday, 12/23
No Big Brothers, Big Sisters on Monday, 12/22.

The NPTO Classroom Wish Tree is in the lobby.   Anyone interested in purchasing an item for a classroom is welcomed to take an ornament and fulfill a wish.    The classroom suggestions are small, but not insignificant to teachers and students.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Concert, Student Art Show, Book Fair, Lost & Found, NPTO Giving Tree

Tonight--Thursday, December 11--is our Winter Concert.  Students have been practicing the music they will share tonight, and I can tell you first hand, they sound great!   

Band and Senior Chorus students should arrive at 6pm and report to the music room.   K-5th grade students should meet in their classrooms at 6:15.   

Looking for something to do between 6 pm and 6:15?   Why not stroll through the lobby and halls and enjoy the student art work on display!  A few other building highlights are:

  • The NPTO wish tree.   This is in the lobby.   Teachers/staff members have placed paper ornaments on the tree with a classroom wish.   If you would like to grant a wish, you may take the ornament, purchase the item and use the ornament for a gift tag.   Classroom gifts may be left at the office or under the tree between now and the December vacation break.
  • NPTO book fair.  This is being held in the library and will be open for business before and after the concert.   The book fair will be open through dismissal tomorrow (Friday, December 12th).
  • Change for Change.   You may see posters and a donation jar here and there relating to a project that the 6th grade students are sharing with our school.   They have been studying about Africa and are raising money to provide animals for African families. They will be collecting change until tomorrow, Friday, December 12.   We appreciate any change you may want to add to our jars.
  • Lost and found.   You can't miss this if you're heading for a seat in the gym. Take a look at the items on the table and if you see something you recognize, please take it!
That seems to cover just about everything . . . 
"and a partridge in a pear tree!"

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


We hope to see you at the WINTER CONCERT on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11 at 6:30 pm.  

This is a special event for NCS, and we hope that you will be able to attend.  All students in grades K-5 perform in this concert, as well as Jr. band, Sr. band and Sr. Chorus members.   Students in K-5 should meet in their classrooms at 6:15.   Band students warm up in the music room at 6 pm.   The concert begins at 6:30.

A bonus to our concert is the student art on exhibit in the lobby and halls.   The NPTO book fair is in the library and will be open before and after the concert Thursday evening.

Families, thanks for all you do to make school events an enjoyable experience for our students and community!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Preparing for the coming week--December 8-12

Families and friends:

Here are some things to remember about the coming week:

  • NPTO Book Fair in the library (before and after school) Monday, Dec. 8-Friday, Dec. 12.   Monday is class preview day, and then we'll be open for business right before school begins in the morning and at dismissal.   The book fair will also be open before/after this week's concert.
  • Thursday, December 11, 6:30 pm is the WINTER CONCERT.   We'll have an art show in the halls that evening too.   Students have instructions about what time to arrive. Basically, students singing with their classes should arrive in their respective classrooms at 6:15 pm. Band students should arrive at 6 pm and go to the music room to warm up.  We hope your family will be able to attend this special NCS event!
  • Speaking of warming up, it's FRIGID out today and I am reminded to mention that students should come to school prepared to be outdoors at recess time.   For young students, that means boots, hats, mittens, and snowpants.  These items are a must if they want to play in the snow.
  • Away basketball games on Monday.   Home game on Wednesday.   Always check our website for changes/additions to sports news.
  • Friday, December 12:  Report card day.   Students in grades K-4 bring home paper report cards.   Students in grades 5-8 see their trimester 1 grades online.   Parents of students in Grades 5-8 have access to this information through Powerschool.   If you need help in figuring this out, please be sure to call the office this week.   We'll be happy to assist you.
By the way, the sixth grade made Mancala games in Art (pictured above).  Awesome!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

December's coming . . .

Time just seems to fly between Thanksgiving and the winter holiday break.   Here are some important dates for families to be aware of during December:

The end of trimester 1--Friday, December 5th--is approaching.   This means students should be working NOW to have all assignments turned in to their teachers before THEN. Grade 5-8 students/parents are able to check student assignments on Powerschool.    

Many parents have attended (or scheduled) a parent/teacher conference by this time in the year.   If you missed that opportunity, please contact the school to arrange a meeting with your child's teacher(s), if necessary.  There are some conference times still available for Tuesday, December 2.

Friday, December 12th is report card day. Kindergarten-Grade 4 students will bring a paper copy home for review.   Parents should sign and return the envelope.    For 5-8th students, grades appear on Powerschool through your parent portal.  Grade 5-8 families will be provided a form to acknowledge they have reviewed the grades.  Please keep in mind, if you have questions about accessing grades on Powerschool, we will be happy to help you learn how to access grades.  Call the school if you have questions.

The NPTO book fair will be happening this month.  The book fair is held in the library before and after school, Monday, December 8-Friday, December 12.   We will also be open for business before and after the Winter Concert on Thursday, December 11th too.  The book fair is a great place to stock up on holiday gift giving.

Our winter concert is Thursday evening, December 11th.   The event begins at 6:30 pm.  

You should have received a letter in the mail explaining the school nutrition program and the importance of keeping informed of your child's lunch balance via mySchoolBucks. Meals are supposed to be paid in advance. No one is denied a meal at school, but students owing $6 or more will be offered an alternative to hot lunch.  The link to mySchoolBucks is on our website under "Parent Resources" or right here: myschoolbucks.    Finally, please keep in mind that if your family's circumstances change, you can apply for free or reduced lunch at any time during the school year. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Students and staff welcomed kindergarten through grade 4 guests on Friday, November 21. Thank you to students and staff for working to make this time a success.  Thanks also to our guests for taking time to share this special event with our students.  A short vacation break will begin Wednesday, November 25.    

                                                                                            Happy Thanksgiving!

Nobleboro Lions Gear

We are taking orders for NCS apparel and gear! Modeling some popular items for NCS are Eliza, Katelin and Paige. Order forms and prices are available at the office, or you can print your own from this link: 


We'll be taking orders at the office through Friday, December 5th.

Monday, November 17, 2014

CHANGE 4 CHANGE (Sixth Grade Service Project)


We are 6th graders at Nobleboro Central School. We have been studying about people in Africa in difficult circumstances. We learned that some people are not as fortunate as us. We can help by raising money to provide animals for African people who need them to survive. We are collecting money from now until December 12th. If you would like to donate, we will have a jar available at the Thanksgiving lunch. 

Thank you for helping us with this important service project!


It’s time to put the NCS Winter Concert on your calendar. All students in grades K-5 will perform in this concert, as well as Jr. Band, Sr. Band, and Sr. Chorus.  Students work hard on concert music for months and look forward to sharing their music with family and friends.

All students (except band members) should meet in their classrooms at 6:15. Band students should arrive at school at 6pm and meet in the music room.

Reminder: Both bands and Sr. Chorus have a special dress code as described in the band and chorus handbook. Ms. Preston encourages students to consider this concert as a "dress-up" event.

Happy Thanksgiving--Don't miss this!

It's hard to believe that we are are this far into November, but here we are making plans for the NCS Thanksgiving Meal to be held Friday, November 21 at 11:30.   Students in grades K-Grade 4 are encouraged to invite family member(s).   If you cannot attend, perhaps a grandparent would like to join your child(ren) for this festive meal. 

Invitations have gone out to all K-Gr. 4 families.   We hope you've had a chance to respond.   If you have not told us that you are (or are not) coming, would you please let the school know?   Here is a link to do that:  THANKSGIVING FEAST INVITATION/INFORMATION/RSVP.

We ask that families with students in Kindergarten through Grade 2, please arrive by 11:25. You will be given an opportunity to go to the classroom to pick up your child(ren).   Students in grades 3 & 4 will meet you in the lobby at 11:30.

Eighth grade students WILL help prepare for our guests.  Others will be serving you.   Grades 5-7 students will be eating together as 3 big happy families.   (Of course, if you have been invited to attend the dinner with a K-4 child and your 5-7th grade student would like to eat with you, that's okay too.)

Guests may donate cider, water or a dessert toward the meal.  We provide the rest.  Please deliver your donated item to school on Thursday, November 20th or at the start of school on Friday, November 21.   You can leave them at the office.

SPECIAL PROJECT THIS YEAR: Mrs. Sabina's 6th grade class is working on a service project through World Vision.  (Read on!)   Sixth grade students will set up a display in the lobby and we will be thankful to anyone interested in donating to this great cause.  (No pressure!)

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Picture retakes are Friday, November 14.   If you are interested in retakes, be sure that your child brings the Lifetouch package that you recently received to school on Friday morning. Your child will turn it in to the photographer at retake time.  The photographer will process the same package that you paid for earlier this fall.

If you missed Picture Day, please click on this LIFETOUCH PACKAGE LINK to view packages and send the information to school with a check.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Nobleboro Chess Club

The NCS Chess Club will have its first meeting on Wednesday, November 12th.   The meeting will be held in Mr. Parcher's classroom at 2:40.   This first meeting will last about 20 minutes.   Please make necessary transportation arrangements if you plan to attend.

If you have never played chess before or are a future Grand Master, all 3-8th grade students are invited to join Chess Club.   Please enter your name on the Sign-Up sheet located just outside Mr. Parcher's room or let Mr. Parcher know that you would like to participate.   Joining the club will provide a great way to learn the game at all levels.   

At the first meeting, we will set up the Club details for the year.   

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Looking Ahead

Coming up:

  • Monday, Nov. 10--NO SCHOOL/teacher workshop day
  • Tuesday,Nov. 11--NO SCHOOL/Veterans Day
  • Wednesday, Nov. 12--NPTO meeting
  • Friday, Nov. 14--Picture Retakes
  • Friday, Nov. 21--Thanksgiving Feast
  • Wed-Fri, Nov 27-28--Thanksgiving Holiday Break
Later this school year, Nobleboro students will be asked to take an anonymous health survey. The data from this survey is used at the school, county and State levels.  It supports grant funding, assessment of student needs, and the design and evaluation of health related programs.  You will receive more information on this survey closer to the time of survey administration and will have the opportunity to review its contents. You have the choice of whether or not your child will take this survey.  Your child also has the option of whether or not to participate in the survey on the day it is given.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Library and Literary Lunches (Grades 6-8)

Literary Lunch returns to the NCS library next beginning Tuesday, November 4.   Interested students in grades 6-8 are invited to eat lunch in the library as they listen to our first offering of the year, The Silver Crown. by Robert C. O'Brien.   Our guest reader is Mark Ferrero from Skidompha Library.  See Mrs. Harriman for details and to receive your "EZ Lunch Line Pass."   

DRA Getaway

written by Bryce, Joel, Mara, Kayleigh, Noah, Dakota (a first person DRA experience)

On Friday, October 17 the seventh, eighth, and CAL students traveled to the Damariscotta River Association to gain knowledge of the history of humans of previous times and how they survived. One of the teachers, David (known as N'Tapot in Passamaquoddy), taught us about how his family lived in what is now Northern Maine/Canada and how he learned to make birch bark canoes. He also told stories that his elders told him to learn life lessons.

David's great grandfather was the last known birch bark canoe builder. The students learned about what was safe and what is not recommended to eat. We, as students, received the opportunity to dig up groundnuts. One student created a "deadly weapon" with only needles and an old milkweed branch that can pierce through a tire and the wilderness around him. 

Students were divided into two sections; one group went with Sarah, and the other group went with David, and then they switched leaders. Sarah’s group walked the property and gained knowledge about making wigwams and what the Native Americans ate when they got themselves into a bind and scavenged for any available food to survive. The second group learned about how David's family had a legacy of canoe building. 

When asked, "What did David teach you about patience and family?" One fellow student, Noah, replied, "Patience is worth it afterwards." Finally, the last question, "Do you find anything to relate to on this adventure?" Rachael, said,  When David talked about patience with certain things, I understood."

The students of Nobleboro had a lot fun learning about David's life, how to make wigwams and more. Every single one of the students came back from that trip knowing something new. 


Cheyenne, Madalyn, Paige, Izzy, Anna, Ashly, and Will enjoyed a day of making music with other 5th & 6th grade students at the Elementary Honors Music Festival on October 25. The young musicians spent many hours singing, playing instruments, and moving to music before performing for a large audience of families and friends. The festival was sponsored by District 3 of the Maine Music Educators Association. 

  * * *

We have a huge event happening at NCS after school on Thursday, November 6.  Our school will host the auditions for the District 3 7th and 8th Grade Music Festival. 

Many students in grades 5-8--including band and chorus--are planning to be hosts at that evening.  Ms. Preston is busy making plans.  If you have questions or would like to help, please contact Ms. Preston directly by email or by calling the school, 563-3437.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Welcome to the NCS Office Blog

This year, NCS is trying out a new format for communication--an office blog!  This gives us an opportunity to share information quickly and efficiently.  You will be able to access the blog by clicking on the office link found on the NCS homepage, by signing up for updates, or waiting for me to send you a link via email.

We hope you'll find this unique view from the NCS office a convenient way to keep up with information and events as the school year unfolds.

Jr. High Basketball

Jr. High Basketball season begins this week. Game and practice schedules appear in two places on our web page.   You can find up-to-date schedules by looking under our SPORTS section and clicking on the SPORTS & FAMILY INFORMATION on the right hand side of our homepage.

NCS students participate in Pumpkin Run

NCS attended the LA Pumpkin Run yesterday with six participants - Madalyn, Paige, Ben, Maddox, William and Scotty.  All of our 5th and 6th grade runners challenged themselves and  finished the 1.5 mile run (which was the goal).  Two participants received medals for finishing in the top 10: Ben was #10 for boys and Madalyn was #10 for girls. That is impressive considering they were up against many 7th and 8th grade runners in AOS 93!  

We hope to make this an annual event for NCS students. Programs like Cross Country can be very exciting and fun; it’s also a great way to get involved at LA with other AOS93 schools.